I believe that in order for Israel’s and Palestinian people to learn to live in peace they have to accept each other. Teaching children to kill Jews or teaching children to kill Palestinian’s is not going to form peace. Leaders on both sides that can teach peace is the only way to stop war. Since there is a long history of no trust it will take leaders on both sides to build that trust. I want that to happen. That is what I pray for!

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Removed (Banned)Mar 31
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Hmm what’s happening on the West Bank? There are Israelis that believe that they must protect their families by killing Palestinians. That is also a fact. I am for Israel and the right for it to exist. You are right in the fact that there is no Arab country that Jews live in peace. What I am saying is that we are fighting against a long system of hate against the Jewish people. Until we can work on neighbors working together instead of working against each other there will be no peace!

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You mean Israeli settlers who have been sanctioned by the US for violence against Palestinian Christians and Muslims? https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/u-s-sanctions-3-israeli-west-bank-settlers-and-their-outposts-for-violence-against-palestinians

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I was calling out settlers for for killing Palestinians. I am not for killing Palestinians for just living. I am for Israel’s living in the land they settled in without furthering war. I am not for hate on either side. You misunderstood me. I hope to one day having a different discussion. A discussion on how to build a world of love instead of hate!

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Freeing the hostages should free Palestinians. I believe both groups need to be freed from their leaders.

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Hamas should release the hostages but let's be clear Netanyahu has made it clear that there will never be a Palestinian state on his watch. For years he has said that. In fact he recently said Israel will control the land from the "river to the sea." https://www.salon.com/2024/01/18/from-the-river-to-the-sea-netanyahu-says-he-told-biden-he-opposes-any-palestinian-state-after/

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Yes you are right. As I said we need trustful leaders on both sides. But let’s be clear, the people that lived on the kibbutz were peaceful. They were trying to solve problems. They were slaughtered. Why aren’t the Arab countries helping? Israel is surrounded by Arab countries that are not letting Palestinians in their countries! Most who get out of Gaza go to other countries that let women live in a free state. We could not even have these differences in most of the surrounding countries! Especially with a woman! What is going to happen when Trump takes office? Do you think we would be able to have this discussion? Think about the Muslim ban. Who came to help? We are not your enemy in this country. Keep on marching. It’s your right in this country. But when Trump gets elected you will see who cares about human rights and who will arrest anyone who is against him and his mentor BeBe.

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Emma- Most people who get out of Gaza live in other countries were women can be free? Can u please send a link to that. Love to see some back up for that. BTW why do Israelis chant Death to Arabs at events in Israel? Is that taught in schools? Why do these bigots hate Arab Christians and Muslims so deeply? This was way before Oct 7 so love to hear the why behind their hatred of non-Jews. Thanks https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-police-jerusalem-march-palestinians-rcna85018

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Orthodox men do not speak for most Israelis. These horrible people need to stop their insane chants!

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Let’s see I am not in that category. I don’t know personally why any one hates because of a religion of another! What I do know is everyone is a human being and has the rights of dignity and honor. I am sorry if my comment was offensive. I was thinking of the extreme parties. I have found when I talk to some of the ultra Orthodox Jews and ultra religious Islam women they do not feel free. I have to say not the majority of women. It seems that women have been fighting a long time to advance. I am old and have seen women and minorities advance in this country and now it seems we are getting or rights taken away. Sorry to offended you. That is the last thing I wanted to do!

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When?? Bite your tongue and pray that day NEVER comes!

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I think it axiomatic that Netanyahu (and the rest of the Likud fascists) HAS TO GO!!🤔😉😊

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Which is why he must go

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Sadly, I don't believe Netanyahu will stop at that. He intends to take over Gaza. Hamas is just in his way and has become his excuse.

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I agree. Netanyahu won’t stop.

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Well that can only be said if Hamas releases the hostages.

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Respect Joyce but, I just don't think that's going to matter.

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I’m not sure. Bibi is not a good person, but he’s not stupid, either. If all the hostages were released, I believe the war would end. If it didn’t, he’d be screwing the Jewish people.

