I’ve been putting this out there since about 2018 when he was still in office - my sister is a doctor specializing in geriatrics. Back then she told me he showed all the signs and outward symptoms of rapidly declining dementia. She listed them for me. His cognitive decline has been on display for a long time and it’s a disgrace this isn’t all over the press and media. It does indeed affect us all.

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As a sociologist and gerontologist I applaud your sister. I'm in total agreement. Did she mention personal care?? We see the make-up lines with older women, but that is a clear sign of no longer caring, and his "uniform" is to hide "mistakes"...

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Oct 20Liked by Dean Obeidallah

I read Mary's substack all the time, so I get what you're saying. I do not understand why the media don't get that all their toadying will get them nowhere in the long run. They don't mean anything to trump, and they won't get any better treatment if he is elected. He may not even remember who they are by the time the election rolls around.

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When they put Trump on the screen their ratings go up and that brings in money. Follow the money. If you see Trump , change the channel. If you see Trump, do not click on it.

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I understand that, but it makes no sense to me. The only time I see trump on the screen is when I'm watching MSNBC anchors who do not like him, and are playing anything of him only to make a point of how bad he is. I am not on social media at all, so I don't have to worry about clicking on something with him.

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It doesn't matter. Every click keeps him front and center of the news cycle. Even MSNBC needs him.

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Point taken, even though it's uncomfortable.

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I have always done this

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"He may not even remember who they are by the time the election rolls around." I know the situation is serious but Susan I laughed out loud at that one!

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I'm glad I made you laugh, Anne. One of the things that made me say that is that i've been listening to him talk about how the left are communists, marxists, fascists… He doesn't even know that fascists are always on the right.

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I just watched that movie trump doesn’t want you to see, The Apprentice. At the end of the film, trump proclaims his 3 rules: 1) attack, attack, attack. 2) the truth is what I say it is. 3) loudly claim you’ve won, even when you’ve lost. He doesn’t need to “know” anything.

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Can you say STUPID?!?!? Good on you for watching it. I wouldn't be able to do that.

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As Professor Tim Snyder might say,

the corporate media are *obeying in advance*, ie cowering in anticipation of Mad Donald’s, or perhaps Pope JD’s, dictatorship. Essentially, they’ll *go down* for any tax break for the wealthy.

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I certainly wish the media would correctly comment on Trumps actions. The country will slip into a fast decline if he’s elected. But I also think the GOP doesn’t care. He’s expendable and doesn’t know it. Vance is their man. Scary times-

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Frankly he is just plain crazy with a bad memory now thrown in, along with a penchant for violence.

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Here's my thought- as a long time Law and Order television watcher I've seen every episode at least twice. Remember the mob boss who went on trial and had all the experts testify about his mental state - "unfit to stand trial". Of course it was all a con game. As Donald see's his unlikely win in November he is setting up for Plan B. If he can't be president he will be indicted again and again and faces a terrible future of legal battles. If he continues doing what he is doing he'll have Major Media on all fronts showing his mental decline in real time. Just another Donald Con. Don't be dragged in.

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You sure got the “Mob boss” aspect right. You could tell by the kind of goons he surrounded himself with from the beginning. And before he was ever elected, you could tell he was a wannabe-Hitler the moment he pointed his finger and decried, “Lügenpresse!”[Google it]

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I’m still convinced the character Julian Spector from the 1999 Law and Order episode “Empire” was based on Trump. Looks like him, arrogant like him, wanted a football team and stadium like him, big time New York developer in his wildest dreams.

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I've been wondering about this too. Could this be why his family isn't stepping in?

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Don't you just enjoy Mary Trump's platform on Substack?! She knows of what she speaks, not only is she a close observer of her uncle, but as a clinical psychologist as well. She, like you, Calls out Corporate Media for a good reason. They simply refuse to report on important stories ?! Only what brings in Revenue, it's Appalling and needs to be Called Out. Again, Dean, Thank you for all your doing for the American people and me this morning ☕ will reStack ASAP 💯👍🇺🇸💙🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

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It's becoming more difficult by the day for the corporate media to ignore Trump's obvious decomposition. Even after last night's outrageous comments about Arnie's junk and the profane references to Kamala, the NYT has the story buried about half way down the page overshadowed by a story on door knocking. The Washington Post is slightly better, but neither of them is connecting his outrageous remarks to his mental decline. When they are finally forced to do so, he may have won the election or somehow seized power. They will talk about it when JD Vance uses the 25th Amendment to throw Trump out and take his place.

