Jun 29Liked by Dean Obeidallah

100%! I have been saying this all morning to people on other blogs. Having Rick say makes me feel somewhat vindicated.

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I’m still voting for the old guy, not the pathological lying felon.

Your choice is between a pathological liar, fraud, cheater with aspirations of being a dictator. The other guy is pro-democracy and has a cold. I'm voting for the guy with the cold.

Still wearing this "VOTE removes stubborn orange stains" t-shirt, now more than ever 👇


We have work to do!

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I have friends, who at 87 are still on point. One just drove across NC to go on vacation. He's still working part time, walks 5-10 miles per day, and looks after my very fragile aunt. Old does not mean out of the game. I'm ridin' with Biden.

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You mean you're voting for the guy that has a helluva a smart, competent VP, should a need for her services ever arise?

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The old saying is Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line. Now is the time for Democrats to fall in line, because if they start looking to love someone new, they will lose in November AND the GOP will never allow Democrats to win another election In the future.

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My thinking exactly. If it ain't broke (and Biden, IMO, isn't broke) don't fix it.

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Exactly. My suggestion is for Biden and the campaign to make maybe 30 second clips of trump's lies and respond to them in depth. In a nice strong voice. And play them over and over and over. Trump has given Biden and the Dems a golden opportunity--now the nation knows what trump says and now they are in the open and can be trashed for the junk they are.

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I agree. Start showing lie after lie.

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That is true. I also came up with that idea. Trump's debate performance, with his string of lies, has given Biden that golden opportunity to expose Trump's lies.

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Good idea, Marguerite!

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The media should be doing that. Right now, they should be doing nonstop fact checking, with visuals. Word for every lying word that repulsive, treasonous, convicted felon, sex offender spewed from his shit stained, puckered up pie hole, in that farce of a "debate." That format may have worked if this were politics/elections as usual. But it isn't. UNPRECEDENTED, is where we are, our new normal. POTUS should never agree to a "debate," with a free-for-all format. Full stop! Especially when our Democracy is hanging in the balance! P. S. President Biden's rally speeches vs trump's. Wasn't the media just droning on about trump's bizarre, incoherent, uder the influence behavior??

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Media? What is the media other than the propaganda arms of the Pirates of Capitalism? These pirates are skilled at keeping sheep in line. They set up competing news sources that wage a faux war on each other distracting the sheep into different flocks inciting pernicious flames of passion against the different flocks. They use the sheep dogs of broadcasters and pundits to herd Thea sheep as they are groomed to be sheared of their wool and and infected with vectors that daily take some blood to provide to these Pirates of Capitalism. This is done until such time as no longer providing blood and/or wool and then their flesh is taken.

These pirates do not fly the flag of skull and crossbones but the flag of $. These pirates are aided by their crew armed with different pennants of a cross, or a six pointed star or a crescent moon. ✝️☦️✡️☪️

We keep eating our grass until moving to greener grass, greener as it is fertilized with more bullshit.

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Do swing voters in battleground states care if he’s a liar? Or do they care about what Trump vs Biden will do for them? Make them rich? Create chaos? Keep the terrorists out? Just thinking we all know he’s a liar. Even his hard core supporters know that.

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I’m still voting for Joe. One would have to be an utter fool not to.

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Exactly this 👊

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Jun 29Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Rick, great & reassuring!

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Rick is nothing if not astute. I am a fighter by nature and will give whatever it takes—I’ll knock on every door I see. I will cajole, listen and try to persuade with facts. What worries me is that most of the debate viewership will not be watching other rallies and speeches Biden makes on the trail. If Rick believes we can still persuade if we try, sign me up.

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Give me some women

Who are stout hearted women

And they will soon

Give you many millions more

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Right on. Torch the RedHats. You are so correct. Republicans have a message and sing it in unison. Democrats squabble like children. No discipline or focus. Time to double down on Victory with Biden.

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Thank you for saying the obvious out loud, so many have said the opposite. Joe had a bad night, he should have mentioned his sore throat and he would not have been judged so harshly. He still has my support and my vote. He’s earned it with his wisdom, statesmanship, and hard work to make our country a better place to live for all of us, not just the super wealthy.

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I agree that mentioning his sore throat might have helped him in the eyes of others, but I'm betting that he didn't mention it because he doesn't think like a sick person. He thinks like a person who keeps on going, like a person who gets up again when he's down.

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It is easy to win when the opponent is clearly over-matched. When a team is completely healthy one has more confidence in what to expect. Over-confidence has often been the downfall of superior teams.

Pardon the sports metaphors. But when a team is wounded, that is when the team needs to come together with more resolve.

I have, in the past, sounded some cynical views while thinking out loud. But Coach Lorraine Evanoff came and punched me and said I needed to change my mindset or I will be benched for the rest of the game.

I see the light. Yes the game will be very tough against a team of Billionaire liars, cheats, criminals. This is an event where even our supporting media seems to cast doom and gloom going too far in their futile attempt to appear unbiased.

