Garland is responsible...Leonard Leo is responsible...Mitch McConnell is responsible...The NO VOCAL OUTRAGE FROM DEMS IN POWER IS responsible...so disgusted with rich, out of touch and care people in our government...WE HAVE THE VOTE SO USE IT...VOTE BLUE

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I so wholeheartedly agree with you. When I think about how Merrick Garland wasted so much time and how Joe Biden allowed his administration to slow walk this whole investigation, and how no one in Congress is being held to account, I have to wonder about how much we do not know and WHY has this been intentionally held up. The appeals process will drag these investigations on for years so I have no confidence whatsoever that Trump will actually go to trial this year and be convicted. With no conviction, he can easily go through the election process and win with the help of Russian and Saudi election interference and red states making it as difficult as possible to vote. He needs to be declared ineligible to be a candidate at the very least and then let the justice system do its work for the next 10 years.

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They really did pussyfoot around the trump investigation. This should have been wrapped up more than a year ago.

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100% agree- if Garland moved swiftly the Jan 6 trial would've happened a year ago

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Katie, correct on all counts!

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Yes,why isn’t he in prison?!?!?!

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Pameila, corruption and foreign interference and right wing monopoly on news sources/media!

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Trump is a problem but he's not the problem. The Republican party created the swamp for him to crawl out of and he'll just be replaced by another one of his kind, only more refined and better at it.

It's about power, it's about power, it's about power.

It's about what the two parties do with power when we give it to them. Democrats work on climate change, healthcare, jobs - including bringing jobs back for the first time in a lot of younger people's lifetimes. Democrats work on education and increased voter participation. Democrats put Judges on the courts that respect human and civil rights and equality under the law. Radical Democrats want more of those things faster.

Republicans give us tax cuts, deregulation and culture wars. They block anything to do with climate change, do nothing on healthcare or any of the other Democratic priorities... They put people on the courts who make women in Texas have to leave the state to get healthcare they don't want but desperately need.

We need to vote because with our votes, we decide how power is used.

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👍🏼👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Precsely Bob!

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Dean, I feel you bro. Three years ago today, at the height of the Coronavirus Pandemic and after deciding I could no longer quarantine myself in Brooklyn while our Democracy was slowly eroding, I took a flight to Atlanta so I could be a poll watcher for the two runoff Senate elections in Georgia. The Democratic candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff were running against incumbent Republican grifters and intellectual lightweights Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue. The Dems had to win both seats to gain control of the Senate for the start of Joe Biden's Presidency.

I was assigned to a community center in Smyrna, arrived at 6am, and spent the next 15 hours at that location trying to make sure there weren't any shenanigans during voting hours. My Republican poll-watcher counterpart turned out to be a big baseball fan but also a conspiracy theorist ('natch!) who bent my ear most of the day about how the voting tabulation machines were rigged. While things at this polling location went relatively smoothly (other than a few dozen people having to submit provisional ballots because they showed up very late and at the wrong polling location), we still didn't know until 9 pm which candidates had received the most votes at that particular place.

It turned out that the Dems won by a couple of hundred votes and I finally returned to my hotel room to sweat out the complete election returns. I stayed awake long enough to hear that Warnock was a declared winner against Loeffler by around 1 AM, but the Ossoff race against Perdue was still too close to call. After a night of tossing and turning, I woke up early on January 6 to find out that Ossoff would be the first Jewish Senator of Georgia. Totally exhausted but gratified, I camped out in my hotel bed through the morning and early afternoon watching the happy recaps on MSNBC.

And then things turned dark, appalling, and terrifying as I watched Donald Trump, a President of the United States, encouraging an insurrection on our government to overturn the 2020 Presidential Election. It is unfathomable to me that three years later a pathological-lying sociopath who is still trying to destroy our Democracy STILL isn't in prison.

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Because Trump gets special treatment. There are media companies, legacy media, conservative media and right-wing media that don’t report, underreport or misinform. The judicial system doesn’t mete out justice to Trump who’s white, rich, and powerful like it does to everybody else. There are too many people walking around in the halls of power with no integrity and are dishonest down to the marrow of their bones. All of these ignoble people were put in office by the average Joe American. These people, who are prone to lie, cheat and steal, who are not worthy of trust, could have easily excised Trump but choose not to do so. “There is none righteous, no not one.” Why isn’t Trump in prison? Because America doesn’t want him there.

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What Merrick Garland did and did not do is not where the blame lies. That would be with the Congress that refused to impeach him in the first place. And, let's be clear; the MOST dangerous MAGA terrorists are still in Congress. Let's focus on that!

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We are still dealing with tRump because Merrick Garland didn’t immediately do his job. If he had, there would have been time for all the appeals and everything else to work their way through the courts and possibly he would have been disqualified, in prison or house arrest or something. Also, we are still dealing with tRump because Mitch McConnell didn’t do his job.

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People of morals and decency must assert themselves. We must stick together and vote against Trump and any neo-Trumps who may come along.

Trump has MAGA, so we must have our own Movement to counter Trump.

Here is a new Trump song that expresses the feeling we all have that Trump MUST do his time in Prison for attempting to steal our democracy.


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We shouldn’t need to vote out a traitor, rapist and criminal but here we are. We will quash the R party out of existence in Nov. We are left with no choice.

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Could it be that we are collectively responsible due to our prioritization of values as reflected in our activities? Could it be that our priorities strengthen those parties that pursue wealth and power without scruples? Could it be that those parties then apply their resources against us duping us with their messaging and misdirecting national resources to their self-interest and inflicting physical and economic violence on the citizenry?

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Jan 5, 2024
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Brazil shames us and Florida taking in Bolsonaro does too

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Eat me

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It is a travesty of justice that the orange psychopathic Nazi-loving seditionist, rapist monster has not been in prison for 3 years!! And his incompetent SCOTUS and fed judges block constitutional law every inch of the way. We will put an end to their lunacy this year.

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They both are legal analysts and extensively back up what they report. I disagree with the characterization of their reports as gaslighting.

I believe Garland was doing more than he gets credit for, and at least some evidence suggests that.

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Do you follow “Mueller, She Wrote” by Allison Gill and “Empty Wheel” by Marcy Wheeler?

They extensively document everything that the DOJ has been doing. They’ve been doing more than some reports have suggested.

Plus, the FBI isn’t controlled by the DOJ. I disagree with the arguments putting all the blame on Garland for the delays, especially when thanks to Gill and Wheeler’s reporting.

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Yes I did follow the (unintentional) gaslighting by some about Merrick Garland. The facts are that Garland failed us. He should have appointed a special counsel on Day one when he was sworn in March 2021--instead as I noted in my article with the links to reporting, Garland did not investigate Trump for a year until shamed into by the Jan 6 committee. Those are the facts.

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This is spot on. Garland should be investigated as well. He was a total failure in protecting our national security and the people of this country.

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Because he is innocent.....

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F off troll. Your wet orange dream is a Nazi...he quotes Hitler, was found guilty of rape, and incited an insurrection. This means you are a traitor also. And laughably stupid! 😂

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