Jan 1Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Thanks for this essay, Dean. YES! We MUST save ourselves. Our parents and grandparents would expect no less. Every day, we must LIVE Democracy. I've long argued that Democracy is both a noun AND a verb. We're supposed to be active, every day, and in every way, to support our Democracy. It's more than merely voting, though that is the absolute MINIMUM. Write letters to your elected officials, talk with your neighbors about our situations, get people registered to vote. DO SOMETHING every single day. Our country needs ALL of us.

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Here’s a scene we’d hate to see. Joe Biden, family and friends escorted away after Donald Trump is sworn in, January2025. Followed by silence.

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Wow, what an Awesome New Year reality check. Thank you Dean for keeping it real! Big Blue Nation Baby!

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In addition to ALL the important things you pointed out, is to not fall into the trap of third-party candidates have set. A vote for them is a vote for “-“ (45). V🧿TE BLUE.

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Vote in numbers too big to ignore. 💙

There is nothing in between Democracy and the Fascist Kingdom of Trump.

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Jan 2Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Presidents who would pardon a treasonous individual(miscreant) are also treasonous!!!

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Fascism must be DEFEATED for the sake of our CHILDREN...VOTE BLUE

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Jan 2Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Really, the caption should read, "Defeat MAGA and Fascism!"

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Truest statement: there are no good Republicans!

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You are 100% correct. It’s up to we, the people. As I’ve repeatedly said after the nothing burger Mueller report fiasco, no one is coming to save us.

I agree that we will win if we do the work. I also very much appreciate your words of optimism. Happy 2024, & thank you for being the fighter you are.

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Allow me to add my two cents worth:

I am not American! I was born, raised and hopefully will die as a Canadian. I still live here and I’m employed in Canada.

I fully agree with what the author of this post has said.

I have a difficult time trying to understand why Trump supporters still think he’s the BEST president ever. They must either be brainwashed or simply do not have a brain!

From everything I’ve seen in various social media platforms, it’s these Trump people who feel that the Democrats (and more specifically, Joe Biden) are destroying America.

Just three more words for these supporters: Wake Up People!

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Thanks Dean, for keeping us on track.

We used to laugh about "bad actor" Ronald Reagan running for president!

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For the next 20 elections !!!! Donate to the Blue !!! Donate to “Forgotten Democrats”.

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We all need to join together to Stop Trump.



Please subscribe, watch, and spread the word.

Welcome to the Movement.

** M **

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My family hates me for posting negative FG information. About fascism. Power. Control. Anti-abortion. Pardons. Ignorance. Voting. Judiciary. Criminality. Violence.

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It’s important to remember what the fight is that we’re actually in. This will all be decided by an election. Elections aren’t won by the most decent or the most morally pure. They’re sales and popularity contests. If we get caught up navel gazing and treating ourselves like the natural successors to MLK, then we’re going to lose. It might be nice to believe that the strength of our moral convictions is what is being tested. But our humility and our ability to course correct is what will determine who prevails. We have to figure out how to make the Democratic Party an appealing place for more people. Even if it’s maddening that this isn’t already a no brainer for so many voters. We’re going to need to meet the electorate where they are. Not where we wish they were. That’s not an obstacle that can be circumvented by caring more or by being more virtuous than our opponents. It may suck. But our survival as a country will be determined by a sales contest. We forget that at our extreme peril.

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Good points. Democrats urgently need to market themselves better to make people aware of how current demand-side investments in people and green democracy are reversing the deleterious effects of decades of supply-side policies that have created the modern billionaire class while deliberately gutting the middle class. They need to wake people up to the dangers posed by fascist authoritarianism and promote electoral reform to fix our broken political system that allows the oligarchs to buy politicians and judges. New charismatic leadership is needed to lead their marketing campaign.

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What if those Senators and House Reps that also participated in the 2021 insurrection were also blocked from serving? Would that give more validity to stopping Trump? They are already obstructing any meaningful legislation (like Tuberville). Public servants that don’t do their job for the American people need to suffer some recourse. It might be a pipe dream but it is my pipe dream. If only little of me had any power at all...

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