If it was anyone else that took those classified documents they would have been in jail immediately. The crime is also the coverup. He moved the boxes of documents in his private plane. That is not an innocent man. He knew that it was illegal to hold these documents. The man is a national security nightmare. What national security secrets has he sold already? Why is a Russian/ American citizen propping up his truth social business? If the justice system can’t hold him accountable what will happen next?

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I am not a lawyer, I am what federal law characterizes as "a reasonable member of the public". I have followed this case closely, crafting my assessment through the views of many different legal experts..With the prevailing view being two things..Firstly, Judge Cannon is one of two things. Dirty (my word) and clearly biased or afraid of Trump for some reason. Also blatantly wrong on the law..Secondly, that it is a rather straightforward case, one that would not take an experienced Jurist much time to get up to speed on..By dispatching rulings deliberately avoided by Cannon and getting the case prepped for trial..Have I left anything out, or am I wrongheaded about this?

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Apr 4Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Absolutely disgusting, and makes a mockery of our judicial system.

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Apr 4Liked by Dean Obeidallah


NBC is running a story on the guy who put up Trump’s 175M bond. Total complete scumbag, just like his orange buddy. Made his fortune in SUBPRIME LENDING. How’s that for appropriate?!? 😂😂😂

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Why hasn’t she been removed from this case? It’s enough republican corruption & must be taken care of. Is she obstructing justice? Is she committing a crime? Jack Smith has given this enough time, no more bullshit.

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Reality Winner is serving how much time again?

I understand she’s not the president, but this is what happens to ordinary Americans who violate the law. A quick trial and off to jail.

I’m also uncertain as to who has caused more damage to our democracy- Moscow Mitch McConnell or TFG!

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Time to lower the boom already. I can just see the outcry if she refuses to recuse herself. Then the 11th can do it for her.

The case is already horribly derailed and is probably beyond repair. At this point I’d be going after her. Big Time.

She needs to learn a painful, bitter, humiliating lesson about what it means to be a corrupt judge.

And if she wants to put her reputation and career up against Jack Smith - well, have at it, lady. See how you fare.

Anyone else notice that when she pulls these boneheaded moves, nobody comes forward to defend her?

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I truly have a hard time understanding why no one has already appealed to the 11th to get her removed. She’s been overtly working in trump’s favor for a while.

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Let’s call her office. And let’s call DOJ. Start your calls America & raise hell. Do Something!

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Apr 4Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Great article Dean! This demonstrates that we live in a world where the common folks have to follow rules & rich folks like Trump can easily break rules without any consequences. We’re all living in an artificial democracy, not as bad as autocracy, but almost close. The rich have special privileges. The commoners cannot even run a red light on the street without consequences. And we preach diversity, equity, inclusion, honesty, fairness, equality, integrity etc which is really just talk, only to be followed by the common folks. The rich are exempt from these ideas, & can bend any rule anyhow to their benefit without consequences! What an ass backwards world!

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Blame inexperience, blame corruption, blame anyone or anything you want, but if Cannon tanks this open and shut case before it even goes to trial or let's it go to trial and tries a directed verdict of acquittal, she will be lucky if she only get's kicked off the bench. She deserves to be disbarred for her willful ignorance.

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Let's see. Kick the Cannon down the road for months or do it now. Everybody's so focused on beating the Nov deadline while Jack the Ripper is focused on serving Justice to the American people. C'mon, Jack, help cut this sycophant loose and get on with it. Only a new judge will see this case all the way to the Greybar Hotel.

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Off topic, but this needs some light shed on it. The person behind the company that posted TFG’s $175 million bond deserves some scrutiny.

According to a Washington Post April 2 article

“How a California billionaire known for auto loans provided Trump’s bond” , Billionaire Trump supporter Don Hankey owns California based Knight Specialty Insurance. He’s also the largest individual, non-institutional shareholder in California based Axos Bank that refinanced some Trump properties in 2022.

Hankey is a former used car salesman that made his money with a car loan financing company giving 23.99 percent used car loans to people with poor credit. In some years his company repossessed 250 cars per day because of problems with repayment.

“Hankey said the bond, which was provided by one of his companies, a subsidiary of Knight Insurance, was a good business deal, not a political statement.”

“Hankey also said he provided the bond to Trump in part because he agreed with the former president’s defense in the New York civil case, …..

“Hankey said that one of his businesses, Westlake Financial Services, provides loans to 1.5 million customers and that “quite often, when credit statements or financial statements are submitted to us, the values are exaggerated on some of the assets. … I would say it probably happens on 75 percent of our applications.’”

So essentially, it’s the “everyone does it, so it must be okay” argument. Also sounds more like a political statement.

His companies in the past have been fined by the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for “illegal debt collection tactics.”

As for his involvement with Axos Bank, Hankey “said he was unaware of the Axos loans until after they were provided to the Trump Organization. “

Believe what you will, but to me it sounds like your typical Republican businessman hanky-panky. (Sorry, couldn’t resist)

WaPo article link is to Apple News, not paywalled there, but may not open on non-Apple devices.

“How a California billionaire known for auto loans provided Trump’s bond” , April 2


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Given that what judge Cannon is doing is so obviously biased, it's really sad that the prosecution does not have better alternatives for getting her removed. I personally am glad that of all the trials Trump has been through or has bending except this one, have ethical, excellent judges.

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We aren’t dumb enough to think he was going to appoint a competent justice did we? She’s a Handpicked acolyte.

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She is literally acting as defence attorney for Jabba the drumpf

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