Agreed she had him at Hello. Kamala walking over and shaking his hand, the adult in the room. He took all the bait and he was a destabilized angry mess. Hopefully the Americans who want a better life will understand she made the case so elegantly and will want to turn the page on the past. We are not going back.

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100 percent!!!

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#Trump has a lower #IQ than “Bobo!” … He’s just jealous cause he wasn’t allowed to wear “spikey-heals” to the debate like #Kamala did because of his “bone-spurs!” ~ @Lawrence #MSNBC #Madame-President

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Yes indeed, you are 100% an ostensible Judeo-Nazi shill.

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He reluctantly shook the hand of his executioner.

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Ouch! MVP was Presidential and she deftly threaded the needle. Her vision for the future what she will do to help Americans , and put forth his incompetent administration and felonious record.

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If he didn't want to play with the big dogs, he should have stayed on the golf course.

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If he had two neurons to rub together he’d have met her in the middle of the stage. As it was, not only did she look like a predator closing in on her prey, she simultaneously looked like the only one on the stage with a sense of decorum.

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Instead, you Ku Klux Kamalists are moving forward to more right-wing Judeonazi Holocaust funding as you simultaneously pander lip service to superficially farcical advocacy of a ceasefire.

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Many are breaking the debate down, but your observation is accurate.

VP Harris reminds me of the Fearless Girl statue on Wall


I took exception to both CNN&John Stewart’s observations. That Trump was effectively present or everything was just the same old both were wrong.

Part of it was generational. Hillary Clinton tried to appear dignified&informed.

VP Harris forced Trump to shake her hand. She stared him down, she laughed at him&called him a liar.

I’m ok with that.

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#Trump has a lower #IQ than “Bobo!” … He’s just jealous cause he wasn’t allowed to wear “spikey-heals” to the debate like #Kamala did because of his “bone-spurs!” ~ @Lawrence #MSNBC #Madame-President

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Democracy or authoritarianism. Trump is unfit…easy to manipulate, a national embarrassment. Just listen to retired generals, national security officials & others who’ve worked with him. VP Harris demonstrated that she is the only serious candidate to lead our nation forward. #VoteBlue!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=os-Sbnt7wXU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNVVjVXxFNo

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This country was founded by beating the redcoats. It will be saved by beating the red party.

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Clever observation!😁

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Thank you! … #Trump has a lower #IQ than “Bobo!” … He’s just jealous cause he wasn’t allowed to wear “spikey-heals” to the debate like #Kamala did because of his “bone-spurs!” ~ @Lawrence #MSNBC #Madame-President

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Thank you for talking about the debate. I didn't watch it because I don't watch any news after dinner, so I can sleep at night. I love that Harris got to trump at the beginning with the handshake - that was brilliant, both for proving that she is about working together, and also forcing trump into something he wouldn't want to do. It sounds like Harris accomplished what people have said she needed - a good introduction to a national audience.

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Is that why I sometimes wake up at night? 😵‍💫

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When I wake up in middle of night I enjoy it as my imagination can dance freely.

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Brilliant idea Susan. I will be recommending this to my many friends who are having trouble sleeping.

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You can probably go to YouTube and watch it there.

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Bridget, I think my husband recorded it, but I'm not sure I want to watch it. Things with trump in them get me into an unpleasant emotional tangle. Thank you for your suggestion.

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me too. when clips of him are shown volume off and cover most of the view except small corner to know it’s ok to see/hear. for me, ptsd, low resilience. the way he talks is purposely mesmerizing with intonations etc. it’s why so many are enthralled with him. 😳

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Interesting. I have had PTSD and spent years dealing with the issues behind it. I do not find him mesmerizing at all. That may because of my poor hearing ability, but I don't understand (don't pick up on) most of his words, and he just by being who he is upsets me enough that I don't even try any more. When I do get what he says it's not worth it.

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Wow! You are spot on, well said & nicely done. Kamala Harris has an extraordinary ability to say exactly what she means in a style that is in no way ambiguous, in a language we all understand & clearly hear. Thank you both for the clarity you delivered.

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Our dear Vice President is something else. Such an excellent debater. She played him like he was her violin. 🎻

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“Concept of a plan” is the new “alternative facts”

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It sounds like System of a Down formed a supergroup with Simple Plan.

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A great night for everyone, including republicans as there is no denying DJT is their disaster. Let’s all get to work making sure this ass hole never sets foot in the Oval Office again.

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The Congressional Republicans need to step up as a body and demand the end of the Trump Era.

We know there are crackpot MAGA racist liars just like him among the Republican cohort, but I firmly believe that there are many who silently squirm and pray for his defeat. Of course they're cowards, for various reasons: skeletons in the closet, simple fear of threats and follow-ups, being kicked out of the club and ostracized and shunned, but there is safety in numbers. There is honor in admitting a mistake and atoning. There is power in putting country before self and a cult leader.

You will never forgive yourself for not doing what you could when you had the chance.

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I disagree.

If they dump him now, we're stuck with Vance and whoever Peter Theil picks to be his VP.

Congressional Republicans have gone this long without showing backbone -- they can wait until after the election.

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I hear you and I should have added: not dump him just stand against him.

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I hope he quits campaigning and flies to Venezuela, and says he will only come back if he wins. It would be acknowledgement that he thinks he will likely lose. If he does not win he will not stay in America.

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I'm going to be doing my happy dance all day!


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The best you can say for Trump's performance is that he was angry old man screaming "GET OFF MY LAWN!" to everyone. If he wasn't such a deranged menace to society I would feel sorry for him.

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The whole hand shake thing was the first thing I noticed. I was like...wow! That was powerful. She had him right then, and there. ✊🇺🇸🌊😎

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Now I love her. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Honestly, when she turned to him and told him straight to his face what we have been thinking for years, the very same thing great leaders and patriots have been saying....

that he's a DISGRACE, I fell in love with #KamalaHarris.

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He was stuttering every now an then .. tried to take Ive and he looked like ghe fool he is

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I enjoyed watching Trump falling apart at the seams, his face turning red. One of many highlights: when Trump repeated that immigrants are eating pets and she burst out laughing at him.

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It has occurred to me that part of the brilliance of Kamala Harris "invading" trump's space and shaking hands was that she proved to him from the start that she is not Hillary. She took away his scare tactics before he could even think about engaging in that one.

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He will, of course, appeal the verdict of this debate.

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