I find it funny they think the problem is Elon Musk. How do they think a South African billionaire with ties to Putin and no security clearance got access to the entire federal government? The problem was their vote.

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It will be harder to get people to be mad at their orange idol so

Musk is a convenient target. I hate t and e both but I’ll take any negative feedback that R voters are giving to their spineless congressmen!

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I weep bitter tears—they gladly drink the Kool-Aid, then complain about the taste.

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FWIW, in Jonestown it was Flavor-Aid.

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Thank you, Dean. I’m glad you gave me the numbers to back up what I firmly believe is happening. When the cuts hit home, the people will protest. Keep up your great reporting.

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I appreciate it!!

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The actions of The TRUMP ADMINISTRATION are not sustainable. They think they have a mandate. They do not. They have already alienated many Trump voters with their terminations of federal employees (About 30 % of Federal Employees are Veterans!) with their dismantling of USAID which affected Red State farmers, and A Memo was issued today telling certain branches of government that they should NOT COMPLY with Elon Musks request that they reply to an email listing 5 bullet points of things they accomplished this week. We NEED to put EXTREME PRESSURE on Democrats to exploit the weakness in their lines. I personally am not DONATING anymore to Democrats until they prove to me they will Defend Democracy. Be DEFIANCE.

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I think it is so “ hilarious “ that these federal departments are blocking musk/trump.

Hoping that would happen. Defying from within

From the big bosses of those departments

And all the people who are emailing


That don’t even work for the government or retired.


Who is going to go through these millions and millions of emails?

I am so happy to see the push back of the red state constituents so soon.

The push back of Sean Duffy at the meeting about the super train in CA

Seriously, there was no mandate and did anyone with any intelligence think that the entire USA was going to just roll over.

I think they are shocked at the red districts though. Again , a lot of their constituents are in Medicare/medicaid/social security

The uncalled for layoffs is affecting their kin

And yes, I realize they thought it was for thee not me.

However, even if after the election, I will take this

Especially because it is happening so soon after the election.

When this shit show started, I was saying too much too fast going to backfire.

We also know that not one of those all the way to the top and the unelected ketamine user are not really intelligent or qualified for their position.

Couldn’t happen to a “ better” administration and cabinet and congress people.

I do worry for the USA as an entity as I can see that some powerful country will try to move in if this is not shut down asap.

So still waiting for Luigi’s or retired seal team 6 , who pledged to their country or some pissed diff veteran sharpshooter.

And an unexpected bad ketamine overdose

To happen

Whoever told the orange blob he won by a mandate was setting him up. Of course he fell for it.

Stay strong

Keep on speaking up

Writing, calling , emailing your congress people, the orange blob, etc

Remind them as I do

They work for us the people

Including the White House clowns

Work on the elections in Wisconsin and Florida.

I writing post cards.

Keep on screaming and don’t give up

We the people!!!!

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Teresa G, just remember, if anyone wants to flood the Musk servers (to the point of crashing them), then set up a VPN (Virtual Private Network) and Proton email address FIRST !! Why? So that you are protected from being tracked down by musk and his flying incel tech monkeys. If you use your regular browser and email, they can find you by identifying your IP address (Internet Protocol address).....play the game, but be smart about it and ALWAYS one step ahead. 💙🇺🇸💙

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Love this thank you ...

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I have hope. We have a deep bench and Kamala Harris has finally emerged from her 'Fortress of Solitude'. If anybody can stand up and out, it is her, Pete Buttigieg, Jasmine Crockett, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Beto O'Roark, etc. We need her to organize the response and the resistance.

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I think Kamala Harris should start having weekly press conferences with Tim Walz as if she had been elected calling out Trump. I still don’t know why a forensic audit of the election was done!! I asked Chat GPT to analyze the odds of losing every swing state and its responce was “very low.”

I think Pete Buttigieg is also a Great choice. Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer are good men, who have PROVEN they aren’t up to the task.

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think you meant NOT done??? You are right about Pete. He has the knack for clear thinking on his feet without fear that "good" Hakeem and Chuck just lack.

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This is my POV too. I saw Mr. Jefferies waffling in an interview, saying he'd object to Republicans IF they go too far...

WTF? If.

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Pete is the one with the competence to be President. Sad that his being gay will probably prevent his election, but it may position him to lead the Resistance. Amy Klobuchar was showing signs, and still is, to lead wisely. We know how tough Bernie is, but his M4a tends to be a bit dictatorial. The Medical Care Restoration Act is much more

effective, Universal and Voluntary. Cuts cost by being near impossible to fraud and by making defensive medicine unnecessary. Improves quality by returning the non monetary rewards to practicing medicine and physicians are no longer proletariat. Corporate bureaucracy and corporate profits are no longer draining money from patient care. Physicians have to earn their keep by patient care and continued learning. The text is in Chapter 2 of "The Price Of Eggs Is Down" 4th edition Amazon Kindle or paperback: pnly 10 pages, 5x7 amd 16 font. Laws intended to be functional can be short. The long one are designed to be fleeced by loopholes that keep lawyers employed stealing money through the holes. Love, Doc cv and bio at www.dykers.com

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I still have my 2020 oval Pete for President bumper sticker.

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It is high time for Dems to grow a pair, and play as dirty as these feckless traitors. Every scandal and impropriety should be in the mainstream media and then some...

