We have come against so many who don't believe he will do the things he says.........thank you for putting together this article to share with those and many others.

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I’m a decades long Government & history teacher. I’ve been shouting this from the rooftops since 2015! I was persecuted before the 2016 election, by MAGA, death/rape/firing were some of those threats. I was doxxed on Twitter. Those threats got me suspended from my decades long teaching position. Of course they found I’d done nothing wrong, but even my former students heard of it. MAGA is set on fascism, and Trump is Putin’s Goebbels, without the brains.

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So sorry.😢

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Sorry for your troubles, your last statement is spot-on, sadly.

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Utterly chilling but important read. Americans are out of time for any further sleepwalking, it seems to me, and those of us in Europe can’t afford to drowse either

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I'm terrified as my family comes from Europe WWII then 56 Hungarian revolution. I grew up in the midst of all that horrific time in humanity. And here we are amongst the haters and non believers of his wrath. Guess what they think is more important is gas...food and the constant barrage of faux fox hideous hateful border issues. All the conspiracies they constantly feed their viewers is astounding and if people would just read up and study world history we wouldn’t be in this constant liying chaos that the far R spins. But as history repeats itself they might learn the hard way, sadly involving all of us. 🙏 ☮️🕊🕯 for all of us and world peace.... eventually.

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Taught Modern World History in the U.S. for decades, I can only hope my students remember how fascist leaders rise.

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And I’m a student of the same. What’s crazy is after all this time, people still think that history doesn’t repeat itself when we have thousands of years of history to tell us otherwise.

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The MAGA crowd is willing to have a dictator and anti-hero running amuck. The very agenda he plans to push will hurt that very group of followers, who depends on meidcare/medicaidd, SS and other government programs. They won't know what hit them until they are knocked out on the floor, bleeding money.

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You put that so powerfully, Kathy. ‘Lest we forget’? Seems like we have 😔

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My family as well. They fled Latvia when my grandfather found out we were in The Russian Book of Names. They fled and stayed in displaced persons camps until they immigrated to the USA. We grew up on stories like this. They come for the intellectuals first. It’s definitely a scary time!

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Need to have a 'not like' button for some of the comments here 🙁

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I’m so sorry to read that and that your family went through that and then the next generations to relive it so to speak. Blessings to you.

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It boggles my mind that come January 20, “we” will willingly hand over the reins of government to this madman, knowing full well what he will (attempt to) do. It feels like some sick form of suicide, like someone putting a gun to our heads and we are saying “please sir, may I have another.” Our Constitution may literally end our democratic republic.

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thank Merrick Garland.

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Thank Mitch McConnell first

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Yes, much of this is his doing, he was among the first to depart from the norms, the constitution etc. It is not a conservative agenda but a corruption agenda.

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Yes, it does. Nobody on our side with any power or authority is doing anything that I can tell to resist this cancer, even as there are so many questionable anomalies in the last election that cry out for investigation & recounts.

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Timothy Snyder and Heather Cox Richardson have both been telling us the same thing. Scott Dworkin and so many others, but they are not on any news channels. I have seen you on a time or two, so thank you for your voice!

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I have been screaming this since he ran for office the first time. The Dems should have been screaming this also during and before the election.

Why doesn’t President Biden use the very same immunity for marshal law? Call an emergency, and arrest Trump, & all his enablers and hold public trails for all to see and make these comparisons abut Hitler? Hence save us from this.

It is illegal for Trump to hold office! Period!

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They could have put him on trial, convicted and sentenced him, in 2022. But they didn't. Why?

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The McConnell senate could have impeached him. They had two chances.

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Because they were afraid of his MAGA army

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Yes and there is so much corruption that they are afraid of a chain reaction of investigations and prosecution. Heads would roll in both parties.

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Trump is constitutionally ineligible to be President or hold any government office. Why won't this administration enforce the Constitution?

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They are too weak to oppose him! His mob will be coming for them all! Is there no one to help?

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Those in pwer now are too afraid of Trump to attempt any such legal action. I hate to say it, but the die is cast and the horricaust is about to begin. Stand up for your beliefs and convictions! Let Love and heartfulness be your strength.

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Thank you! I wish more people really understood this. I take great pride in spending many years and thousands of hours watching, reading, and studying WW1 and WW2. I do my best, to teach this and at the same time preserve and teach our country's history, heritage and honoring our veterans. 💙🇺🇲🗽💪

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Why isn't the use of the 14th Amendment being addressed? The idiot led an insurrection that we watched live on television, and this fool should not be allowed to take office.

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I've heard people say things like "Oh, he just talks this way. He'll be a great president." No, that's wrong. He will not be a great president, and he doesn't just "talk this way." He means everything he says. He's every bit as bad as we know he is and I'm afraid we're going to discover that he's much worse than we know. Americans have never dealt with what's coming for us in January. They had a very small taste of it last time around, but it obviously wasn't enough to get the message. They will definitely get the full message this time around. God help us all because I promise you, Donald Trump will not. And for those who think we shouldn't talk about these things because it's depressing, I disagree. Depressing though it may be, we need to talk about it and prepare for it as best we can. It's not negativity, it's facing reality and preparing to survive what's ahead as best we can. And those who stupidly voted him because they think he's going to make things very bad for the people they don't like, you're in for the biggest surprise because he's going to make things very bad for EVERYONE, including you.

