This is a great idea, you should capture that list of everyone that was charged and also convicted. Start and name and shame list and get this group to expose them and dox them to their communities.

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I like that idea because red states, like mine in FL, are where these people mostly came from, aren't going to do anything to offend them or trump. I'd love to see tge Lincoln Project use billboards to publicize their names, mugshots, and charges and the city last lived in so everyone, including employers and police, can see repeatedly who they are, what they did, and how close to you or your family they are, every single time they sit in traffic near the billboards.

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Put their mugshots on billboards, bumper stickers, windows, walls, etc. everywhere: “Beware Mad Dog Trump’s Unjustly Pardoned Terrorists”

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Yes, we need that registry, but in red states like mine in FL, it will never happen. FL had more people arrested from it than any other state. What a distinction. But with a legislature that does DeSantis’ bidding, he will never allow something like that. I continue to hope that the country survives, and that our citizens can survive this “administration” to its conclusion.

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I'm in MO and in Hawley's district. There's no way in hell something like that would pass here.

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Private funding for billboards could be arranged, maybe.

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What about privately funded billboards?

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The “conclusion” must come a lot sooner than planned.

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Democrats in Congress should introduce a resolution condemning trump for rewarding convicted felons with pardons after they committed acts of political violence on his behalf because this encourages future acts of political violence and endangers the American people. These pardons are a statement by trump that he approves of violent crimes done to further his own interests and is a way to intimidate those who would speak out against him.

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GOTTA make it clear somehow- they scream about migrant crime- these are real criminals they just let loose!! Who is the one rearrested? We should make a poster of that

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yes, i read there was already one of the released that was already arrested for a crime only a day later. 🤦🏽‍♀️😭

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A firearms charge, too.

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A “Capitol” idea.

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Great idea! Government workers are terrified that the newly freed Jan 6 terrorists will attack us. We are doing everything we can do undermine Trump to save our sacred democracy: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/the-resistance-is-strong-and-deep

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Excellent idea, Dean. These terrorist insurrectionists are abusers of all humanity -- the ultimate perverts!

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The felon’s name shouldn’t be on anything. Yes, all “Free States” should have “domestic terrorists” lists - publicly available, easily searchable registries. The J6 insurrectionists should be on it. Once on this list they should be prohibited from owning weapons of any kind.

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Disagree. Privately funded billboards should be erected where people might be in the greatest danger.

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Are all their names publicly known? Then we can create a database, and put it online, no? It's not going to be done by the government.

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I'd like to know all the names and states where they reside. and what if they move?

They need to be tracked. The most violent ones HAVE NOT BEEN REHABILITATED! They show no remorse. Violent acts escalate. It's been documented.

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All information about the released insurrectionists is 8n the public domain.

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I completely agree with such a registry. Unfortunately with Trump and his Department of Personal Revenge, formerly the Justice Department, they will be exalted and praised as Trump hands them power by making them his private paramilitary force, so citizens will need to make that list on our own and out them wherever they show up.

But we must resist.

Steve Dundas

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When I was a teacher of vulnerable adults the principal sent an email with a picture to let us know there was a sexual predator living within a certain distance of the school. God help us if we no longer will be aware of these dangerous people in our community.

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Absolutely Agree here Dean!! What a slap in the face to our Men in Blue, it's despicable. These J6ers are the worst of the Worst, and should be registered and that information made public, so their neighbors know what they're living next to 😱 Thank You, and will reStack ASAP 🙏💯👍

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I can give you the first name and address for the list: Donald J. Trump, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC.

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Those Jan 6th attackers were waving Trump flags and Confederate flags, and some had had T shirts printed ahead of time before the attack. Trump clearly egged them on, and spent hours watching the attack. He must have really enjoyed seeing those folks going crashing into the building, climbing the walls, and attacking the defending police officers with hastily-grabbed weapons such as flagpoles, police batons and shields, as well as bear etc. sprays which they had brought with them. Yes, they are dangerous, and Trump has now emboldened them. IMHO they will be targeting folks who are not magats, media which they don't like, etc.

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For the first time in my life, I'm considering buying a handgun* and taking a class. I already have a family heirloom "over and under" shotgun. Freaking MO has no firearms regulations at all. I already have bear spray at our front door. I'm in SW MO and MAGA is everywhere. If I do buy one, I hope that I never need it.

*I know about the statistics. No need to repeat them here.

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Thank you for this excellent work!

One of the many things that concerns me, and I feel that it's being lost in all the justified outrage about the j6 criminals, is the Silk Road pardon. It seems feasible that this pardon could be easily traced to a quid pro quo in exchange for campaign contributions from the libertarian tech and crypto bros. I suspect that if the right wing and libertarian media are giving this any coverage at all, it's completely whitewashed. But I have to hope that somebody somewhere who has the ability to penetrate MAGA brains, will decide that this is a bridge too far. Some intrepid reporter needs to track down the mothers of kids who died from opioid and Fentanyl overdoses which can be traced to Silk Road and get those stories out there. There's a very good chance that many of those victims are from deep red parts of the country.

If they are not outraged by this, then we truly have no hope as a country.

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