It was even worse than that. And I only heard bits and pieces.

He claimed that these " savages" who murder ( women who tell their husbands..?...) " Darling, I'm going out for a loaf of bread" To which apparently the checker?.? Somehow calls the husband and says sorry about the bread?.? She's dead. Killed by a savage from the Congo. He mentioned the Congo numerous times. His attacks on people crossing the border have never included the Congo.

WTF?????? How can this revolting racist tirade not be reported as such?

I've given up waiting for the press OR justice.

A presidential candidate thanking Putin is fucking TREASON. He's aiding providing comfort to our enemies which is defined by the constitution as treason.

Every institution that is supposed to protect us is failing us. Deja Vu.

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Perhaps scaring his worshippers about Mexicans and Central Americans crossing the border and taking Black jobs isn’t working anymore, so he pulled “Congo” out of his a$$.

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Hannibal Lechter/ is a Cannibal

Cannibals/ Congo

VP Harris is black

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5

Trump only wants "european white immigration" as he stated years ago ("why won't people from Norway or Sweden come here?" words to that extent). Why would anyone who lives in a country with paid leave, paid maternity leave, affordable healthcare for life, pre-school and infant care, very low crime and virtually no gun violence, and great public schools want to come here?

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Are enough people sick of him yet?

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Unfortunately those whose brains are the feeding ground for beliefs that Kamala is a demon or an anti-Christ have been conditioned to swallow a lot of BS without getting sick.

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Sadly true. I'm hoping that he alienated some of his base by bad-mouthing Kemp.

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Harris rally - Optimism & Hope

Trump rally - Pessimism & Fear

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The people behind Trump look like hostages or at best, just confused.

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The campaign pays them to be there. No surprise.

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5

I thought an interesting note was all the “You’re Fired” signs behind Trump — that had no name on them. Who’s getting fired? It almost seemed as if the signs were about Trump himself… 🤔😉😊

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I figured they’re running out of money and used signs they already had in stock. Those holding had no clue.

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Also trump rally = shitty music

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My guess is by the end of this week the agents for ZZ Top and Martina McBride will be issuing cease and desist orders.

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Aug 4Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Yes 🙌 we will win. Why ? Yes 🙌 We Can !!! Great mix. ♥️🏅🕯️🙌

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I think Trump must be really hacked off to see Kamala having such large, enthusiastic rallies. I think he believed that he had a monopoly on the political rally as campaign tactic. Great to see on our side.

Donald thought after the Joe Biden’s poor debate performance he was crusing to an easy victory with Dems in deep depression. Now with his little world of malignant narcissism up ended by Joe’s heroic step away and endorsement of Harris who is surpassing him in energy and enthusiasm! He looks, smells and exudes loserism and down right jealousy.

In addition to some official merch, I just ordered this Kamala Removes Tough Orange Stains t-shirt 👇🤣


We are with you Kamala. Lead on with your power, intelligence, experience, wisdom, and integrity!

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Optimism and energy. So much better for the health of the American dream!

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The American dream that trump wants to kill for everyone but the filthy rich.

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“WE’RE NOT GOING BACK!” Amen Sister!

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I understand the slogan and why it's effective but it's not just going back to Jim Crow. It's more than that and this slogan doesn't cover that. The United States has never been a fascist dictatorship. It's never had a King ruling over it. No American President has ever sided with our enemies against the constitution and the rule of law. No American President has ever refused the peaceful transfer of power and fomented a violent insurrection against his own country.

Project 25 takes us into the realm of something worse.

It has to be more than 'We won't go back" because we've never been here before.

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I hear you! I think this is also pertaining to our most recent loss of rights, too. You’re right though, the threat is beyond dangerous.

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I’m sort of looking at it as we’re not going back to the Dark Ages. While as a country we have come mighty close to some crazy shit(remember the Civil War?)and other adventures into far right wing world, I don’t think we’ve been so smacked in the face with MAGA’s intentions as we have since the felon ride down his escalator and it’s been mightily aided by horrid Supreme Court rulings, social media and the sell out of The Fourth Estate. That’s keeping things simple but the gist of it.

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Isn’t not going back to 2016 far enough?

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Well said, Dean. You had me smiling throughout. I saw a picture this morning that showed the contrast in attendance at the two rallies. It makes me hope that he is losing voters, even among his base. I'd bet that his base voted for Kemp; if so he's doing a good job of alienating them. If they are even listening to him. I'm really looking forward to seeing Kamala win!

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A tale of two rallies--hers was the best of rallies, his was the worst of rallies. One spoke truth to power; the other reflected will to power.

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Vice President Harris the people's future for Democracy. May GOD Bless; and keep her safe against Trump's evil.

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Aug 4·edited Aug 4

The contrast that was so perfectly described is exactly why tfg is going to lose this election HUGELY! Miserable old man continuing to whine and complain and name call and LIE LIE LIE and LIE some more, and plans to drag the country back to the 1950s.

Kamala has plans for moving this country forward. WE’RE NOT GOING BACK! We will win!

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You need to use the BLUE hearts, if you have them. No more red.

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How do we find them?

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Hmmm, but valentines are red. I'll have to think about finding an alternative. Preferably with glitter :D

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I remember standing on a supermarket checkout line one fine afternoon getting stuff for supper and I made a friendly comment to a Black American about trump. He stated with utter disbelief and disgust in his voice, “When was AMERICA EVER—GREAT?!? I turned to my new found friend and said, “Sir, I don’t believe ever for yourself or your people.” With that, he shook my hand in a firm resolve. Let’s kick trump’s bald head and pinko booty to the curb—without his SS!!!

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Comparison/ Contrast is always an effective rhetorical method. These two events make the difference obvious. For those who have eyes to see and ears for hear this is powerful antidote to to counter any remaining lure from the MAGA cult,

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I don't understand what the lure ever was. I've never felt it, and I don't think that watching an obnoxious reality TV show would have helped.

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I'm Fired Up and Ready to Go, DEAN🇺🇸Bravo my friend💯 the difference between these two campaigns has become so painfully clear. Also, I've noticed donOLD's looking kinda greasy, peeked and Wild Eyed?!!! I think he's really scared of VP Kamala Harris. Which is why I'll close by saying "When we fight,we WIN" Thanks Dean, you rock! 💙🇺🇸

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Look at the faces of people behind Trump and the faces of the people behind Harris. It almost looks like the fever is really breaking.

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Think about this if you will. We have a system the framers of which failed to prevent a convicted felon and insurrectionist from running for and serving as president. Such a person holds the role of commander in chief, has control of the nuclear launch codes and has complete access to briefings and to materials of the highest level of secrecy classification. Materials he has already stolen and probably shown to adversaries. (And yet half the country is comfortable with all of this.)

Meanwhile, we subject our vice presidential candidates to a figurative proctological exam.

But here we are in America, in 2024.

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