trump lost his fking mind saying that about VP Harris! He’s truly disgusting!! 🤮

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He’s barely a human let alone a U.S. President. He is a despicable person who has no respect for anything. No class, no social skills, no morals, and should NEVER be representing each and every American of any gender - especially women whom he denigrates almost daily.

Appalled anyone would vote for him, or even consider doing so. No self-respecting female should do so!

That's why I love wearing this BYE Don t-shirt 👇


Can't wait for November, and for all these to be over. Hopefully start to heal as a nation as Trump and his cult further fades into oblivion.

We’re NOT going back.

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He struggles

With being a human

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I will do it again. I hate it that you’re hawking your T-shirts unless the money is going straight to Harris/Walz

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She might win Georgia by only a sliver--not much more than 11,000 votes--and she might end up still losing some states like Ohio, Texas, or Florida. But by following this strategy of red outreach, Harris could end up assisting some close Senate and House Democratic candidates to victory. That can make a difference in which party controls Congress.

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I think it’s wonderful that VP Harris and Gov. Walz went to southeast Georgia. Those folks NEED for candidates to show up in those places. So often they are left out and feel unheard. Why should New Hampshire have a lock on visiting candidates?

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This is great think-outside-of-the-box thinking and they need to do the same thing in small town, rural counties in Michigan, central and western Pennsylvania, Arizona, North Carolina, and eastern Nebraska around Omaha.

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Any chance we could see the end of MTG? Please?!! pretty please?

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Exactly. Big picture.

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Agreed and we MUST win both houses of congress plus the White House. This has to be a wave. We have to move against the radical scotus and can’t do it without all 3 being blue. Vote Dems everywhere.

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Imagine the response from Von Shitzinpantz and his mini-me, Marjorie Traitor Greene if the Harris/Walz campaign had done a rally in Marj's district...and had a crowd of more than say 50? There wouldn't have been a living bottle of ketchup either at the Bedminster ex-wife cemetery or at Mierdalardo...

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You have a real way with words, Peter. Thank you for making me smile.

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Yes, yes, it is so exciting to see the Dems break out of their staid, old fashioned campaigning mode! BUT we should not overlook that for a decade or more Brian Kemp and his predecessors as Secretary of State (liberated by the Supreme Court) set the standard for eliminating Democratically oriented voters from the voting rolls. This has been well documented and largely over looked in mainstream media. by journalist Gregg Palest. This makes the Georgia story and past Democratic wins even more remarkable. It is great to see Harris-Walz take on this challenge. Yes, they are doing very well according to the Trumpotometer.

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Kemp has asked if he has the power to get rid of the election deniers on his state's election board, which I see as a good thing. That said, I don't trust him at all, otherwise.

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Nor do I. When it looked as though Kemp might really do something about that jackleg, appointed board, the orange one verbally abused him and Kemp went crawling back to his dear leader. I think he’s even supposed to be a speaker at another of trump’s hate fests in Atlanta.

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Ugh! I had no idea that Kemp went back to his "dear leader". But it's not surprising at all. Thank you for the update.

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He’s capitulating. Of

Course he can. He doesn’t want backlash

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Of course he's capitulating - he's a trumpy. Thank you for setting me straight.

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Dean, VP Harris and Coach Walz will win Georgia! Meanwhile, the panic and flailing Traitor Trump/Juvenile Delinquent Vance “campaign” is imploding! The Rapist Trump telling folks that VP Harris got where she is (beating Trump) by giving blow jobs? Really, Rapist DonOLD? Not to be outdone by demented Don the Con, Juvenile Delinquent (JD) Vance or whatever is his real name told VP Harris to go to hell for the 13 deaths of American soldiers in the withdrawal of Afghanistan! Really, Potty Mouth JD when your dear leader got 5,000 Taliban soldiers released from jails in Pakistan and wanted Taliban leaders to meet with him at Csmp David on September 11 after the Taliban provided a haven for Osama bin Laden!! Who killed bin Laden, President Obama and VP Biden!!!

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Dumpty and Vance wouldn't be reichwing fascists if they were misogynistic a**h***s.

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Please, everyone, check the status of your voter registration. So many states have removed voters from the rolls on flimsy pretexts. You can go to vote.gov to find out if you are registered, or if you have been removed.

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Yes please do check your voting status.

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Yes and I wonder if red voters are

Checking theirs. Now that would be funny…..

