Time to magnify the Republican mantra, “Trump is too old and senile to be president!”

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Let us say this everyday, we can’t count on NYTimes, WaPo, CNN, network news to report the obvious. Trump doesn’t have the discipline or curiosity to be well informed. Trump is obese, show signs of dementia. A convicted felon. An adjudicated rapist.

Trump should step down

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Now his name is, “Old, convicted felon trump.”

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You forgot "Rapist". "Old Convicted Rapist Felon".

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Right on, Robert. Thank you!!

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And batshit crazy! And obese. And orange.

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Just want everyone to know that I distrust any "replacement" of Donald by a younger MAGA remains a threat to the people of the U.S. their, rights and liberties under the rule of law and the US Constitution. Please keep laser-focused on the People supporting the autocrat nightmare and threat to the U.S: "Project 2025". No single branch of government deserves to be given absolute power of the People of the U.S.A.

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Sure, but there is no way in H*ll the old and senile convicted felon will step down. His ego is to big and he’s too delusional to see it or listen to anyone in his party!

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I understand and support your comment, Joyce. Please see my other comments. Thanks!

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And Donald is too stupid to be President. Low intelligence. Not smart enough to serve in any public office. He proved this last time. Dumbass Donnie.

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Asylum. Hannibal. Windmills. Water pressure. Sharks. Batteries. Bleach. Bright light. Golf champion. Cement. Deleted Jan 6 evidence. Loves Elon, Putin, Orban, Kim. Moron! How does the Press take any of his shit seriously? Time to pull his pants down and laugh at this LOSER. As George Carlin said in his Stupids routine, "He's full of shit!"

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No thank you. I never want to see the mushroom Stormy described or his filled diaper. Keep his pants up.

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I prefer "Lock Him Up!' or maybe "Lock up the old guy!"

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The truth is he really is!

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Jul 22Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Kamala Harris has been dealing with dumb racists and misogynists her whole life. She knows how to dismantle them — and by pursuing that line of bigotry, the GOP only reminds us voters of why we despise their party in the first place.

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I have to admit it: I've been really down and, frankly, frightened for the nation ever since Joe Biden's dismal performance/appearance at that debate, followed by the utter nastiness and downright evil of the republican convention. I've been deeply worried because it felt as though Trump was building some unstoppable momentum. However, the last 24 hours have totally changed the game. All of a sudden the Dems have a smart, capable, youthful, experienced candidate who knows how to handle felons like Trump. There has been a sea change, and a fresh, invigorating wind is blowing. I will be forever grateful to President Biden for his masterful job as our Chief Executive, and even more so for his patriotism and selflessness in stepping down as the Democratic candidate--which is something that Trump's massive ego would never, ever allow him to do. But now it's time to move on. Joe Biden has more character in his little finger than Trump has in his entire corpulent, gelatinous body. We have a great candidate and an election to win, and I'm convinced that VP Harris can do it. There's a palpable energy circulating through the Democratic Party, and it's exciting. Oh, and one more thing: President Biden has six months left as our President, and he has almost unlimited powers since that abysmal ruling by the corrupt Supreme Court. I strongly encourage him to use that power via Executive Orders. Think of all the good he could do in the next six months, especially since he no longer has to worry about being re-elected. Come on, Mr. President: start issuing EOs and make some great things happen. Who's going to stop you?

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I’m on your side and sm thrilled with Harris. Just noting that being overweight is normally not a character flaw. But in Trump’s case it is 😂

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“Let’s be clear: Calling a person of color a DEI hire is what racism looks like.” Yes. Yes. Yes

I’m an older white man who has been embarrassed when world traveling knowing I came from a country ruled by racist, chauvinist,white male bigots. For Pete’s sake, —change that to Kamala, The fiery Jasmine, AOC and all the wonderful women of color I have known in my life and more—maybe we can grow past the embarrassment of Nixon, Reagan, both Bushes, but we must never forget the HUGE EMBARRASSMENT of TRUMP.

I feel the sun rising on a new day and energized to get to work on this election.

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I'm with you 100%, Jim. I wish there was some way to send the bigots back to the rotten logs the crawled out from under. What I've realized lately is that our country seems to be focused on appearance and performance, a la reality TV. For me, substance is the main issue, and the women you mention have it. I'm all for them.

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20 somethings today know marketing in and out,

as they’ve been on social media most of their lives.

They see the old style marketing and know a change was necessary.

