I don’t care what the jury decided. When you put somebody in a chokehold and see that they can’t breathe, and you continue, you are guilty of manslaughter at least!
I'm not sure 4 years is accurate. I think this is going to set us back decades when it comes to civil rights. You're only as safe and free in America as you can afford to be.
I seriously doubt that Trump and the republicans will relinquish power in four years. Trump will probably declare some sort of "national emergency" and cancel the election so he can remain the White House. And, of course, the "Supreme" Court would back him up, saying that it was an "official act." This is how bad things are getting, and they're only going to get worse over time. Four years? I don't think so. I think the U.S. is on a collision course with destruction, starting on January 20th. In short, we as a nation are toast. Elections have consequences.
The erosion of civil rights all ties back to perpetuating white supremacy in this country. Specifically white male dominance. This includes holding white males accountable when they break or bend the law. Like choking someone to death or trying to overthrow our democracy after losing an election to stay in power, and instead of being punished. They walk free. Much like Dump in his first term appointing 3 $upreme court justicies that overturned Roe. 2 of these justices should have never been confirmed, Kavanaugh and Barrett. The lose of abortion access for 53% of our population, the females, was a loss of a civil rights. And Dump was again elected to take even more away now. Cheering on these instances of "white male dominance" like this guy getting away with murder in broad daylight is literally applauding the loss of our civil rights to "white male dominance." It's ok if you don't see the connection, but that doesn't mean the connection is not there.
Once again,,,,pure misplaced noble shit. This has nothing, nada, not a fucking thing to do with race……. If your sister were on that train,,,,your view would be different, and you buy guy a beer. The fact of the matter is that if that nut were white, it never would have ever been in the news. The only reason this is an issue is because the black world made it one. Again,,, if not black, not a story.. so save it. Prisons are filled with white trailer trash criminals. You eat too many frozen dinners.
CIA won't touch this, read "On The Trail Of The Assassins", by N.O. prosecutor Jim Garrison, and wise up. Fuck Lucien Sarte and yourself while you're up.
Disgusting. Marines know the difference between subduing someone by constricting their airway and killing them. This was at least manslaughter, but more appropriately murder.
Exactly! I carry healthy food and water in my car specifically to give to people who are asking for help. I give filled, reusable water bottles so that the person will be able to refill that bottle over and over again. I also carry care packages that include disposable wipes, bar soap, shampoo and a towel so that people can clean up. Now that winter is here I also have hats and mittens to give to people. Provide help and do no harm.
Papa, I was thinking the same thing. A small act of kindness towards him may have immediately calmed him down and helped. Bring him to McDonald's and get him something to eat ffs. Would that be so hard?? 😞
Another case of mental illness+being black=kill. People in general, but police in particular, just look at someone acting out and just can't deal with it. I live in the town where Sean Grayson, a sheriff's deputy, shot Sonya Massey, a black woman who called the sheriff about an intruder. Why he shot her is hard to tell, and the trial is ongoing. But she had mental problems--not violent--but apparently he overreacted to something she said. This shouldn't be happening.
The crazy psycho bitch threw a pot of boiling water in his face! She had schizophrenia. There was no intruder. She was just nuts and imagined it. She deserved to get shot. One less dangerous head case gone. The world is a better place.
You just another sick Racists Cak suka White boy. With God's blessings and guidance we will hold you racist Caucazoid Neanderthal Demons accountable one day. We got to start retaliating instantly. Bullies and Racists only understands one language.
Penny -- someone with Marine military training who choked Neeley to death -- and the policeman who choked Floyd to death, are two men well-trained in the difference between restraining a person and killing a person --but used what they knew was excess and lethal force when dealing with unarmed Black men.
Floyd was not choked to death. That is a lie. That hold he had him in does not cut off breathing. He was saying he couldn't breathe because he was dying of a fentanyl overdose. There was no strangulation in the autopsy report. Those poor guys all got railroaded and George Floyd was a worthless ghetto Black piece of shit career criminal and the world is a better case with him gone.
Sadly, I think the only way to correct this behavior is for Black citizens and Black police officers to do this to unarmed White folks. Then maybe society will wake up.