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Simply put the Republican owned media wants him reinstated! They’ll so everything they can to get him reelection. It’s a right wing coup of the press just like Hungary!

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The reign of the oligarchs is now in full swing for everyone to see. Corporate media is no longer providing news or accurate reporting it is propaganda. Dean your sane journalism is appreciated. And I have been following Mary for some time. One of the problems is most republicans are leery of mental health practitioners and therapists. Because that requires change and confronting one’s mental issues.

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When a convicted fraudster/rapist wants to use the military against "the enemy within" & fantasizes about Arnold Palmer's junk...demented fascist to the core. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPKtKJBpmbU

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Does Trump have dementia? Spot these signs that medical experts highlight.


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When Kamala Harris becomes President her press secretary needs to remember the treachery the media committed. Put the perpetrators in the back row. Do not give them special access to the President.

Actions have consequences.

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Providing useful information is less profitable than entertainment. The Billionaires discovered that voters like entertainment more than information. That happened when "The apprentice" produced a spinoff series "The President" starring Donald J.(the jerk) Trump. Now The Billionaires want to bring the show back , because during the 4 year series they got what they wanted more subsidies, lower taxes and more freedom to pollute. The founding fathers rebelled against Aristocracy or simply people whose power was above the law. That is the opposite of "all men are created equal". The Aristocracy is Banks That are too big to fail, Markets where farmers have only one buyer, Pharmaceutical companies who have sole control of a cure. The Aristocracy has been growing for years Trump is a symptom not the cause. The modern media is just a tool of the Oligarchs who are the self anointed Aristocracy.

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Noam Chomsky has written extensively about how the media shapes and influences public opinion. His thesis is that the media builds support for those with economic and political power. The media is not objective, free, or unbiased in this model. It has a stake in what the public sees and understands. Ask the average person how well they understood Trump’s trial and the legal ramifications of that. It almost doesn't matter because the perception of liberals and the elite as a corrosive element that only Trump can flush out is very strong. How such a view developed is a long discussion starting with civil rights, Vietnam and the glacial erosion of faith in the government to help its people. Saying Trump is a greater threat doesn't help because his supporters see the liberal elite as an even more insidious rot of the system. When the public doesn't have a firm grasp of political reality, then mythologisation is possible, and all rhetoric obfuscates the central issues.

Instead, the power of personality rather than real ingenuity and capability is seen as a guiding light. Recall during 2016, the media made fun of Trump’s attempt to run for president. Nearly everyone joked, from Hollywood to university professors. Then Trump won, and the script was flipped. The model changed, and those who mocked Trump were seen as the “baddies”, and Trump was reframed as a “saviour.” All this is possible because the average person doesn’t really understand how politics is done or how laws and bills are passed. When one’s view of the government is a simplistic binary of good guys versus the bad, then such a view is highly susceptible to manipulation.

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We e all seen this book totally unraveling in front of us ..of course he's lost it , he lost it a couple of years ago ,probley when he had COVID ...but even before we have to figure out why , the richest 4%thought it was so important to put him in this position. The Gops / Repubs /CIA/ FBI and most of the USA knew why would we allow a mob boss wanna be , DICKtator who's old lady is /was a Epstein/Maxwell procured porno model in the highest position of power in our Nation . I guess the Federalists Society and Heritage Foundation figured he'd grab all the dysfunctional public votes because they're all such anti -Americans . So really we his behind all this ? The mob boss tactics was probley a experiment because so many other countries have mob boss dictators so we needed to try this out . But why ? Knowing again the disgusting morals tRump obviously was used to . Why did they do that to US? Then the coverup of how ridiculous tRump was while in office .. the WH pharmacology log showed how sick of a human he is/wAs . So then the ridiculous ear assassination with no real documentation .....only fake photo ops. It has become a total dilemma that has those of us with any reality unhinged at this point .. and why ? Vance a unknown slipped under the radar ....and yet Kamala who we all know well is being lambasted by media.. and tRump stands alone in crazy bizarre half penis erection thinking he's the best of everything . WTF ...Vance and the whole GoPs/Repubs are not concerned for anyone's well being .. not even their own . WHY ??

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