The sane, decent people in America would love to see Clarence take this offer and go away. My guess is that he will simply tell his mega rich buddies to double the offer and he'll stay on the Court so he can help them out. He is a horrible human being and a stain on American jurisprudence. I'm thinking he will want to stay to see if Trump wins the election. I weep for my country.

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Supposedly he hates his salary as a judge, and I am sure that has been more than compensated for by his rich contacts, ie: grease my palm and I'll rule your way. Corruption at its finest.

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May 12Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Go away & get lost Clarence & take crazy ginhead with you. Go!!

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Sadly, with these pukes, it is not about the money, it is about the power.

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You are so, so correct. Isn't it absolutely pathetic?

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Pathetic and such a waste of space. I’m waiting for him to try and overturn Obergefell. Because I will try hard to find someone willing to challenge Loving vs. Virginia! How about that Clarence?! My niece can’t marry the woman she loves?! Well fuck you and your hypocritical marriage to a white woman! Though I will admit, you’re a match made in hell. No one else would ever want you or your insurrectionist CUNT wife!😡

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...and my transgender gay son, whose life has been difficult enough thankyouverymuch, and all the other young people who just want to be themselves....Who ARE these corrupt people who can't stop wrecking peoples' happiness?

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It’s awful. I know my life is better when everyone can be who they are and be with whomever they want. I’m cisgender and straight, but I KNOW my life and society will only be better when we don’t feel the need to make life worse for so many others.

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My niece’s girlfriend is trans. It has been hell for her. And they live in a blue state!

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It's not easy even under ideal circumstances. My son was in therapy for years, and had to complete high school at home with a tutor. And this was in California and now Massachusetts. You can't find more liberal states! I hope your niece and fiancée can be happy and have a good life together ❤️

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Please tell us how you really feel..:)

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I haven’t even started!

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Git 'em, baby!!! 🤣

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Please don’t use such disgustingly misyogynistic terms like the “c” word, please. While both Clarence and his wife deserve the strongest possible condemnation, let’s not lower ourselves to the gutter where they reside.

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Take a deep breath, let it out and tell us how you really feel.😛

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Thomas said, (way back in the early 2000s, I think), that he was concerned that he wouldn't want to stay a Supreme Court justice for life because of how little they made per year. In retrospect, that sounds like it was an open invitation to rich bastards to support him in the style he wanted to become accustomed to.

He and a couple of the others almost immediately started getting presents, trips and such, according to investigative journalists looking into the justices' finances. This broke about two years ago, maybe? Politico, if I'm remembering correctly. It's easy to find a LOT online if you're interested, and it's truly fascinating.

The fact that they (or at least Thomas) haven't yet been indicted is due to the Supreme Court having no binding code of ethics, unlike EVERY OTHER JUDGE IN THE US!

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You’re half right! It’s about money and power. Not to mention, he made it his life long crusade to “own the libs!”…:)

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Don't forget, he complained about his justice salary being very low, so he is making up for it with his rich relations and favors. It might be about the power but in the end, the money is the other side of this coin.

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Oh don’t be so generous, from what many of us are seeing it is both. The power and Monet. Lots of the Money. And/Or what it bought. Often referred to as Spoils. Clarence has shown he’s quite happy to tell benefactors to do the job of buying, paying for, skip the cash. He’ll be happy with the Gift, Trip or Item, no messy tax reporting.

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The Power gives them access to Other People’s Money … they never want to spend a dime of their own!

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I am not a believer in the dualism of good and evil, at least not as a universal reality. However, isolated examples can show themselves. I watched the Anita Hill hearings and saw prime example of good and evil where the evil won and was sworn in to SCROTUS.

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Love it! If Thomas agrees to leave the Extreme Court, and takes the bribe to do so, he will have confirmed he is the morally decrepit sham we have all realized he is. He should take the money and RV and get the hell out of Washington for ever. And God Bless John Oliver for his marvelous offer to clean up the Extreme Court by one Republicon. Alito is next, right John? And if he takes the offer, I nominate John Oliver for the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and naturalized US citizenship.

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He’s already a US Citizen!

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“But in this sea of despair for Thomas comes a shining ray of hope: John Oliver. Yes, the comedian and host of the Emmy Award winning HBO show, "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" has come to Thomas’s rescue with a generous offer.”

Dean, with all due respect, Thomas won’t need to take up Oliver’s offer. If Trump wins, and republicans takeover the Senate, Thomas, Alito and possibly Robert’s, will all retire before the midterms, and solidify control over the SC for the next 40’years.

They will essentially rule by judicial fiat. And if, or when Democrats retake the Executive and Legislative branches, republicans will use “judge shopping” to tie up any major legislation democrats pass for years to come in the courts; outliving the four year term of a president.

This is the beginning of minority rule, and turning this country into the White Christian Taliban. And the end of our republic as we know it….:)

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We're NOT going to allow that, though, right? RIGHT?

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Last Election In My Lifetime 😭

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I am a recovering racist - if we all were honest with ourselves, we each would be somewhere along that spectrum - and every news story about the living oxymoron, Justice Thomas, and/or his handmaiden makes my blood boil and old thoughts come to mind that I am ashamed of and thought I had repented of. Not their fault, I’m just confessing. What a disgrace they are to the SCOTUS as are the other #45 appointees, but Thomas is the penultimate! Impeach!

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Yeah, but if he were to take John Oliver up on his very generous offer, he would have nothing left to complain about, and no one to listen to him complain. IMO, he's not smart enough to take this offer.

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That, and his “friends” would stop inviting him on lavish all expense paid vacations.

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Yeah, and then he'd have a tough time supporting his life style, even with the generous million per year (I don't understand how anybody can spend that much, apart from tfg with his legal bills). So sad… 🎻

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He wants them to counter offer. THEY are all Conmen & Grifters.

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I heard the contract includes a promise from Harlan Crow to still be his friend, take him on lavish trips and pay some of his bills. Ha ha, just kidding!

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CORRUPT thomas couldn’t further "bomb" his poor "reputation" or "good name" or "honor" because he has NONE of those things. He’s already reached bottom and will forever be known for that.

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Thomas won confirmation by just 2 votes (the lowest confirmation ever) He had almost no prior federal experience (having just been just appointed to the DC court of appeals by daddy Bush 8 months prior) daddy bush nominated him to the position because of his extreme right wing positions on voting rights and abortion. (like the rest of the Leonard Leo 6, he also refused to state his position on Roe v Wade and the bar association wanted to give him a unfavorable/unqualified rating but caved in to the bush white house pressure and didnt give him a recommendation. the fix was in with crooked Thomas from the very start . Thomas was nothing but a rubber stamp for Scalia , having voted with him on every vote .

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I don't pray often, I'm more of a meditator, but I am going to pray very hard for Thomas to take the deal and drive off into the sunset 🙏 and please take Ginny!!!


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Sorry but I have darker thoughts. He accepts the deal and he and Ginny set off driving the country in their Ill-gotten RV. As they laugh and celebrate while driving in a haze of cigar smoke they drive off a bridge spanning Diablo Canyon where they are welcomed into the arms of their god.

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Excellent 👍🏾😂

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I will help them pack!

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OMG yes!!! I’m actually surprised that he prefers the power over the money. He seems to be very much about the money.

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Brilliant Dean, thank you for your good works. !!!

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he could star in a remake of KING KONG

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He couldn’t take that offer soon enough for me. He said he wanted to make liberals miserable. He’s trying really hard, but I won’t give him the power to make me miserable.

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I’ll come back from Mexico for that shit.

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