I am so sick to death of hearing “thoughts and prayers” from these white, straight “Christian “ men who spout hatred towards women, black/brown people, LGBTQ people and all non-Christians. I’m agnostic and am tired of having Christianity rammed down my throat and being governed as a Christian nation.

I am in utter fear of what will happen to this country if these people remain in power.

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Well put!!

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It isn’t actual Christianity either; it's the Swiss cheese Christianity that the GOP created to harness the unthinking masses. They have weaponized this facade of piety, deftly avoiding The Golden Rule and “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” Why? Because that would cut slightly into the bottom lines of GOP corporate and billionaire donors. And doing anything to reduce their profits is never a consideration.

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My religion supports a mother’s life over that of a fetus. Why should I be forced to drop my religious beliefs for someone else’s?

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Seems like we should be able to sue for abortions as people sue to not bake cakes.

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I'd sign up for that.

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Yes, why does Mike think his religion rules over others? That’s why the Constitution separated church and state. I find it super scary that he is third in line to the presidency.

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Unfffffkingbelievable. This is just like the Taliban and the mullahs in Iran and the saudi wahabis.

These chaps don't have to physically travel across the globe, enter the usa and cause damage. Their clones, your own white chaps, elected to power (?? through dire means, gerrymandering etc) are in lockstep with the middle eastern shit. Same shit, different packaging.

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That picture makes me want to hurl.

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That is why I picked it :)

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This article must be fiction for a Halloween horror movie. JC there is so much mental illness in the republican maga party! Make no mistake, these ppl are just like the mass shooters.

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I call them #MAGAlomaniacs because they scream and shout to keep people from noticing their complete lack of integrity.

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So now we all know where we are headed. Seriously, under his worldview of women vs men status, why in hell would any woman choose marriage?

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What is his position on child marriage? That's where it's headed. No education. No choice. And no divorce. Pop out those babies to fill up the quivers of the Talibangelist movement.

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For me, the worst is his zero abortion viewpoints. So I guess if his wife was bleeding to death during an emergency crisis but still a heartbeat in the fetus was detected, he would be okay to have his wife die rather than terminate the pregnancy?

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Yeah. Men making decisions on womens lives and health and whether they live or die. Fine for them. They aren't going to bleed out from a complication of pregnacy or die from blood poisoning of a dead fetus that they can't abort. 😡

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Reading your reply leaves a knot in my stomach. You nailed the issue.

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On issue after issue, polling shows the GOP far under- polling Democrats, yet overall, generically, they poll nearly even. How is that possible? The Hartmann Report gets at the heart of the reasons today. In a nutshell, the problem lies with Citizens United, media domination and the US descent into oligarchy.

As a politically analogous example, recently it has been quite noticable how Medicare Advantage advertisement has surged into a saturation campaign, on network television. A short Google search reveals that insurance company money, directed mostly at Republican politicians, has been behind this hidden effort to capture Medicare. Today, 44% of seniors are being ripped off by these private alternatives to Medigap, the government's premium-supported, privately underwritten program that mostly makes up for the 20% that Medicare Parts A & B fall short of paying.(a rip off on top of a long running rip off.)

But the story behind this story seems to be saturation techniques mated to deception, that insurance companies and the GOP are using to sell this scam. (Republicans have consistently opposed attempts to reform this situation. Medicare Advantage translates into a 14% cost above the cost of regular Medicare, that is made up for by the rest of its enrollees.)

Having learned the lessons of this Medicare Advantage and similar scams, Republicans have used this model to parasitize and hollow out government programs from the inside, wherever they can gain a foothold, then blaming government waste as the problem. This is yet another way that the radical indoctrination and social engineering of the Koch political machine has used deception cooked up in their deception tanks to capture democracy.

New Speaker Johnson is just another fast talking, indoctrinated religious and political zealot that has conned his way into power. Voters can correct these imbalances of power by demanding an end to Citizens United/campaign bribery schemes, requiring our politicians to demonstrate a basic knowledge of science and statistical methods, by promoting voter rights and by using empathy for all our nation's citizens, as a character litmus test for suitability for higher office.

Our nation's framers knew mixing religion with politics, in a way that was prevalent in Europe at the time, was a bad idea. With all of our access to knowledge through modern technology, in our time, why should that be such a hard concept to grasp?

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I'm calling his acceptance speech the 'Sermon on the Hill' for good reason.

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Poor Mike Johnson and all the credulous believers like him. He has given up his power to think and allowed religion to think for him. Religious programming is a contagious disease that infects billions from generation to generation. It can only be eradicated by persistent self examination and internal revelation that religions are exposed as programs to control the masses.

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What will it take for this narrative to shift to male privilege. Specifically white male privilege and the need for power and control. This is the cornerstone of interpersonal violence against women and is a common theme in mass shootings where there is a history of family violence. Women’s rights are not responsible for mass shootings!!!!! 🤬

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The horror. Indeed, like the Taliban and other extremists around the world. Time for the pink hats and more!

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This reads like a satire in The Onion. The man lives in fantasy land. He and his MAGA friends cannot be allowed to go on.

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Johnson will not be able to resist #MAGAoverreach and give so much fuel for the #BlueWave2024 that on rhetoric alone - no GOP-only bills will be signed into law - every #CORPservative Republican will have to face reelection with a bucket of horrid votes to explain to their constituents.

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May all this come true. I can’t wait!! Mr. Johnson’s exhausted wife had better stay down on her knees praying for him. 😂

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Oct 29, 2023
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Please go troll your bullshit elsewhere.

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Every cloud has a silver lining. When extremist groups control the house there usually is a backlash soon after.

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Why am I unsurprised that Trump's Little Johnson quotes homophobic and misogynistic (and likely closeted gay) Paul to justify his Christo-fascist belief that women are property but never Jesus himself? Are we convinced that he has ever actually read the Gospels or like so many of his ilk, confine his reading to Leviticus, the letters of Paul, John 3:16 and Revelations?

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My psychiatric spidey senses are tingling. Reaction formation is in play.

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Mike Johnson’s ascent to House GOP Speaker is a chilling testament to the direction some factions of our politics are taking. It’s a horror that, in this day and age, we’re witnessing the elevation of an individual with such deeply entrenched and harmful beliefs. What’s worse is the endorsement of such beliefs by a whole party, signaling the normalization of such dangerous ideologies.

Every woman, every individual who cherishes equality, and every person who believes in the fundamental right to freedom and autonomy should be deeply horrified. Johnson’s distorted interpretation of religious teachings to suppress women’s rights isn’t just a regression—it’s a perilous pathway that threatens to dismantle the very essence of what our democracy stands for.

So, what do we do now? It’s a haunting question, and the unease it brings is palpable. Is hope is now lost? For as long as history remembers, it’s the people who have the power to bring about change, no matter how insurmountable the challenge seems. We’ve overcome hurdles before, but these, dear God, do seem insurmountable.

I fear for our country.

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Fear not. Johnson’s #MAGAoverreach will end #RepubloFascism as of January, 2025. Like Trump in the months prior, the GOP will talk its way into political insignificance for a generation.

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Your lips to God’s ears.

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Hope you're right.

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The over-the-top piety and LGBTQ paranoia that Mike Johnson exudes tells me that a scandal concerning this guy is going to break open within the next few months. Remember Matt Schlapp?

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Oct 27, 2023
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The list is endless. The Daily Kos has a multi-page list of Republicans at the local, state, and federal levels who have been involved in financial, sexual, and other scandals over the years. It goes on ad infinitum and just keeps growing.

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