Mar 12, 2023Liked by Dean Obeidallah

You make some excellent points here. If Pence genuinely wants to see the former President held accountable for his part in the attempted coup, then he should be willing to provide the facts so that the wheels of justice can turn.

I don't want to speculate too much on his reasoning for refusing, but it does make me wonder if he doesn't want to be questioned about his own actions during the election, or behind the scenes in the lead up to the attack.

I can see why he might worry that some things might be embarrassing to share before a jury and the American public.

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He should testify but instead he's helping Trump conceal the truth

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The Nazi strategy was to keep telling a lie, until it becomes the truth. Mike Pence strategy is do Not tell the truth, until it becomes a lie.

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So Help Me God

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