Follow the money. The influence of big money was already bad, but it exploded after Citizen's United. So far $6 billion has been spent in the current election cycle, with much more coming in the final month. Who benefits from that political spending? Mostly the Mainstream Media from political adverts. They have to have a horserace, including creating false equivalencies, to maximize profit. The First Amendment is second to corporate greed.

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Thank John Robert’s for citizens united. And while you’re at it, thank that SOB for Dobbs, Shelby County, Chevron, etc.

Idk who’s been worse for our democracy. Moscow Mitch McConnell, TFG or John Roberts.

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That is so sad!

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Exactly what I was going to say! What a shame that is America today.

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Nice to have a confirmation on my belief that the owners are Right Wing Billionaire nuts. I say nuts because they have been systematically destroying the system that made them rich and preparing a replacement that will ultimately chew them up along with the rest of us. Notice how Putin's Oligarchs fall out of windows or what happened to a lot of Hitler's original financiers?

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Just look at The NY Times roster of chosen people who are cheering on a Nazi: AG Sulzberger, Joseph Kahn, etc

The MSM would steal Christ off the cross and go back for the nails.

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Thank you for this. I cancelled my NYT subscription and my TV streaming subscription months ago bc of the false equivalency and uneven playing field given to Dem vs Rethug candidates. Sanewashing and normalizing criminality, lying, misogyny, racism, violent insurrectionism, fomenting intolerance and violence, IS NOT PATRIOTIC, it is enabling and pandering to terrorism.

Vote with your pocketbook. Do not support fascist appeasers in any way. And above all,


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Ms. Shaw, I LOVED your WHOLE message #VoteBLUE...

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I never watch CNN anymore and I keep NYT for the games. MyTV system has Canadian channels so I’m getting most of my news from them, with the exception of Lawrence O’Donnell.

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Susan, Joy Reid and Ali Velshi are also very good at calling out trump. Ali is gentler than Joy, but still on top of the truth. Without them and Lawrence O'Donnell - and most of the time Nicolle Wallace, I wouldn't watch news on tv at all.

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Same as me!

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I like NYT games. And the food section has some good recipes. I skim the headlines in the morning email, but I never read their articles.

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FYI games are available for free. Check apps. I miss NYT recipes, but gave up cooking. I won’t give the Times a nickel.

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Why don't people understand that games are how NYT is surviving? They don't care why you subscribe, just that you do

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I gave up on CNN a long time ago. Thanks for the confirmation.

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I f*cking knew it! 🤬 And what they fail to realize is that Trump and maga will never accept CNN, no matter how much they try to cater to him. They are shooting themselves in the foot!

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THANK YOU and Don Lemon for telling the truth!! This BS from CNN and the other outlets are a cruel, despicable tactic by the Trump/MAGA/Billionaire campaign.

They know the damage they are causing. Your “statement” of what viewers are thinking as these so called journalists - bobble heads now meekly take this dumpster of lies from the MAGA Republicans and say nothing.

Great job management!! Your stockholders should kick your asses to the curb!!

Time for a SHAREHOLDER revolt!!

This is a Capitalist country and your billionaire class is stacking the deck.

Let the stockholders handle you before the Justice Department does.

This is Election Interference!

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This surprises none of us. Remember the Trump Town Hall that CNN hosted earlier this year. No fact checking at all. Hindsight is golden. It was a preview of what they would do later in the year when they hosted the debate between Biden and Trump.

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The shock is not that they do it, but when somebody on the inside (or formerly on the inside) ADMITS it.

It's like warrantless wiretapping and "enhanced interrogation"—we knew both were going on, but when Shrub Bush BRAGGED about it? That's a whole new level....

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Corporate media execs and Rethugs overall, are willing to JEOPARDIZE their children’s, grandchildren’s futures, lives, well being and not publicly, forcefully oppose the ORANGE STAIN—Project 2025–Heritage Foundation — for short term profits and theocratic one-upmanISM

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Here we are,Dean,once again. I have to thank you for holding Corporate Media's feet to the 🔥 You,along with all the other progressive journalist,who bring us the Facts and the Truth. I am pleased that Don Lemon has that spirit of Duty to the American public, to not only speak out, but wrote a book about it. I applaud him and hope it does well. I also applaud you, Dean, you are a National Treasure and true Excellent interview this morning ☕💯👍💙🇺🇲🌊🌊🌊

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I don’t watch CNN any more. I stopped when they announced they were joining FOX on the dark side. Today? Today any time Trump appears on the screen whether news or campaign ad I either mute the tv or switch channels.

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We do as well. Can’t stand to hear his lying voice.

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Don Lemon's revelation is very interesting, and not at all surprising, even though the people who run MSM outlets are clearly blind as to the reality of trump. I feel fortunate that at least the people I watch on MSNBC are not afraid to speak out about the reality of trump and the differences between him and Harris. I've also noticed that MSNBC has been running at least some of Harris's rallies. Plus the interview Stephanie Ruhle did with Kamala Harris was good journalism. She did press in on some of the issues. It's pretty clear that the people who are regularly speaking out against trump on MSNBC are not afraid of getting fired.

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CNN suggested a paywall to app subscribers previously. Obviously the subscribers didn’t like it. A paywall for CNN will fail. I deleted the app after the debate between Trump and Biden. There are too many other news services out there - CNN has lost its credibility.

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The fact that CNN continues to employ Smirking Scott Jennings and his equally duplicitous pal, David Urban, tells me and millions of former fans of CNN, all we need to know about how low they have sunk. And to think that Joke Tapper and Dana Bashful were once respected journalists. What a waste.

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A reminder, from, appropriately, Leap Day 2016

Leslie Moonves on Donald Trump: “[Trump] May Not Be Good for America, but It’s Damn Good for CBS”


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Wasn’t this the same guy that got fired for sexual harassment??

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I remember

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