Thank you Dean. I would go further with this view of how became Vance became the VP candidate.

JD is a longtime "wannabe" and grievance driven person. After law school be became part of Peter Thiel's world and backed for the Senate race, a mere 2 years ago. After all, he has the "Hillbilly Elegy" profile.

The forces behind Project 2025 are looking behind this election. Their money and support are looking beyond Trump. Who better than JD Vance to be Trump's successor? It's likely that Trump made a deal to select Vance in exchange for 2025 support for staying out of jail. Trump is truly beholden to them and so is Vance.

I wonder how it feels for Trump and Vance to dance to someone else's tune. Karma is a bitch

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You can take the hillbilly out of hills but you cannot take the hills out of the hillbilly even if they go to Yale Law School. We are seeing confirmation of this from Missouri and other senators.

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The Heritage Foundation is supported to bring Victor Orban, Hungary & white Christian Nationalism to overthrow democracy in American. Heritage foundation has partnered with the Danube Institute who are the Architects of Project 2025. Vance is the Putin puppet and supports this agenda. That is all we need to know to make sure people vote for democracy and not these authoritarians.

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Very good article. Thank you so much Dean. May all the gods of the universe help us. Have mercy on our country from evil people and dumbasses.

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Imho, Vance does not have the experience in government to put him a heartbeat away from the presidency. He is a flip flopper of the greatest kind. He seeks power, and will do anything to gain it, so he can run things ‘his way’. This just one more excellent reason to vote all blue.

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Thank you for this article. Someone I know and respect commented that DT should watch his back because this is not a lapdog choice but a hyper-ambitious attack dog choice.

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I wonder if trump actually sees JD as his successor? Someone to carry on the fight. He must know he’s aging, and he will have gotten out of jail which I believe is a big driver for his running again.

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You must have missed the YouTube interview with the Trump supporter who asserted that JFK was still alive. JFK Junior was still alive and that the military had some sort of a magic thing that could keep people alive forever and that Biden was not alive, but Obama was running the country, so here we are. I’m sure Trump can get hold of the magic stuff that the military has to keep people alive forever.

You really can’t make this shit up .

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Yes you can make it up. That's all as they say bull pucky.

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But somebody did make it up!

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I'm not sure trump is aware of anything like aging, at least not like I am. He just keeps going and doesn't really pay attention to anything below the surface, from what I've seen.

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I agree!💙💙💙💙

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I believe swing voters will, if they don’t already, have the information they need about Vance in order to decide that a dictatorship with a loyal vp who will do anything to get and keep trump in power is not what they want for our country. I think every sane non-cult member sees the immense danger in what’s already going on at the judicial and legislative level. This—should be enough to convince anyone—the SCOTUS ruled that a president is above the law. Not just any president, but namely trump.

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Vance lied about his upbringing- he's no hillbilly, he grew up in a city 4 hours from where his hick relatives live. Hillbillies don't graduate Yale Law FFS...complete POS that may be as hated as Dump one day.

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Some truth stretching going on for sure

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Just as hated by democrats!💙💙💙💙

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It's mind-blowing to remember how reasonable he once sounded & then flipped for power.

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Dean wrote of Vance:

“Vance also targeted Kagan’s wife writing, “It is my understanding Robert Kagan’s wife, Victoria Nuland, is a senior administration official charged with reviewing our nation’s most sensitive national security information…I am curious to know whether, in the view of the State Department, Victoria Nuland’s close relationship with her husband might compromise her judgment about the best interests of the United States.”

I’m curious to know if Vance is so concerned about wives influencing government officials and decisions if he’s equally worried about Gini Thomas and Martha Alito.

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Good point. The hypocrisy with these folks is just off the charts.

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Thank you so much for the information. If voters are not fully informed about this man, many voters will learn that he is only 39 and vote “YOUTH.”

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Wow? What I didn't know about J.D. Vance was a lot!! Again, Dean, you've summed this guy up beautiful. Main stream media needs to get off the Both Sides bull puckey and stop making it seem like Democrats are a Violent lot. We aren't the party of" Guns" or "Hang Mike Pence" as an example. This man is just another example of "Extreme Hate"coming out of an "Extremely Hateful" party.No despair,We've got to hold the line and Win in November.🙏 Biden/Harris 💙🇺🇸💯

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I don't see a way out of this era of toxic trumpism. Becoming an ex-pat might be the option. Thus far the GOP and the trump have told us and shown us what to expect, and that is bloody retribution and civil war. The whole world is watching, expecting a trump-putin-kim-orban alliance.

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I wish ex-pat wasn't the only option. I like where I am now, and having to start over with all the doctors I have to see would be difficult, not to mention everything else that is not easy about relocating (I've already done that twice as an adult).

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I understand; I moved cross country in 2010 to California, and returned to Central Fla in 2015. It was a painful move, both ways, and I took like our location, and don't want to have the GOQP run me out of my state.

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I feel grateful that although my relocations weren't easy, at least they were for good reason. The first one helped me in my recovery process (from childhood abuse), and the second was to be with my husband when I got married. Both moves ended up with good outcomes.

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So Vance is married to a woman whose parents are Indian immigrants. Does that mean she could be deported in Trumps America??

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The maggats are making excuses for her, saying she has 'European' blood. I'm sure VD will throw her under the bus if he thinks it will help make him King one day when Dump finally dies.

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A lot of African-Americans have “European” blood. Y’know, the ones whose ancestresses were raped by their owners. 🤔😉😊

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Thank you for pointing that out. It's something that needs to be remembered.

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Vance is going to be the hammer that ensures that Project 2025 is enacted. He is as dangerous a choice as Trump could have made.

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Elon Musk officially endorsed CFDT for president on Saturday. An article in the WSJ (published online by msn.com) also states Musk will start donating $45 million per month, starting in July, to the pro-CFDT America PAC. America PAC will focus on voter registration and get-out-the-vote campaigns in swing states. The part of the WSJ article that really got my attention was Musk’s subsequent post on X where he said “Last time America had a candidate this tough was Theodore Roosevelt.” This idiot has zero understanding of American history and Theodore Roosevelt, who I suspect if he was around today would not be endorsing CFDT.

Just had a great idea. President Biden, using his newly ordained by SCOTUS official acts powers should try a test run of CFDT’s and Project 2025’s immigrant concentration camps, intended to intern undocumented immigrants and specially selected naturalized immigrants. First guest can be Elon.

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I’m not sure where the myth developed that Elon Musk is some sort of technological and business genius. There are geniuses working in the shadows who are creating these rockets and cars. Elon has the emotional intelligence of a disturbed 14-year-old boy with ADHD, and his mental acuity is not much better, nor is his judgment. But when you have that much money, I guess it just doesn’t matter.

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How can we stop the Supreme Court from giving the election to trump as they did for George W? We are watching a slow coup and doing nothing.

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