It is halftime and we are down a field goal and fumbled the ball when driving for the go ahead score. But we have another half and if we play hard with determination, keep our heads in the game we will win this contest even with the corrupt officials—SCROTUS and many Federal judges like Cannon. It is on us, not our coaches. Let’s go kick some asses.

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For everyone that wants a fairer system of justice and wants to see the most corrupt president in US history pay for his corruption, it is imperative that Joe Biden wins.

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Let’s turn this around - after that disastrous debate performance, why isn’t anyone calling for tRump to leave the race?! Whether he embarrassed them or not, Rick is right - the GOP always holds the line. I think instead of scrambling to salvage Biden (which I am happy to do), we should have immediately been all over the lies tRump told and called for the GOP to remove him from their ticket! We should have condemned CNN for basically holding a nationally televised tRump rally. Shame on them.

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Imma putting $$ where my mouth is and DONATING to the Biden campaign before tomorrow's deadline.

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Yes, yes, yes!! Thank you💙🌊

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I just watched Rick Wilson's Lincoln Project video on YouTube. Next thing I'm going to do is subscribe to his Substack. THIS is the stuff we need to hear and be strengthened by. This is the message we must believe in.

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Once you listen to Wilson, stevens, Galen etc you can’t unhear it. And just look at how the GOP does things - they didn’t pull support after Access Hollywood (!!!) after the multiple assault charges, after the rape a defamation(!), the fraud, J6(!!!!) let’s give them a run for their f ing $. Dems are not in disarray and panic- were in it to win it, let’s Pr

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Let’s ROLL!!!

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Do you also listen to Rick Wilson’s podcast, “The Enemies List”? It’s great

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Rick hit the nail on the head! Trump and the Rs would be saying “never surrender” as was printed on t-shirts right after DJT literally surrendered. I would much rather go high when they go low, but that’s no longer an option. Watch any Lincoln Project ads and you’ll see how these ex-Republicans know how to fight. Dems need to stop the hand wringing over one debate in June. I’d be more concerned if this was September, but there will be plenty crazed Trump rallies going forward that this debate will be in the rear view mirror in a few days. Bannon goes to prison on Monday. Trump gets sentenced on July 11.

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Given that they've lowered the bar so far that it's disappeared into the abyss, no matter how low we manage to go, we'd still be going high.

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Thank you. One of the arguments I hear for a switch out at the convention is ‘oh it will cause a lot of buzz and excitement about the new candidate.’

No No No No

That might titillate their crowd, but anything which takes attention off the real and present danger to US (and world) democracy posed by Donald Trump is a vapid distraction we cannot afford.

I’m not a U.S. voter. Over here in Europe, we are once again looking at an expansionist fascist nation increasing his borders. Whether we survive or not - whether there still is an Estonia, a Latvia - the fates of millions outside your borders literally rests on this election.

Ukraine is still a country thanks to Joe Biden.

Reducing it to TV dramas and political gossip just cheapens the enormity of the moment.

So Godspeed all you campaigners out there for Joe Biden.

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Thank you for your thoughts and perspective.

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Thank you Rick Wilson! And Dean. I am so sick of the panicked pundits.

Biden was not my first choice, or second, but I was wrong. I can't imagine any other 2020 candidate who could've done such a skillful job as Biden has. He is without a doubt the finest president of my life time. He has put such fine people in his cabinet and they have delivered.

A President's job is not to debate. It's to set a direction for the country and then work to implement it. Biden has been spectacular. Seriously, you want him to bow out because he's not a great debater? He never has been. But he's clearly an excellent executive with a clear vision for how we achieve a more perfect union.

Having said that, he was really not well served by his "debate" prep team. You can read Ruth Ben-Ghiat or Mehdi Hassan to know that Trump was going to come in with a firehose of lies and Biden should've been prepared to respond. To call out one lie in each of his one minute responses and zero in on how unfit Trump is to be President. Just listen to one rally and you could predict what lies would be told and have a withering response to each. Instead, he was prepped for a traditional candidate, to discuss policy...the first thing is...the second thing is...He needs to shake up his team.

He also should have lowered the bar as soon as he walked on...I was in Europe for D-day where I honored the men that my opponent called suckers and losers and then back to Europe to meet with European leaders who value my leadership and no longer laugh at the President like they did with my opponent. This past week I've been sick. I do not have COVID and unlike my opponent, if I did have COVID I would not come here and infect my team like my opponent did 4 years ago. My voice is weak and raspy, I need to clear my throat frequently.

All these elites - have they considered that maybe just maybe some of us voted for Biden in the primaries and want him to be the candidate going forward? Why do they think they know better than the millions who have shown their support for Biden? Will people show up to vote for whoever these elites decide to crown as the nominee? They need to stand down.

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I remember a quote from George Bernard Shaw that a critic is one who leaves no turn unstoned. Reminds of these pundits with their abysmal poverty of minds.

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Let’s go no-holds-barred against this twisted traitor. Let’s chew him up and spit him out. Let’s do it now; let’s join Joe’s army. Together we will crush this lying sack of all that is unholy. Once. And. For. All.

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