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Anything that makes trump freak out is a good thing, IMO. And especially anything that makes him [try to] go back on trashing someone. I wonder if he'll ever figure out that it's not a good idea to trash someone who might be important to him? And if trump thinks that insulting Kamala Harris so badly is true, he should try doing some real work sometimes, so as to understand that a woman doesn't get elected Attorney General by a large state, via oral sex. Yuck!! He really doesn't understand how most of the world works. And doesn't want to.

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It's going to be a really close race, probably closer than the previous Biden-Trumputin election. However it is looking gloomier every day for the trumputin camp, due to loss of support from those suffering trumputin fatigue and disgust. VOTE BLUE!!!

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Well, the polling is currently close, weeks out from the election with Harris-Walz just getting started, but "a really close race" may not be a done deal!

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Don’t pay attention to polling. Alot could change in 2 months but remember go feel the joy of Harris/Walz while you keep an eye on all the shenanigans the GOP is going to pull in battleground states. Not to mention the overt acts of violence that are likely to occur. Harris appeals to a broader swath of Americans than the orange lumpy dumpy could ever hope for.

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Unlike the polls, I don't think it will be close at all! Definitely voting blue is the way and keeping our head down and continuing to think this election is 'life or death,' is smart but...BUT women will be coming out for Dems like never before.

Rethuglicons will be scrambling to find new ways to throw away ballots, and basically lie, cheat and steal even harder than ever before.

It will be a massive turnout, though. And THAT is good news.

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The strategy of trying to reduce the margin of defeat in deep red areas is the one used by Beto O’Rourke in his first Senate campaign against Ted Cruz. He didn’t win, but he did perform better than any Democrat in a statewide race in a quarter century. It’s a smart strategy IF they don’t take their eyes off maximizing the base vote in blue areas. We all remember Hillary trying to expand the map and ignoring the blue wall states in 2016 to disastrous consequences.

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True that said, Kamala Harris is not abandoning the Blue Wall states. In fact I believe she’ll be back in Pennsylvania and Michigan next week for campaign events!

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Thank you for this information about why Kamala is campaigning in Georgie. When I read about the close, razor this race between Kamala and the other guy I get really discouraged. No I understand the intelligent strategy of the Kamala/Waltz campaign. I'm also motivated to write my campaign postcards that are targeted to Georgia. I'm feeling hopeful today!

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Harris should do a rally in Florida. That would really freak Trump out.

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Yes and Texas with Allred

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A lot of Democratic Floridians were angry that Dem party leadership haven't supported them in the past and believe if they had, their chances of winning would be increased.

If there's money in those campaign coffers, there's no reason not to.

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You’re probably right, James, since that would even freak ME out! LOL!

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Re: Trump’s post about how Kamala and Hillary rose in politics: I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again—how can any woman vote for this pig?

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I believe your question is rhetorical but I just want to remind ppl, reichwing billionaires $$$$$ does work.

Only because of them, Dumpty is front & center. They desperately need that snake oil salesman to con the fanatical FOX, OAN, Newsmax, RAV watchers and get them to come out and vote against their own best interests.

And reichwing females are brainwashed from birth, though some may be rising up...quietly.

I recently heard a popular search on online social media in reichwing Texas is: "Can my husband find out who I voted for?"

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Yup he has to go there. Thats all he has.

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When pastors or priests went into red light district to save the lost souls, they were told they were wasting their time. The response they gave was that they went where there were souls to be saved. Supporting trump is such a profoundly bad decision that it signals that these people need help. They need help to make better choices. Like the crack whore they need to see a better future. That is what Harris/Walz campaign is doing.

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See where Harris-Walz rallied in Georgia. Plan campaign stops better with demographic geo-targeting:


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I have been aware of the dark under belly of this country for a long time. However, my awareness was not very deep as the sickness of Trump and MAGA makes me more aware daily.

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Unfortunately, since Raygun, and Geo W, I'm use to this reichwing thug/cult group. No surprise to their numbers. But one fact to remember, even as the voting numbers increased in 2020 over 2016, Dumpty Humpty never reached 47% of those voters in either election.

Project 2025 needs to be brought out in the open in every way possible right now! Too many reichwingers refuse to acknowledge it even exists, let alone connect it to their very own cult leader.

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We all remember who lost the last time "The Devil Went Down to Georgia"!

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Wasn't that an XXX rated movie?

Just kidding.

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