What I found interesting is the sympathy the Hunter jurors found for Biden as the depths of his addiction were brought out in such detail. They still convicted because he did what he was charged with doing, but they seemed to recognize what put him in the situation. If ever a trump juror comes out with a memoir, I doubt we will find a whole lot of sympathy for trump.

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Jun 12Liked by Dean Obeidallah

These people are despicable.

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Worse than deplorable! They’re sick in the head!

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Jun 12Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Spot on Dean,I swear if Hunter doesn't relapse it will be a miracle?! Also,as if being president isn't difficult enough, President Biden should be careful with his stress level,as I worry his health might fail him.(Which might be what trump and his henchmen have in mind all along)at any rate, truly this should be a Wake up America moment and get folks to the polls in November. Bless the Biden family and you, Dean for putting this in retrospect for us.❤️

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Glad you liked it :)

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Jun 12Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Let’s give MAGA death as requested.

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Trump while selling dystopia & revenge threatened everyone involved indictments & trials for his crimes: witnesses jurors prosecutors & judges. In contrast to Trump's dangerous behavior the Hunter case involved NO threats no cries of which hunt or efforts to undermine the system.


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The fact that we are in the midst of a cruel fascist takeover and those we have elected to protect us are no where to be seen...These cruel sick greedy fascists need to be arrested and thrown in jail for their disgusting behavior...jurors being threatened, volunteers at voting booths being terrified for their lives...WHERE IS THE DOJ, FBI, BIDEN speaking to us DAILY about this OBVIOUS THREAT

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They do it with fake identities. They’re too COWARDLY to use their own names. So it’s difficult to find and charge them.

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It is beyond my comprehension that some MAGA voters approve, facilitate, and perpetrate such violence against other citizens with whom they disagree. It used to be possible to have civil exchanges among people of different beliefs. That part of our history is over with few exceptions. The lies, conspiracy theories, and tolerance and even encouragements of violence are beyond comprehension. Our children and grandchildren are learning about violence in so many different ways, it is heartbreaking. If we allow the GOP presidential candidate to resume his assaults on democracy, his alliances with other authoritarians, and his obvious disregard for our constitution, our grandchildren will be living the lives depicted in Sinclair Lewis’ “ It Can’t Happen Here” and possibly millennia will pass before democracy is restored—-if it ever is.

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It will be like the film Idiocracy. Which was meant to be a comedy, not a premonition.

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Fundamentalists disparage mainstream culture as "demonic" - Republicans just substitute the word "woke". Both lead to violence.

[Amanda Marcotte Salon.com 6/11/24]

Journalist Katherine Stewart and Rachel Laser of Americans United for Separation of Church and State joined Dahlia Lithwick on her Amicus podcast last week, and they pointed out that this Christian nationalist attitude leads directly to violence. Whether they're explicitly complaining about "demons" or using sanitized political language like "woke," the MAGA argument remains the same: They are beset on all sides by evil forces they believe are out to get them. Therefore, they are entitled to do whatever it takes to "protect" themselves. It's all a phantasm, of course. The freedom to be a loud-mouthed bigot remains untouched in the U.S., protected as always by the First Amendment. But it's a useful lie to justify a fascistic crackdown on America, and so a lie that MAGA is embracing.


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I do hope and pray that this time the national guard and as much law enforcement as possible will be ready when #45 loses again. He is the most disgusting excuse for a human being there is right now. How can even his cult think well of him?

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I would never try to wrap my brain around how tfg's cult thinks. But I would give the award for most disgusting excuse for a human being there is now to Stephen Miller. What's clear to me now is that tfg is seriously demented.

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We are just watching this horror of Trump, Maga, SC, Congress, it's NOT GOOD ENOUGH...Arrest these TRAITORS

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Merrick Garland is afraid to use his arrest power.

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And look where it's gotten us!

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For what, exactly?

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Vote these fuckers off the island.

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The CONVICTED FELON and his MAGA/GQP/WCN Extremist Cult sycophants are dangerous TERRORISTS.

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The Bloated Yam jurors know that they are already targeted for harassment and even death, regardless of whether they give a media interview or not.

This is the opposite of the OJ Simpson jury...one of its fetching female members bared her soul and made a clean breast of things for Playboy magazine.

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Yet, to date no one has doxed or harassed the Trump jurors… you have just pointed out the “dog not barking.” What you also cannot seem to imagine is the need to remain anonymous when you are doing something you would be ashamed to admit in public - unlike the obvious nature of the Hunter verdict, the Trump verdicts would be hard to defend when facing scrutiny.

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They have to keep their identity secret or MAGA scum will harass or attack them. Just like MAGA terrorists attacked our Capitol on Jan 6 and threatened Judge Chutkan in DC and attacked the FBI field office. MAGA is a terrorist movement and must be treated as such!