Let's see now.....🤔 I wonder if the orange Mussolini was black, would ALL his trials have gone forward and ALL gotten convictions??? Would he be in jail NOW ?????? Geeee......how would THAT have worked out....😒
If Barak Obama was accused of EVERYTHING that the orange puke is accused of, would HE be in jail NOW??? Yeah.....
America, home of the free-if-you're-white, home of the brave-if-you're-white and home of the double standard if you're a person of color and/or a woman. Cue the fireworks 🎇 😞
They are glad about this but saying we shouldn't say anything about a mass murderer getting got in New York city by another white man. Saying we wrong for joking about it but they joked about bombs in pagers that killed a child. Only difference in all these was the color of the victims. Every time police commit brutalities against people of color it turns into victim shaming instead of holding the officer accountable. Police wasn't made to police whites. Why my response to make America great again will always be for minorities when was it ever great? We didn't come here we were brought here to do work whites wouldn't. Same with migrants they come here to do work Americans won't but are targeted for bigotry. Asians were brought here to work on the railroad and boats in the ports of the west. People really need to read about America's history because obviously it isn't taught in schools anymore. At least not how I learned it back in the 80s and 90s.
Anyone still wondering about a two tiered (or even three tiered) system of justice in this country need look no farther than this case. Another white vigilante gets away with murder because reasons...
MAGA should receive a six-minute chokehold and get back to everyone on what that was like. And if - for some reason - they're unable to afterwards, I'm sure their opinions will be greatly missed by literally everyone else on Earth.
I just want to make sure we respect the jury’s decision _and_ castigate those cheering it. Given the instructions they received, they ruled correctly. However, it’s certainly nothing to celebrate. A young man with mental health problem is dead.
Dean makes a point about if it were Black man choking a white man. We all know perfidious racism exists in this county.
However, how would we feel if it were a white man choking a white man, a black man choking a black man or even a martial arts trained white woman choking a black man.
This issue is not simply black and white. We can look at statistical data and be very confident that racism exists, especially when some datapoints are clearly defined as indicating racism. However, some individual data points can be a little more nebulous.
I do not know if Daniel Penny is a Racist. However, I do know that those cheering the verdict are most likely racists.
From what I’ve read, the commuters on the train were afraid of what the mentally ill man might do. Since when do we put a person in a chokehold because he might do something? Preemptive arrest? Wasn’t that the plot of a movie?
Why is this a black vs white matter? As a mental health professional I know firsthand that someone in the depths of mental illness can be terrifying and threatening. It was extremely unfortunate that he died but I do believe that the killing was unintentional. Aides in mental hospitals have also killed people while trying to control their outbursts and now they have extensive training to avoid harming someone. These passengers were afraid and had no such training. I think the legal findings were just.
Thats Horseshit. Penney is a trained killer. People was begging him to ket the kid go cause he was limp. He had shit himself and every body nearby could smell it. You telling me choking some ine for 6 minutes and body going limp is not sign to you that you should let go. Aides choke people to death in Hospitals? which Hospital is that legal? You Skkkumbags always have a reason to murder black people. We got to retalitate and I am sure you will be singing a different tune.
I don’t care what the jury decided. When you put somebody in a chokehold and see that they can’t breathe, and you continue, you are guilty of manslaughter at least!
💯🎯. Especially when several people were yelling at you, saying the man can't breathe.
And this is just the beginning of what we all can expect for at least the next four years. UGH!
I'm not sure 4 years is accurate. I think this is going to set us back decades when it comes to civil rights. You're only as safe and free in America as you can afford to be.
I seriously doubt that Trump and the republicans will relinquish power in four years. Trump will probably declare some sort of "national emergency" and cancel the election so he can remain the White House. And, of course, the "Supreme" Court would back him up, saying that it was an "official act." This is how bad things are getting, and they're only going to get worse over time. Four years? I don't think so. I think the U.S. is on a collision course with destruction, starting on January 20th. In short, we as a nation are toast. Elections have consequences.
Dumpty will 'probably' die or become incoherent in the next term.