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Correct. Bibi Netanyahu is not a good person. If he was, like his brother the fallen soldier, the Israeli body politic would not have accommodated him and his Political Economics misleading ways this long.


Like Trump, he is also not the Dis-Ease. Bibi Netanyahu and his Likud Party are like the Israeli Body Politic in that they make up merely a symptom of national institutional corruption that has lacked nearly any criminal prosecution and sentencing. Israeli Justice, however, did in fact try and convict as well as sentence Israel's prior Likud-bred Prime Minister Ehud Olmert who served some hard time. Something we in the Washington cesspool led U.S. have yet had the temerity to do.



In Israel's case the actual verdict was mostly in of and by the independent courts by the very Israeli judicial system that the Israeli PM Netanyahu with his trans-national tactical brain-trust including U.S. Religious Right Conservative Political advisor Frank Luntz was almost removed from Israel's non-constitutional floating system of Checks & Balances of Power.




Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers

Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)

Media Discussion List\LookseeInnerEarsHearHere

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I don't see Netanyahu stopping even if the hostages are freed. This has become his last hill to die upon and if he isn't stopped, he just might kill all the people of Gaza. I pray that he's held accountable for his war crimes and that Likud is removed from power.

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If hostages were freed, there would definitely be a temporary cease fire and a lot of negotiations, like when people were released before.

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That ceasefire seems like a small consolation because I can see Netanyahu continuing his atrocities afterwards.

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Hamas repeatedly rejects offers of a ceasefire. 🤷🏽‍♀️

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I believe the reason Hamas refuses to release the hostages is because they are dead. 😢

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That is possible. 😥

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I could not agree more!

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"Freeing the hostages should free Palestinians. I believe both groups need to be freed from their leaders."

While I hate over-generalizations, my only modification of your wisdom is to note that, without diluting via over-generalization, all peoples need to be freed from those that mislead, namely their mis-leaders. Ms. leaders are no substitute. Herstorically or historically speaking, Golda Meir a PM not cool enough in the clutch, misled plenty and in the clutch, as well as when pressure subsided she leaned on misleading every bit as much as her military generals and those battle-tempered that got elected PM like Yitzhak Rabin the liberal (not in the best sense, mostly E-Con-o-mically trans-national corporate capturing neo-liberal...) who got assassinated by an even more hawkish Israeli neo-conservative.




Israeli Offensive Forces may have squandered its massive asymmetrical advantage since the 1967 Six Day War defending against Egypt and Syria (Jordan sat it out and Lebanon was in a massive tiff with its own feudal lords in Syria). Since that his\herstorical point in time Israel has also self-sabotaged itself via Washington to Wall Street Cold War Czar of Propaganda Milton Friedman's creed of Neo-Liberal E-CON-O-mics comically if it didn't bring down our Cold War allies too with Washington's nearly unlimited Daddy Warbucks backing and patience and created a symmetry with Palestinian in particular but with the Arab League's world champion levels of Institutional Corruption that the Cold War administrations at opposite ends of the globe and chess board have now about pulled even with.

Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers

Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)

Media Discussion List\LookseeInnerEarsHearHere

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I believe it's all in how things are said and the feelings behind them. Ramy spoke kindly to everyone. He included the hostages. He included our shared humanity. That brings people together.

We definitely need more of this. And thank you for your kindness in reporting.

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Imho both Hamas and the Netanyahu administration are wrong. Both Israeli and Palestinian people are suffering due to outsized egos and zealotry. Please free all people from war and strife. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Mar 31·edited Mar 31

Your comment reflects an assertion I’ve made more than once, namely, that most people find themselves compelled — fallaciously — to decide who is the “good guy“ and who is the “bad guy” in this situation, one in which both ”guys” are bad (IMO). 🤔😉😊

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My prayer is that a two-state becomes a reality and Netanyahu is held accountable for his war crimes.

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My father’s mother’s mother was from the Odessa region. That simply makes me a non-practicing Jew who has been confused most of my life over hatred of others.

