Not to mention he was cheated out of a second term by the traitor Ronald Reagan. Conspired with Iran to delay hostage release. Falsely claiming Carter was the cause of energy crisis. On and on. Further reinforcing the horrible antics of the right wing through the ages.

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It was also the beginning. Reagan's so-called trickle-down theory, that never worked, and the republicans still using today.

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Exactly Old, Irangate investigation into Reagan’s treasonous actions were killed by Bill Barr, then HR and the execrable wastrel. Barr should have been sacked, or found time in an oubliette for his role in republicans crimes long ago!!

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YOU ARE SO CORRECT! Reagan bought his Presidency and sold us out!

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The world doesn’t realize what they had in this giant among men. He was a champion of peace and human rights along with ecological and animal rights. He lived a lifetime of humble servitude for worldwide impoverished communities. I don’t know of anyone with a superior moral compass than Jimmy Carter. He deserves an apology from anyone that suggested he was an anti-Semite along with all the accolades we can find. I hope he finds a way to aid the world from his newfound lofty abode because we sure could use the help. Rest in Peace, dear sir.

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Nicely said Mari!!

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Outstanding post...

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Beautifully said.

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President Carter was a true humanitarian in this world. Always striving to help those in need. We were lucky to have him as our president. May he rest in peace.

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I am no expert on international politics, but I have devoted considerable time learning about the impact of war and genocide. I began reading about the Holocaust at age 11 and have a soul-deep interest in the Jewish State. However, I have personally shared my housing with refugee victims of the so-called religious wars in the Balkans. I shared my home for a year with a TPS family who fled the current illegal war in Ukraine. And I currently provide housing to a refugee family from Ethiopia. The husband/father was murdered by a militia gang who also set the wife/mother on fire (she lived, emotionally and physically scarred). I met Samantha Power after reading her book “A Problem From Hell: American and the Age of Genocide.”

Being so committed to the victims of war and genocide and the need for an Israeli State does not make me immune to the plight of the Palestinians. I can hardly see the footage of the families, and their destroyed homes without bursting into tears. I consider them victims of genocidal Israeli politicians - who are strikingly similar to our MAGAS, white supremecists, Trump and his “Cabinet” of oligarchs.

Thank you for your articles. I have never respected you more than I do today after reading your post. Keep sharing.

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In this disgrace of a present - of which the entire world has enabled the most grotesque erasure of humanity - it's hard to conceive of a time when a US president named Jimmy Carter was possible.

My soul breaks for Palestine and the greater Middle East. And it breaks harder for the fact that that is the only thing I can do about it. Hurt.

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Thanks Jon, I’m with you!!

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With conservatives with the motto Greed is Good, no erasure of humanity. One cannot erase something that never existed.

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For the few of us who thought he was an honest President and deserved more respect, we can see with his follow-up that he was indeed not only honest, but extraordinarily brave.🫡

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Absolutely Correct, Dean, President Carter knew of the suffering threw out the middle East and his stance against persecution and hunger. Excellent article today, and will reStack ASAP 🙏💯👍

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Your voice is a very important one, Mr. Dean. We so seldom hear voices of Palestinians except as they cry out in despair and pain.

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We use service animals, Navigation Apps, and the age old compass to help us navigate through life. Losing Jimmy Carter was like losing a compass. It just became easier to get lost.

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He was a great man.

May millions follow in his footsteps.

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Dean, what you shared about former President Carter, is exactly why I've always liked him, even when I was young and uninformed. I always saw his honesty and appreciated it. I've never seen anything like it since. I have Jewish heritage, but have been very upset by the way Israel is treating the Palestinians and our country's refusal to do anything to stop Israel. Palestinians deserve to be respected and treated well, and one doesn't have to be anti-semitic to believe that. I wish a president of our country would have the guts to hold Israel to account for how they treat the Palestinians.

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Dec 30Edited

He was a great President and a great man.

"Over four decades ago, Carter was putting in place policies that we are now enhancing today," Jaffe says. The IRA's focus on domestic manufacturing also is helping fulfill Carter's goal of putting "the United States back to where it needs to be, and dominating supply chains for things like solar panels, manufacturing and electric cars," explains Jaffe.”

President Carter was literally a man with vision to look to the future, ahead of his time. He was right. He wasn’t at fault.

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I’m reminded of how many remember MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech while overlooking his searing critiques of capitalism and war. I hope commentators don’t cherry pick Jimmy Carter’s achievements in a similar way. Thanks for completing the record.

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Thank you for this enlightening and educational post, Dean. I learned more about you as well as Jimmy Carter, a great person who always had my deepest respect, He never let us down and spent his life, up until his last breath, doing all he could to bring peace and a better life to those who most needed it. Now he is reunited with Rosalynn.

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A good article and insightful look of a good man. Jimmy Carter was a religious man. And in that, he lived his life as one should. As we mourn his passing, people worldwide remember him with fondness. May we all follow his example.

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I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. - 2 Timothy 4:7

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carter took down the USSR without firing a shot. reagan failed to follow through and putin filled the void and entrenched himself in power. the 444 day iran hostage situation was a republican brokered deal.

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President Carter signed the Algiers Accord documents on Jan 19th, and Regan conspired with the ayatollah to release the hostages on the 20th, just after he was sworn in as President.

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