Plan for that.
That's even worse. Vance would become president. Can you imagine how bad that would be?
tragically for the world I believe you are right
There are no civil "rights". There are civil permissions.
Learn how to defend yourselves. There will be no one there to help you.
This is not about civil rights Fucking amazing!!!
The erosion of civil rights all ties back to perpetuating white supremacy in this country. Specifically white male dominance. This includes holding white males accountable when they break or bend the law. Like choking someone to death or trying to overthrow our democracy after losing an election to stay in power, and instead of being punished. They walk free. Much like Dump in his first term appointing 3 $upreme court justicies that overturned Roe. 2 of these justices should have never been confirmed, Kavanaugh and Barrett. The lose of abortion access for 53% of our population, the females, was a loss of a civil rights. And Dump was again elected to take even more away now. Cheering on these instances of "white male dominance" like this guy getting away with murder in broad daylight is literally applauding the loss of our civil rights to "white male dominance." It's ok if you don't see the connection, but that doesn't mean the connection is not there.
Once again,,,,pure misplaced noble shit. This has nothing, nada, not a fucking thing to do with race……. If your sister were on that train,,,,your view would be different, and you buy guy a beer. The fact of the matter is that if that nut were white, it never would have ever been in the news. The only reason this is an issue is because the black world made it one. Again,,, if not black, not a story.. so save it. Prisons are filled with white trailer trash criminals. You eat too many frozen dinners.
You are my hero!
Soooo, YOU are a white supremacist then. Admit it.
Get a fucking life… drone
This is why I'm blocking you, drone.
Apparently there is no amount of money that will safeguard the lives of People of Color in America
It's sickening to think that has come to this. I'm upset and angry to the point it makes sick to my stomach
Good. Get MAD. Use it.
Amen. We got to fight back instantly. We need more Dallas Shooters.
CIA won't touch this, read "On The Trail Of The Assassins", by N.O. prosecutor Jim Garrison, and wise up. Fuck Lucien Sarte and yourself while you're up.
Disgusting. Marines know the difference between subduing someone by constricting their airway and killing them. This was at least manslaughter, but more appropriately murder.
We are living in very scary times. Trump has brought out the worst of the worst and really brings home that money is the root of all evils.
It sure is the root of sufficient evil.
I wonder if someone had offered Penny twenty bucks to get a meal and some kind words, whether the outcome could have been changed.
Exactly! I carry healthy food and water in my car specifically to give to people who are asking for help. I give filled, reusable water bottles so that the person will be able to refill that bottle over and over again. I also carry care packages that include disposable wipes, bar soap, shampoo and a towel so that people can clean up. Now that winter is here I also have hats and mittens to give to people. Provide help and do no harm.
you are amazing
Papa, I was thinking the same thing. A small act of kindness towards him may have immediately calmed him down and helped. Bring him to McDonald's and get him something to eat ffs. Would that be so hard?? 😞
Another case of mental illness+being black=kill. People in general, but police in particular, just look at someone acting out and just can't deal with it. I live in the town where Sean Grayson, a sheriff's deputy, shot Sonya Massey, a black woman who called the sheriff about an intruder. Why he shot her is hard to tell, and the trial is ongoing. But she had mental problems--not violent--but apparently he overreacted to something she said. This shouldn't be happening.
She was violent as Hell. She threw a pot of a boiling water in the cop's face! She got what she deserved.
The crazy psycho bitch threw a pot of boiling water in his face! She had schizophrenia. There was no intruder. She was just nuts and imagined it. She deserved to get shot. One less dangerous head case gone. The world is a better place.
Thank you for illustrating my point.
Woke loon.
Serous question for YOU: How can the "founder of the Alternative Left" be using terms such as "woke loon" to describe ANYBODY?
You just another sick Racists Cak suka White boy. With God's blessings and guidance we will hold you racist Caucazoid Neanderthal Demons accountable one day. We got to start retaliating instantly. Bullies and Racists only understands one language.
Penny -- someone with Marine military training who choked Neeley to death -- and the policeman who choked Floyd to death, are two men well-trained in the difference between restraining a person and killing a person --but used what they knew was excess and lethal force when dealing with unarmed Black men.
