Ms. Jaguar calls ‘em … #Homo-Thugs! … Have we recently descended down a galactic blackhole or something? #Maggie knocks the lights right out of the park in this perfect special #Melania-rendition edition of the “new” budding and graphically displayed #Bromance between #47 and his new esposo and lover of efficiency. #Elmo! C=> #Lunacy-Rules-Amerika!
You're missing Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell too.
Ms. Jaguar calls ‘em … #Homo-Thugs! … Have we recently descended down a galactic blackhole or something? #Maggie knocks the lights right out of the park in this perfect special #Melania-rendition edition of the “new” budding and graphically displayed #Bromance between #47 and his new esposo and lover of efficiency. #Elmo! C=> #Lunacy-Rules-Amerika!