I was trying to remember where I heard “repeal and replace” before, thanks for the reminder that it was the ACA which literally saved my life. And yes we’re still waiting for the GQP health care plan. Dems need to haul people out in front of cameras every day and have them say what SS and Medicare mean to them. My grandparents wouldn’t have made it in their golden years without these safety nets.

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So we have one set of monsters, old rich white rePUGlliCONs, who are killing their constituents, wether in taking away all safety nets, like ANY kind of aid or regulations like train brakes...ring a bell yet! Oh wait how about vaccines...ok I’ll keep going now we have young nut jobs who love conspiracies, maggie traitor green for one! What do they want? Uhmmm chaos, make every one afraid, so now what should we do...vote for the Democratic Party please. Stop voting for lies, for anger, for violence!

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The world is full of EVIL folks Dean, thank you so much for reminding US. We as humans need to realize that there will ALWAYS be evil in our lives, and we MUST FIGHT BACK. YES, Mike Pence is just another form of the Devil and NO, we American need laws that strengthen our Social Security Retirement Net and not make IT weaker !!!.

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Thanks Ray. People can decide what is evil and what isn't but what I do know is that gutting Social Security would drive seniors into poverty!

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