It is very much up to us to turn out in huge numbers and say a resounding no to dictatorship, bigotry and hatred. Turnout is everything. Tell your family, friends and neighbors to get out there and vote Democratic.

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Please pay close attention to your state house and senate votes too!

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Jul 21Liked by Dean Obeidallah

And, of course, we will hear little or nothing about this from the mainstream media. The media is terrified that Trump is going to lose, because then their ratings may go down. It's cynical, subversive, and sick, but that's how things are in America today. Always follow the money.

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Yep that is why I wrote it- corporate media refuses to cover this!

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I think the oligarchs who own the MSM are more concerned about Biden’s policies against union-busting, environmental disaster, monopolies and tax avoidance. Trump’s their guy. For sale to the highest bidders.

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Marge you are 100% correct. Elon Musk bought Twitter for this exact reason.

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They are more terrified he will win, & exact retribution against any journalist who criticized him. They are so craven! Never thought that about journalists until recently.

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For Trump it always comes down to money.

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Bonnie you are right, and trump will do anything to get as much of it as he can. People are just things to be used to get that money. That includes the billionaires he is wooing.

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Remember this fact Mr & Ms Peeps, Trump can buy votes and unlimited funding, but he can’t buy your vote unless you sell it. Therefore, you, my friends, hold the Real Power in this Country and never forget it!

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In Italy they called that "Fascism"

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The merger of State & Corporate power

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Should we be surprised? The traitor is transactional, everything he does comes with a price. Remember he offered a deal with Big Oil if they gave him a billion dollars.

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He’ll take money from Musk and Big Oil.

Elon is happy, since he can make drilling deals with Russia

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Jul 21Liked by Dean Obeidallah

I immediately shared this. It should be all anyone needs to know when they enter the voting booth. Thank you!

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1. Are these people so soulless that they actually believe more money will make them happy?

2. He can promise what he likes but it's the legislature that will or won't deliver.

3. Money doesn't necessarily buy elections. Here in California, Republican billionaire Michael Huffington spent a fortune running for governor and lost. It can happen, and this year the Democratic grass roots are particularly fired up and reaching voters. We shall see.

4. Please write postcards to voters:

Field Team 6

Blue Wave

Postcards to Swing States (signups temporarily paused but will return)

Postcards to Voters

Activate America

Moms Rising

Vote Forward.

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Yes they are psychopaths

They have no souls

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If there is soul it is our conscience

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With the recent Supreme Court ruling Snyder v United States shouldn’t Musk have to wait until after “services are rendered” aka making lift good, so it can be a gratuity and not subject to corruption or bribery charges?

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200 million is just the first payment.

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Maybe but with SCROTUS IF NOT LEGAL now it can easily be made so in expedited time.

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These rich assholes are kidding themselves. They think Vonshitzinpants cares about them or their lust for tax cuts? Only when it serves him. But when he establishes a Putin style regime he will come for them as the Christo-fascists come for the rest of us. He will demand that they kick back a percentage to the Fuhrer every week or month as the price to avoid falling out of a sixth floor window or being force fed some special tea. And at the same time, the rest of us will be coming for them with torches and pitchforks. Their gated communities and private security can only protect them for so long. Just ask Marie Antionette or Tsar Nicolás...

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The billionaire class, for all their riches can not buy our souls, or our vote.

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Citizens United was decided 14 years ago.

Clarence Thomas was receiving "gifts" from rich donors for 20 years.

The overlap speaks volumes.

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It’s sickening. And the people that faithfully attend his rallies are not in that category. You’d think they would have figured it out by now 😥

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I think they are the product of dumbed down education, and the opportunity to jump on the bandwagon of blaming others for where they are. They won't figure it out because then they'd have to be responsible. IMO.

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I disagree as his supporters on SCROTUS and his VP pick all have Ivey League law degrees except possibly Thomas. People can be smart enough to get advanced degrees and still remain tunnel visioned fools. I wonder if that may be because today’s education is almost exclusively memorize and regurgitate involving very little curiosity about annoying little things like ethics, ontology, epistemology and awe of the universe and of what it means to lead a good life.

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I agree with you about the "SCROTUS"and the VP pick. I was thinking about the masses who like the idea of revenge, and putting down others so they can feel better. I also agree with you about education. Curiosity is one of the best traits we have, and if we don't stifle it, it keeps us young at heart.

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I think Thomas has one, too. Robert Reich talked about being in the same law class as Clarence Thomas, Bill Clinton & Hillary Rodham. Hillary was very engaged in the class, Bill cut class all the time, & Clarence sat in the back of the class, never speaking, with a constant scowl on his face, & never returning to Robert his greetings of "hi!".

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Why should Trump, or Thomas, or any crooked Republican care about bribes, corruption? Nothing happens to them. Trump asked for Russia to interfere with the 2016 election. Crickets. When one party is allowed to do whatever they want; say whatever they want; grift however they want without any pushback, why should they bother to hide their corruption. Biden, Sotomayor, even if they were offered bribes, would turn them down. Because they are honest people. The GQP is as corrupt as they come. They’re normalized. Not held to any standard. Democrats are fighting with both hands tied behind their backs because only one side plays fair.

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Musk has ALWAYS been a slanderous prick.

He’s a MAGAt.

That’s why he’s pushed back against vaccination.

That’s why he bought Twitter.

That’s why he attacks Democrats, supports DeSantis, and that’s why he endorsed Trump.

For anyone who didn’t see this two years ago, I can’t help you.

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Trumps corrupt PO Supreme Court has stripped all Americans of the right to privacy first outlined in Griswald v Connecticut - in that decision the Supreme Court found the right to privacy as implicit in the constitution . So the Dobbs decision held that right no

Longer exists under their reading of the constitution - so that Thomas’s concurrence put gay marriage and other rights in question. So

It’s not just women who are threatened by this court. Peter Thiel a gay man married to a man obviously believes he’s too rich to care and couldn’t care less about women in this country. Welcome to the good ole boys club.

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