There was no excess and lethal force used in the Floyd case.
Floyd was not choked to death. That is a lie. That hold he had him in does not cut off breathing. He was saying he couldn't breathe because he was dying of a fentanyl overdose. There was no strangulation in the autopsy report. Those poor guys all got railroaded and George Floyd was a worthless ghetto Black piece of shit career criminal and the world is a better case with him gone.
Sadly, I think the only way to correct this behavior is for Black citizens and Black police officers to do this to unarmed White folks. Then maybe society will wake up.
Let's see now.....🤔 I wonder if the orange Mussolini was black, would ALL his trials have gone forward and ALL gotten convictions??? Would he be in jail NOW ?????? Geeee......how would THAT have worked out....😒
If Barak Obama was accused of EVERYTHING that the orange puke is accused of, would HE be in jail NOW??? Yeah.....
America, home of the free-if-you're-white, home of the brave-if-you're-white and home of the double standard if you're a person of color and/or a woman. Cue the fireworks 🎇 😞
They are glad about this but saying we shouldn't say anything about a mass murderer getting got in New York city by another white man. Saying we wrong for joking about it but they joked about bombs in pagers that killed a child. Only difference in all these was the color of the victims. Every time police commit brutalities against people of color it turns into victim shaming instead of holding the officer accountable. Police wasn't made to police whites. Why my response to make America great again will always be for minorities when was it ever great? We didn't come here we were brought here to do work whites wouldn't. Same with migrants they come here to do work Americans won't but are targeted for bigotry. Asians were brought here to work on the railroad and boats in the ports of the west. People really need to read about America's history because obviously it isn't taught in schools anymore. At least not how I learned it back in the 80s and 90s.
Anyone still wondering about a two tiered (or even three tiered) system of justice in this country need look no farther than this case. Another white vigilante gets away with murder because reasons...
MAGA should receive a six-minute chokehold and get back to everyone on what that was like. And if - for some reason - they're unable to afterwards, I'm sure their opinions will be greatly missed by literally everyone else on Earth.
I just want to make sure we respect the jury’s decision _and_ castigate those cheering it. Given the instructions they received, they ruled correctly. However, it’s certainly nothing to celebrate. A young man with mental health problem is dead.
Dean makes a point about if it were Black man choking a white man. We all know perfidious racism exists in this county.
However, how would we feel if it were a white man choking a white man, a black man choking a black man or even a martial arts trained white woman choking a black man.
This issue is not simply black and white. We can look at statistical data and be very confident that racism exists, especially when some datapoints are clearly defined as indicating racism. However, some individual data points can be a little more nebulous.
I do not know if Daniel Penny is a Racist. However, I do know that those cheering the verdict are most likely racists.
We kind of know he's racist. He targeted an unarmed Black man and choked him to death over his words.
Agreed! 💯
From what I’ve read, the commuters on the train were afraid of what the mentally ill man might do. Since when do we put a person in a chokehold because he might do something? Preemptive arrest? Wasn’t that the plot of a movie?
I think this verdict is absolutely disgusting- this poor man was murdered!
Why is this a black vs white matter? As a mental health professional I know firsthand that someone in the depths of mental illness can be terrifying and threatening. It was extremely unfortunate that he died but I do believe that the killing was unintentional. Aides in mental hospitals have also killed people while trying to control their outbursts and now they have extensive training to avoid harming someone. These passengers were afraid and had no such training. I think the legal findings were just.
Thats Horseshit. Penney is a trained killer. People was begging him to ket the kid go cause he was limp. He had shit himself and every body nearby could smell it. You telling me choking some ine for 6 minutes and body going limp is not sign to you that you should let go. Aides choke people to death in Hospitals? which Hospital is that legal? You Skkkumbags always have a reason to murder black people. We got to retalitate and I am sure you will be singing a different tune.
Cool, can you name one time anyone Black killed anyone White over words and was hailed as a hero?
The White supremacists are hitting this thread pretty good. THAT is HOW we all know Dean's claim is 100% on target.