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Wow! Unfortunately your comment just gives fuel to my fear of what happens in November when Biden does win again. It won’t matter because it will just be Groundhog Day again. Trump has already primed all of his supporters that the election is “rigged”. Again. Doesn’t matter what they say when in court - where facts matter - it’s just the constant lies they are allowed to spew with a corporate owned media amplifying their messaging. I’m not saying I’m in love with Biden - but I do respect and appreciate democracy - and basic civility. Which unfortunately I see somewhat lacking in a candidate who has spent his entire life behaving as a mob boss wannabe. Ask any kindergarten teacher if they would allow their students to behave as Trump does - let’s get down to basics. And the truth of the matter is jury after jury when presented with the evidence, ends up ruling against him. And in the cases of election fraud that went before judges - even Trump appointed judges - the rulings were the same. Can everyone be so wrong?! Look at the people who Trump at one point called “the very best people” - that he appointed to his Cabinet - who have one by one come out warning everyone of how unfit he is for office. Wake up and smell the coffee - or in this case democracy burning. At best Trump is incompetent and worst he is a Putin plant. It’s Russian money that propped up his failed real estate business in the ‘90s when no American banks would take the risk based on his previous bankruptcies. Just do some reading on Deutsche Bank. Heck, even Trumps own son willingly admitted that it was Russian money behind much of their real estate holdings.

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Yes trump family always propped him up and made him look good. He is a very dangerous man. The fact that he is still running for president is a shame. Every one knows he is incompetent. When he gets up and speaks ill of the president, I say did someone give him a mirror? Every single thing he says is about him.

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Very sorry for what your news sources have done to you - hoping you can find sources that are not actively programming you with irrational fear.

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You assholes are never sorry for anything. You don’t even know what the word means.

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Speedpilot, You seem to have missed the point. The reason no one has harassed on the latest Trump jury was because they have remained anonymous. Unlike Trumps previous Trump juries that, as recounted here, were doxxed, squatted, and threatened. As were their families. There is more than one reason for a juror to remain anonymous…not always to do with your conclusion

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There was also the one woman originally chosen as a juror, who was removed from the jury pool after Fox News and other outlets gave out enough information for people to identify her. They got a lot more careful about protecting the jury information after that.

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Bonnie, the article quotes from a message board somewhere but did not identify acts taken. if I look at the responses to this article I could claim that “every Biden supporter wants to jail every Trump supporter”, but that would be irrational. I am just pointing out there is a difference between extreme statements made by the fringe and the acts of the larger groups (on both sides)

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BULLSHIT with your both-sides-ism. You must work for the CORRUPT lame-stream media .

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You must explain to me how the "Trump verdicts would be hard to defend when facing scrutiny."

Fill the room with your vast legal knowledge.

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You first, please defend them in relation to the outcomes across the rest of the justice system. Examples could be: “XX% of misdemeanors in NYC are elevated to Felonies” “$400 Million awards are giving in XX% of defamation cases”… GO

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1. This is your case. You have to prove your argument.

2. Try using the English language in "terms so plain and firm as to command the assent of mankind." -- Thomas Jefferson. It's not hard.

3. If you're engaging in "Whataboutism," and "slippery slope" arguments, then you are denying the ability of human beings to weigh cases on their own individual merits, and applying a "one-size-fits-all" to the world.

4. You are obviously an internet troll.

The only purpose of a troll in “just asking questions” and “raising points” is to wage flame wars, get attention they do not deserve, and waste my time. I’m not going to help you grind your personal penknife.

Consequently, my tolerance is over. If anyone has a problem with it, my answer is, “I did not invite a ‘debate’ with a 15-year-old, whatever your chronological age.”

Go back to your website and resume arguing, “Who’s cooler? Patton or Rommel? Prove it.”

As for my answer to you, I rarely use obscenities in public, but in your case, I’ll grant you an exception. Feel honored.

Here’s my answer:

Fuck off and die.

Strong note follows.

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Beautifully said👏👏👏

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So, you have no explanation.

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Fuck off, bootlick

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BULLSHIT! The verdicts will undoubtedly be upheld.And the reason the jurors on the trials of DEMENTIA DON have not yet been harassed is that they have kept their names and opinions to themselves. If they’re discovered, you can count on THE ALWAYS-WHINING, BIG FAT, CORRUPT, DEMENTED, INCOMPETENT, RACIST, SEXIST, SERIAL ADULTERER, LYING RAPIST, NAZI, LOSER, AND CONVICTED FELON siccing his terrorist followers after them.

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Let’s look into the spin following January 6. Trump supporters were just patriotic tourists there to support him when things got out of hand. The rioters were Antifa and FBI instigators and plants sent to make Trump and MAGA look like terrorists.

Now they are warriors whom Trump will pardon if he wins. Why would tourists need to be pardoned, and why would Antifa/FBI motivated terrorists be considered for Trump’s pardon? Something doesn’t add to

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