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Right, Dean. We must take Trump seriously. So now we must put together our plans for action and make them happen. In my mind, the critical mission is to flip both houses of congress in the midterms. There is a lot of work to do, but we will have the benefit of two years of adverse consequences and their impact on many of the Trump voters.

If we can organize and mobilize and begin to educate and inform them on why they are feeling worse economically than they did before T, we might get the job done. With a blue congress, the situation will be dramatically different. We must get to work on this now.

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There’s very little chance of flipping the senate in the midterms. The Trump chaos will likely allow Dems to take the house. They won downstate races too, so less gerrymandering, less purging of voter roles. We aren’t accusing them, they’re bragging about how anti-democratic they are.

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My question is; How sure are we that a midterm election will even happen? I would hope we’d still have that but how do we assure it will happen?

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Right. We can't be sure of a lot of things, but I feel we need to act as if there will be elections - because it is most likely there will be. Most analysts do not think Trump can move as fast he thinks he can, and that it will take a lot longer than 2 years to kill democracy, if it can be killed. I can't go through the next two years moping about that possibility. I want to do everything humanly possible to turn this ship around.

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Excellent question ❓.. I'm truly not to sure 😢🇺🇲🤔

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Your thought that there is no chance of flipping the senate does not contemplate the unique and unprecedented potential economic hardship that is likely to be felt across the nation, as well as a new pandemic or two with no vaccines. These are very significant influences, especially if understood.

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So it's hopeless! We sit and wait for something to happen? If my family had money, we would all leave the country ASAP. We do not.

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Well, and alternative to sitting and waiting is getting active. I know in our community there are three or four groups that are starting meetings, and even meeting together to create more critical mass.

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Someone stronger than most of us, please accept the challenge and lead the others. Where is our Robin Hood?

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In your mirror.

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Nice to have you back Dean, along with the sobriety you bring to every issue. I follow a handful of other excellent voice's, but none seem willing to acknowledge the true depth we're at right now. Thanks for being an non truncated type of honest.

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Even if trump supporters didn't believe Trump will do what he says he'll do, why be entertained by it? Why find any if it acceptable in exchange for what they want?

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Jeepers, Dean. What a way to start the day.

I’m counting on you and your generation, and the following generations, to keep the ship America afloat and find fair winds to keep her moving.

I’m now 78 and not sure how many more years remain, but if history is a guide, the ship righting and fair winds finding processes will take a couple of decades. It took nearly 4 decades for FDR to set the course that lasted until Powell stated the “conservative” reversal movement in 1971 and Reagan breathed life into the program in the 1980’s.

At this point I have less to far lose than the younger generations. It now appears that making noise and creating good trouble without fear of reprisals is what I, we, can do. Maybe this sort of fight and commitment are actually what age and wisdom are all about. Maybe others feel the same way. Either way, I can only do what is within my grasp and will. Do, or do not, there is no try, as Yoda said.

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Hi. I'm 77 next week, and I heartily agree. Unlike probably most of the miserable excuses for human beings that make up the MAGAt base, I remember Kent State--and do not think that it is anything decent people would want repeated. Which is why it seems to be the type of situation that Degenerate Don would like to see repeated over and over again all across our country. Yet there are tens of millions of Americans who intentionally CHOSE to pick a vicious sadistic swindler and mass murderer to represent our nation ... again.

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Happy birthday.

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Creating bad trouble for MAGAts and damn the recriminations is my view.

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As a member of the transgender community who travels the country providing trans inclusion training and consulting for major corporations, I can tell you that trans people across the nation are terrified. We know we are in the crosshairs of Trump and his vulgarians, and I can affirm that many trans people are seeking passports right now so they can leave the country before we are rounded up and put into "detention centers" as a matter of "public safety." I have zero doubt that Trump and his minions will scapegoat the trans community just as Hitler did with the Jews. I am taking this threat seriously and will do what I must to protect myself and my loved ones from republican assaults. I ask for the support of everyone on behalf of the transgender community. We are definitely going to need it.

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Vanessa, I am with you!! I have a teenage relative who is trans and her parents are terrified. Please let us know how we can help.

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I really don't want to hear "terrified" or "afraid" or any other fear talk; that's what the MAGAts are hoping to achieve.

Resist, organize, plan, prepare, we will hang together or hang separately.

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I'd be all in favor of that if I believed it would work. Trump and the republicans now hold all the cards. They have the White House, the Senate, the House, the Supreme Court, and soon they'll have the military. How do you fight against all that? I see no path to victory. It's very discouraging.

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There is for sure a path to defeat. Giving up, and I refuse to give up. My view is, we will overcome first by enduring.

As CIA analyst Chalmers Johnson observed, “things that can’t go on forever… don’t.”

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I’m surprised that Dean hadn’t read “On Tyranny” until last week. Everyone here should have read the very short and succinct book by now. “On Freedom” is also a must read, anything Ruth Ben-Ghiat has written.

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I just got my copies of essential Snyder. On Kindle... To read while my car is fixed, while waiting for my appointments, while my husband watches basketball... :)

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If the constitution is so grand and the rule of law is so powerful how did Trump even happen

Tragic sad surreal nightmare

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