I grew up in the south and ran away from that place before I turned 15 years of age. I have never understood hatred of others. And that is why I have long had this confusing, feeling in my gut, and in my mind about the way, Israelis were treating the Palestinians. it is kind of odd to think that I dislike my own heritage due to what they do in their hatred of the Palestinians. But if that be the case, I denounce what the Israeli government is doing.

What really clinched this for me earlier on was seeing about Netanyahu being an authoritarian leader like Trump. And Orbon. And it all finally meshed together in my mind.

But one lingering question remains: not who IS Megan Kelly? But WHY?

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

Statements that the "Hamas and the Netanyahu Admins ' are "BOTH BAD" are absolutely WRONG. The Netanyahu rabble's manifesto is that all Palatines are cockroaches to be exterminated. On face value that is abhorrent and pure bullshit; that is against any aspect of GOD's goodness. When a wrongly oppressed, heavily outgunned group is abused, demeaned & vilified some are bound to crack and match the ungodly/unjust hostile actions/tactics of their oppressors. They are of course just as wrong (in those moments) as their oppressors, but they are also humans who can just "Lose it". In the current 'Israel vs. Palestine'' conflict, the Israelis are MORE wrong in my opinion. After the horrors of the holocaust & 'Hitler' the current Israel leadership controlling the tone of the great state of Israel should be ashamed of themselves. Nothing they are doing in regard to the Palestinians is GOD like at all.

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American has the power to stop the bloodshed but we have avoided using that power. So far. Both sides must condemn all violence. American should cut off all military aid and munitions to Israel. I resent the use of my tax dollars to slaughter children and civilians. This must stop.

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Saturday night live has always been a platform to express yourself. I remember being shocked (not in a bad way) at seeing Sinead O’Connor ripping up the pope and then later watching Megan thee stallion unveil a giant banner slamming KY DA Daniel Cameron for Breonna Taylor’s death. For this I hope SNL stays on the air.

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Also Elvis Costello playing “Radio Radio” despite the producers’ opposition. 🤔😉😊

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I didn’t know about that one, that’s cool. I’d like to know more stories like that about guests on SNL.

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Great piece of writing with one small error: the word conservative as applied to right wingers like Megan Kelly.

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Can a heathen say 'amen' to this?

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Mar 31·edited Mar 31

I wish he had ended with something like, “and free the Israeli people as well”. (THEN he could have added the shout-out to the dog.) Israelis are prisoners of their own fear and prejudice, and of their government.

(PS, a similar comment currently has more downthumbs than upthumbs in Ha’aretz online. Make whatever inferences you will.)

(Update: it’s currently tied. I’m curious how the balance eventually develops.)

(Update 2: Upthumbs are now ahead. Interesting…)🤔😉😊

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I don’t have a television. Did the comedian plead for the release of the innocent hostages being held and no doubt abused by Hamas? Did he plead for Hamas’s cessation of bombing purely civilian targets in Israel? Did he plead for Hamas to stop embedding themselves among civilians who they use as human shields?

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"That has, thankfully, changed...." The attention on Palestinians at the moment is due to solely to Hamas, which means you approve of terrorism.

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Why do you support this? World Central Kitchen founder José Andrés declares Netanyahu's military "deliberately" targeted the 7 aid workers: "They were targeted systematically, car by car...non-stop until everyone was dead." "This is not a war against terrorism...it's a war against humanity itself." youtu.be/UaUL_hnhAlM

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Actually no it doesn't. But did you cheer or denounce the IDF when they killed Christians sheltering in a church in Gaza? Love to know if you support this. Thanks. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/pope-francis-israel-gaza-deaths

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War is always messy and ugly and cock ups happen. Also, using civilians as human shields, as Hamas does, is a war crime. Israel has the right to target Hamas. It must try to minimize civilian casualties been can never guaranty there will be none. If you cannot actually prove that Israel has targeted civilians, you should not be slinging unsupported allegations, especially when you ignore Hamas, who are the real villains here, in the process.

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