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They need to impeach Dumpty once every week.

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The House brings articles of impeachment against the president. Do you honestly see that happening with a Republican majority?

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Me too! So many are asking for money, and I am replying "Show me how you are fighting back now, and then maybe I'll send money!" No more taking it on faith!!

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They'll just stop doing town halls...again. And they will retreat back into their comfortable MAGA bubble totally blind to the rage that is building in their districts. Gerrymandering may not save them in 2026, they will be counting on Musk hacking the voting machines...again.

But won't it be fun if, by the grace of god, Democrats flip those two Floriduh seats because people are pissed about Musk and MAGA Mike Johnson get's sent to the bank bench obscurity he richly deserves?

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There is a letter writing campaign on Scott Dworkin’s Substack, and 178,000 letters have gone to members of Congress to protest everything that is unconstitutional. It continues.

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Reading Peter Hoffman's "The History of the German Resistance: 1933-1945" It is heavy, scary, thorough, straight. Am only well into 1938 myself, but I am hoping that those two Florida seats are actually real elections and the Resistance can be legal for a democratic republic and our Constitution. Beware! Trumps is positioned to destroy the Constitution and dead set on doing so.

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Resist, Persist, Insist!

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Those three special elections are taking place in deep red districts. If even one flips it will send a massive shockwave through Washington. To me that’s the single potential event that could turn GOP politicians to resist trump in any meaningful way

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Nice thoughts ..

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Thank you Dean; your work and voice are so important.

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You voted for these horrible people and you knew they were horrible. Thanks you morons. We don’t deserve this…you do.

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100 IQ is average. All those who voted for Trump are Americans too. They were duped by expert propaganda. The human brain instinctively interprets the familiar as true. Trumps voters heard the same lies over and over until they believed. They are not morons - a very derogatory term - but they are the uneducated the Trump said over and over again that he loved. He did not, before the election, say that he loved them because he could trick them into voting against their interests and for him. Hillary lost to Trump with one word, "deplorable" .

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It's derogatory because it insults morons.

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I want to learn more about how Bolsonaro got his come uppance. So far, I've read the first step was their courts weren't captured and put a stop to his running, yeah, unlike good old USA.

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Than you Dean. Looks like the GOP overestimated how stupid the voters are. People know when they have been had, been lied to, been taken advantage of, are being sold out to the richest people in the world. You can’t pretend to be on their side for long before they figure it out on their own. Of course the dedicated Kool Aid drinkers never will figure it out but they are in the minority.

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Shouting is equivalent to January 6? He's seriously delusional. If he and his buddies aren't careful, he'll really find out what that looks like.

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Mitch McCormick has a lot of Nerve pointing fingers at his constituents who are angry and talking TRUTH TO HIS FACE BY CALLING OUT THE DICTATOR WANNABE! Please constituents of that state, PLEASE VOTE HIM OUT OF HIS SEAT! When it’s time to vote him out!!! Never forget how he has gaslighted the entire town hall by refusing to stand up for you the VOTERS WHO PUT HIM THERE! Don’t EVER FORGET THAT!

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I'll be surprised if "Freeze Frame" McConnell runs for anything ever again other than a sale at Batesville Caskets.

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McCormick is utterly divorced from the moment. He’s swirling inside a diatribe against Biden and the Democrat demons thats dropping into an abyss. He thought he could just spew those lines and move on to the next topic. I love that we are seeing this potential change occurring.

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WHo elected Muskrat? Nofuckingbody! MuskRat is a true Nazi Storm Trooper with the ego and hubris that will kill him. tRump and MuskRat better watch out, they are tempting fate and fate is up to taking the bait and showing them in certain terms that they are wa-ay beyond stupid, they are enemies of the PEOPLE!

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People in the country are definitely pissed off & quoting Napoleon with impunity demonstrates once again what a lying cheating felonious racist rapist wannabe dictator does when drunk on power & kept functional with drugs

The fact that Melanoma hates him & only responds favorably to tfg is when she’s paid more than her contract demands is scandalous

Not to mention her stunts

Plagiarism of the words of a class act First Lady Michelle Obama

The scary Christmas decorations she vulgarly commented on

Sour grapes over being snubbed by Vogue

Especially after seeing the gorgeous coverage given to Jill Biden & Michelle

Eloquent elegant woman who never had to pose nude to get attention

Her son cannot navigate NYU without mommy dearest supervising from the upper east side?


This new madness has to be confronted every day

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This was a very close election and only tilted right because of Kamala Harris' sex and ancestry and her association with Joe Biden whom the moneyed class tarred and feathered. A lot of people are now contending with the havoc being wrecked by an inarticulate mean, demented old guy in depends... He is doing untold damage to the competence we had in our government. He'll do enough damage that eventually hardcore MAGAts will boo him off stage. I will really relish that day!

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Mussolini's body was dragged through the streets in the 40s by the same mob that cheered him in the 30s. But we had to go through such hell as WWll to bring that to pass.

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Another important factor was the Dems spending a Billion dollars on old-school media instead of taking their messaging to the podcast, independent channels like the MAGAts did.

Also trying to win an election using 7-paragraph policy plans is old school and it fails. Failed.

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Thank you Dean. Truth holds little sway with our news networks so I really appreciate this attention to the truth!

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