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Don't forget Judge Tanya Chutkan, NY AG Letitia James, and Fani Willis. They either have or will take Dumpy down personally.

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There is no way I forget them. I love them and they were the strength of the spear point early and continuing but they are being handcuffed by SCROTUS. THEY ARE STILL PART OF THE SPEAR BUT KAMALA IS NOW THE POINT. This is the spear that will, hopefully, kill the beast.

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Yes she is!!! I'm so excited about this imagine a Kamala Harris and Mark Kelly Ticket! Oh wow. It's a one two punch. She's a Prosecutor, Kelly is a seasoned veteran and astronaut, JD wished he could measure up. Wow!

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And Arizona has a Democratic governor to replace his Senate seat and a Senate race in play! Also, we get two for the price of one when Scott Kelly hits the campaign trail. Everyone loves astronauts!

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Did I also mention swing state?

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I had not thought about the governor being able to fill the senate seat. I had to look up Scott Kelly, but yes, that would be great to have the two of them campaigning.

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And Kelly’s wife survived an actual assassination attempt.

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Maybe Gifford could say to TCFG “I'll show you my injuries from my assassination attempt & you can show me yours.”

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That's a fabulous zinger.

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Someone has pointed out to me that Mark Kelly is very conservative (as is John Tester; that's how they get re-elected in conservative states). Much as I like him, I'm not altogether sure how he'd work out. Then again, maybe what we need is the balance? I'm pretty sure he would be a supportive VP because he is a class act.

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He and his wife are anti-gun. That's enough for me, unless he suddenly annouces he's anti-abortion.

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I've been in tears this weekend over the incredible courage President Joe Biden showed the American people, when he stepped aside and endorsed VP Kamala Harris. I am doing what my president has asked me to do, Support Her and her pick for Vice president!!! As always, Dean, you have such a knack for delivering us the Facts and the Truth 💯 Let's keep this momentum Up, People ! Let's do it for "Joe" and our Country 🙏💙🇺🇸

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The contrast between the felon and Kamala Harris is stark and DEI hire is no longer code. It’s racist and it’s in widespread use by the likes of scared, little white men and some women who never grew out of the ‘50s.

For good mental health, check out Jeff Tiedrich’s Substack today 👍.

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My greatest fear is that the corporate media, especially the NYT, having forced Biden out, will amplify all of the MAGA attacks as legit and turn something, anything, into the "but her emails" of this campaign when they should be focused on the old, dementia prone, convicted felon, rapist fraud heading the MAGA ticket.

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They are repulsive. They can’t find the guts to admit they are racists, so they hide behind these petty attacks.

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I’m very hopeful that we have learned lessons from the 2016 election. Plus, we now know about the media’s role in smearing Clinton, so we should be prepared to counter that tactic this time.

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She’s a brave woman and we must work hard to help her. I was one of the people who donated yesterday to the $50M raised. Let’s go!

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Yes we can! I supported Joe Biden, and now I will do my utmost to support Kamala Harris. Yes, I know she can and will prosecute her case against MAGA chief criminal and associate co-conspirators, and win the Presidency!

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And she will never say, "Oh, Donnie, you're the greatest...."

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Well....she could say, "Oh Donnie, you're the greatest liar in the world" ...and she wouldn't be wrong 😆😆

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Yeah, but that might make him droopy….

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I’ve read some very amusing descriptions by Trumpsters that he is shaking in his boots at the idea of facing Kamala. Love it! Let’s hope that the so-called power brokers do not screw this up as they have so often in my 60 years as a registered Dem.

I am prepared to yell back loud and clear to any bigots including some who may be Dems. Joe taught us what courage is and I am prepared to honor him with whatever bravery I can muster.

First thing I did when I heard of Joe’s endorsement was to donate to her. Thank you Joe for all you’ve done and thank you for offering us a successor who was by your side for all your achievements and who fights vigorously for women’s rights!

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And she knows a convicted felon when she sees one!

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Madame President! I absolutely love it!! (Being female I might be a little biased, but mostly I love her competence.) I also love what Mayor Scott said about DEI hires. Personally, even though I see the differences in skin color, or other characteristics, I love seeing and hearing from anyone who has good things to say, or who does good things for our country. Some of the most brilliant people I've encountered are different from me. And I see that as a good thing. If everyone looked like me, thought like me, and believed like me, the world would be a very sad and boring place. Being open to differences is what allow us to grow. IMO.

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