Sep 8Liked by Dean Obeidallah

I cried right along with her—for the same reason! Kamala’s response was genuine and perfect! I feel better now!

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Sep 8Liked by Dean Obeidallah

I'm scared too and in tears. Not for myself, I'm old. But for my son who is 10 years away from retirement and his young adult daughters, and for the life and health of our planet. And I'm more scared of Trump's constituency than I am of Trump.

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The authenticity is real.

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Kamala steps out of debate prep in Pittsburgh to inspire the next generation, chat with voters, thank a teacher, and be a normal, wholesome person.

She continues doing what Donald Trump can NEVER do. Love her!

Can’t wait to celebrate Kamala's victory wearing this "We the People means EVERYONE" tee 👇


It's Love and Joy Vs. Evil and Hate.

Remember that on November 5th!

We will win this.

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Sep 8Liked by Dean Obeidallah

I saw the entire video of Kamala. The empathy, the caring was palpable. She then embraces a little girl. The girl asked quietly if she could give her a hug. Kamala pulled her right into her. She held the girl’s hands while they talked. Then they took a selfy and then she took a “family” photo. As Dean said, she wasn’t prompted to do it, this was real. It was instinct.

It shows that love trumps hate, pun intended.

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Sep 8Liked by Dean Obeidallah

I’m crying tears of joy watching her. That’s what a leader does. They inspire hope not fear

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Sep 8Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Spreading love instead of hate is a beautiful thing to see! Thank you for sharing this movement, we are all in this together, Vote 💙

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There is no substitute for humanity. Kamala is genuine and people know it. Let’s do everything we can to help her win. 💙

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Kamala Harris is the real deal. She is smart, more than capable to lead this country and very much the kind of person we need as our representative to the world.

Quick note here too. Bill Penzy is a huge BLUE supporter and has been for years. He also has a great herb and spice company so check out Penzy’s catalogue.

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Beautiful moment and hats off to Kamala Harris! I also believe her sentiment to be true, we are going to be fine, it’s going to be good, we are going to win! We just need to keep working, the donating, the phone banking, the knocking on doors, the hard conversations, and leave it all on the field. Do your absolute best and that’s all anyone can ask of you.

Whatever you do, whatever the polls show, whatever antics you read about in the news of Republicans, and whatever concerns you have about the inevitable legal fights in the courts and certification process, do not under any circumstances give into hopelessness and despair. Do not think that a Trump victory is inevitable. It’s not! And be concerned and worried about the legal fights and the certification process and please know that, the Harris campaign has a large legal term with very skilled lawyers including Marc Elias of “Democracy Docket” fame and his legal team.

It’s going to be a lot of hard work and a team commitment and we will get there and we will succeed! So let’s get out there and leave everything on the field!

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Democracy Docket has a wealth of information. Bryan Tyler Cohen has him on almost daily. Love both of them.

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Hopefully, the lawyers already have their briefs and talking points (with evidence of the correct electoral votes coming a bit later) for tcfg’s inevitable Tantrump if/when he loses. Fortunately, or unfortunately, they have 2020 as training for what will happen in 2024 if/when the Bakayaro loses.

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Sep 8Liked by Dean Obeidallah

What a wonderful story about Harris in the spice store!! It's long been clear that it's who she is, and I'm really glad you shared it. It is very refreshing to have a real person running for president, as opposed to a sham image of a person. The reason I think she will truly win this election is because of the electricity she generates when she's in a room. Hillary was very good, but she didn't have the same spark.

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So beautiful, how can you not cry? When they said she was visiting a spice store I knew she was at a Penzeys. I love her even more for visiting a business that has taken such a strong stance against the insane right wing for 8 years that I know of And paid a price for it. The owner is a talented writer and posts a column that is extremely touching from time to time on Facebook.

I’m sure she didn’t stop in by chance. I love that it’s about all of us Together, in community. Btw, Penzeys spices are da bomb! Support good people and small business!

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He sends a regular email that is packed with good information.

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Kamala being her best Momala. Following her campaign has made politics fun for the first time in decades. I, for one, am thrilled and will be grateful to have her leading America.

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Harris wants to be president to help Americans. Trump wants to be president to help himself.

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How long before this becomes more evident to the voting public?

Tick tick tick!!

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8

A long time. They are Trumpaholics and like alcoholics they must hit rock bottom before they will join TA (Trumpaholics Anonymous ). On YouTube " Republican Voters Against Trump" are members of TA.

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There is not a single President in my lifetime I would feel comfortable going up to and asking for a hug. Literally asking to be held and told that everything will be OK. Until now. Humanity wins every time. On the other hand, I wouldn't hug Trump if you paid me.

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Oh, I would hug Barack. With Michelle's permission, of course!

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I'm not sure, but I think I might have discovered Penzeys before Heather Cox Richardson, both of them helped me from melting into a puddle on the floor.

Blue 💙

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What a heartwarming story. All politicians should act and be this way, and our country would be so much better, stronger. Thank you, Kamala. We need you.

And I thought it was terrific that this occurred in a Penzeys store. Great company, great spices, and sharing great messages all the time. Thanks, Penzeys.

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