Apr 12, 2023Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Ford's pardon of Nixon has led to this ridiculous situation, where, in fact, "The Law" does not apply to those in power. This myth of no one is above the law is just that: a myth.

Of course, Ford wasn't the first.

When there were no consequences for the traitorous, murderous, loser slavers of the Confederacy the myth should have died. The reality is that from the very beginning, enshrined in the Constitution, "The Law" was never meant to be equally applied to all. From the beginning, those in charge have always been treated differently. When will we wake up?

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Agreed. Investigate Jim Jordan. He’s out of order!

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He should have been investigated for Jan 6 - the Jan 6 committee laid out what appears to be a criminal conspiracy involving him and Trump!

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I don’t think he’s free and clear from Jan. 06.

Time will tell and we’ll have front row seats.

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Drunk with a little power. What a weakling!

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I am puzzled by this leacher's activitys. Is he truely ignorant of the Constitutiona.l reasons as to why he has no authority over a state or municipality or is he aware and simply milking this for the publcity? The only positive thing about hisw being in Congress is that it makes wrestlers free to shower without voyers intruding.

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Very funny!

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Jim Jordon, the personification of the word TOOL!

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