Jan 22, 2023Liked by Dean Obeidallah

I grew up permitted to read anything and everything on the shelves in our home. I had copious choices. I never had a restriction. The dictionary was on the desk in the den. Nothing reflected “reading levels.”

I didn’t know such a thing until after grad school, English, not Ed., I had to work, so I thought all schools were as mine. Ha!

Reading levels, restrictions on books - books I read at 12 were saved for seniors.

No wonder America has fallen in the list of countries on the educational scale.

Vocabulary, grammar, reading are sacrificed at the altar of math and science. They are also sacrificed to the mental health group who does not want to stress the kids.

Then, Covid. Kids lost time, valuable class time. On returning, many took slippers, blankets, and pacifiers to high school. It was awful when I retired pushing them through. Now, it has to be terrible.

So, books are banned on top of everything else. They are getting a substandard excuse for an education. This is not ok.

And Black History is very much a part of the history of this country. We must teach about everyone who lives here, beginning with the original inhabitants, the American Indians.

This is disgraceful. We are the United States of America.

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Desantos is short-sighted, just like his followers. That type of BS is loved in his state, but not throughout the country and will cost him his candidacy.

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I agree!

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Dean Obeidallah

What amazes me is the stupid old white ppl that keep voting for this monster! Do they like being illiterate? Just because their children and their children aren’t taught the real history doesn’t make it go away! Florida, shithole america!

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I understand Ron has Italian heritage. He needs to be educated that it's not been too many generations since his ancestors were considered to be an inferior race, called dagos and wops (hope I spelled them correcly).

We wouldn't have a USA if we didn't have our native american or black brothers and sisters.

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