B4 being called "PLASTIC" was taken by humans to be an insult, it was used by the nascent and Wall Street speculative RubberMaid and TUPPERWARE investors and the go-go uncritical scientific community as a compliment, a sign of evolutionary exploitation and so of Divinely deigned SUPREMACY which the Darwinists deemed logical precursor fundamentals of SURVIVALISM. It was meant to mean those humans who were "PLASTIC" were flexible, durable, dishwasher safe and "utilitarian" in terms of Home E-CON-o-mics; very sanitary and better at keeping ants and bad bacteria from eatibles, therefore anti-septic.
Go back and read from the late 1950's and throughout the 1960's how the use of the term "PLASTIC" got co-opted from the WISE USERS (itself a cynical camouflaged movement of corporate capture\MAD Avenue Advertising Industy and LIBERTARIAN aligned with RADICAL RIGHT FASCISTS denigrating government Regulation and any Enforcement that hadn't already been nixed from legislation or otherwise sabotaged by the Corporate Conquistadores of the 70's & 80's)....
Deep sub-text and social movement engaged novelists like Thomas Pynchon were riffing off the underground NEGATIVE and PEJORATIVE associations with the new WONDER PRODUCT OF PLASTIC (that left out the slight issue of non-biodegradable toxic trails leaching into water tables and otherwise being leached into weapons aimed at organic life! See Pynchon's referential and often satiric use of the hit comic book hero PLASTICMAN subverting the circa 1940's SUPER HERO status of the Pop Culture Values of Conformity going back to Pynchon's early short-stories published soon after his departure from Cornell and return from Ithaca to his Long Island childhood home prior to Pynchon's California Silicon Haj aka Hegira dba Hejira....
Diaper Donny is a phony.
Yeah, Back in the day people like trump were called plastic.
B4 being called "PLASTIC" was taken by humans to be an insult, it was used by the nascent and Wall Street speculative RubberMaid and TUPPERWARE investors and the go-go uncritical scientific community as a compliment, a sign of evolutionary exploitation and so of Divinely deigned SUPREMACY which the Darwinists deemed logical precursor fundamentals of SURVIVALISM. It was meant to mean those humans who were "PLASTIC" were flexible, durable, dishwasher safe and "utilitarian" in terms of Home E-CON-o-mics; very sanitary and better at keeping ants and bad bacteria from eatibles, therefore anti-septic.
Go back and read from the late 1950's and throughout the 1960's how the use of the term "PLASTIC" got co-opted from the WISE USERS (itself a cynical camouflaged movement of corporate capture\MAD Avenue Advertising Industy and LIBERTARIAN aligned with RADICAL RIGHT FASCISTS denigrating government Regulation and any Enforcement that hadn't already been nixed from legislation or otherwise sabotaged by the Corporate Conquistadores of the 70's & 80's)....
Deep sub-text and social movement engaged novelists like Thomas Pynchon were riffing off the underground NEGATIVE and PEJORATIVE associations with the new WONDER PRODUCT OF PLASTIC (that left out the slight issue of non-biodegradable toxic trails leaching into water tables and otherwise being leached into weapons aimed at organic life! See Pynchon's referential and often satiric use of the hit comic book hero PLASTICMAN subverting the circa 1940's SUPER HERO status of the Pop Culture Values of Conformity going back to Pynchon's early short-stories published soon after his departure from Cornell and return from Ithaca to his Long Island childhood home prior to Pynchon's California Silicon Haj aka Hegira dba Hejira....
Mindfully yers,
Tio Mitchito
Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers
Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)
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