Corporate media calls it a hush money trial, which isn’t even a crime. That should tell you how the media wants this to go. Trump is a cash cow. Til he’s not. Better be careful what you wish for, media.

It’s never too late to do your job.

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We should throw all fascist MAGAt voters in jail with Trump to protect our sacred democracy.

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I agree that the corporate media seem to favor trump over Biden. And I don't like it either. But with regard to trump falling asleep at his trial, someone commented on one of the newsletters I read, that falling asleep is an escape mechanism. That means his falling asleep may have less to do with age, rage tweeting and stamina than it does with not wanting to deal with the truth. That is something that really hit home with me, knowing that trump doesn't want to be at the trial and clearly has difficulty dealing with the reality of being a criminal defendant.

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Consider the lack of diet cokes all day long. He does not drink coffee at all. His lawyers should impress upon him how bad disrespectful the sleeping is to Judge and jury and make sure he drinks the soda before trial, during breaks, at lunch.

(Unless they know already they will lose and are secretly supporting Trump’s own sabotaging of his chances at trial and in campaign for 3d shot at Presidency.)

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I think that's the most likely reason, Susan—he doesn't want to be there, he's forced to sit there and be quiet while people he has nothing but contempt for (which is nearly everybody not able to call in an air strike!) impugn his character by telling the truth about it, and everything he lies to himself about to feel better is being torn down. So why not check out for a dreamland where he's Dictator-for-Life and nobody can touch him...?

Maybe somebody should just take the Black Mercy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_the_Man_Who_Has_Everything ) and drape it around his neck.

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Good enough for Superman!

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Well, that was MY thought, certainly!

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Love the way you think!

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Consider the simplest cause: Valium

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I dunno—my best friend's Mom took Valium like they were M&Ms for years, and she was sharp as a tack until the final year of her life.

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Will do. I don't know what drugs tfg is on, but I do know he is in a position where his primary goal is to not have to deal with reality. Maybe it's a combination of both.

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Like what we used to trust was not just opinions but factual and unbiased reporting as in Dan Rather news

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Where the heck is the media on the Don the Dozer topic? They’re providing Trump two daily opportunities to whine & complain before & after the trial!

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There's plenty of media publicizing Trump's sleeping: here are a few: MSNBC, NYT, Washington Post, etc.

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Trump rage-tweeted until all hours of the night and rarely showed his face before noon in the Oval Office. Between his Diet Coke intake and non-medicinal use of Adderall, he's just your average sleep-deprived addicted old man, who can't stay interested in anything that doesn't involve running his own mouth.

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Perfect analysis!

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Will corporate media ever change you ask. The answer is simple…..Corporate!!!!

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Don’t forget Seth Myers.

His “a closer look”, is absolutely hilarious.

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So much hate. It's hard to follow groups that hate so much.

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To a degree he’s covered. However, he gets too much free airtime at least twice a day, before & after the trial. During these “press conferences” he violates the gag order about which little is done! MSNBC provides the most extensive coverage of them all.

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Sounds to me that he might have sleep apnea.

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He farts when he’s falling asleep. He should be doing rectal Kegel exercises while he’s sitting there to tighten up what he’s stretched out with sex toys. And don’t think for one moment that he doesn’t do that.

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Thanks for putting that image into my head...! 😵‍💫🤢🤮

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All I can say is thank goodness for the comedians who are still part of the media but using the defendant’s actions and words against him. The print and “serious” talking heads won’t do that. Probably why I no longer get my info from those sources.

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Main stream media is corporate media slanted and funded by the owners-funders who use the air waves to influence the political outcomes that benefit them.It hasn't been news ( like Dan Ra try her news ,

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I always find bloopers pretty funny. Biden provides quite a bit more than the average President which, I guess, makes him above average!! I guess I missed the late night hosts making fun of Biden's bedtime story of his uncle and cannibals in New Guinea but maybe I can catch those moments on YouTube or when Biden attempts to forgive student loans when the Supreme Court said it was illegal. Both are pretty funny but not as funny as Trump doing off...

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And don’t forget the phhhhpppphhht that follows!

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Fingers crossed that tRump’s dementia takes care of the media problem. His brain will never survive four more years.

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