This will end badly for Trump, his co-conspirators and his SCOTUS lackeys. The election that was once about Biden's age will now be around the Corrupt, Illegitimate Political SCOTUS and its campaign against everyone's rights. It will also be about Trump the King.

It is now incumbent upon the Democrats to make sure the American people know what this and the other repulsive rulings of the last week (dirty air and water, unsafe workplaces anyone???) mean to them - personally. And that they know exactly who this was done for - the billionaires that bought and paid for Trump, McConnell and all six of the Republicans on SCOTUS. If the message resonates, the Republicans will be wiped out in November.

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Why can’t we really respond in a big way—this immunity protects Biden. What must POTUS do to ensure our democracy isn’t overtaken by these traitors?

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If I were Biden, I would have ordered Trump arrested and hauled off to Gitmo this afternoon on the grounds that he is a threat to national security. But I'm not Biden, none of us are. He is too much of an institutionalist to use his newly granted powers like any Republican would.

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Well said, thank you.

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I suggest Biden have all GOP members rounded up and sent to Guantanamo. They are a danger to our Constitutional Republic. Every last one of them.

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Biden is as of this day a “king.” Let him not be bound by his moral compass. He is now in a privileged position to eliminate Trump. I hope he uses it wisely, for the sake of the American People.

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If orange Hitler gets into office now especially he will start killing people. I have no doubt.

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Lots of people will die, do something king Biden!!!

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Can't Biden now, as part of his "official duties," replace all the republicans on SCOTUS —as the upholding of his OATH OF OFFICE requires?

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Take away their keys, their access to the building, their robes (immunity!!!); and install patriotic judges who have some integrity.

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You know, the stuff about "upholding, promising to preserve and protect . . . ," etc

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It all sounds like a plan, but you and I know that is not who Biden is or could ever be. Plus, I think this would work against him. Our best bet is to broadcast what we know. This irrational decision could come back to bite Trump harder than Biden becoming a king.

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If Trump gets in, HE will be the law. (And we know what the psychiatric community says about him.) It'll be too late to do anything about it.

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Unfortunately, I know this too well. Trump scares the h3ll out of me!

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I agree. We must respond proactively. It’s Biden, and likely our, last chance to do so.

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Much of the time he's very good at projecting what to many people registers as a benign and ordinary personality. That impression is grossly wrong.

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Well summarized. There is no way to unring this bell.

Perhaps it will help motivate more voter participation. But, even that begs the question of whether the vast majority of voters are paying sufficient attention to understand that an unhinged president can and will destroy the Constitution, absolutely.

I’m frightened for my children and grandchildren.

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I’m also frightened for my children and grandchildren. And for the next 7+ generations of my descendants. How incredibly sad that this happened 3 days before Independence Day, of all days.

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There must be a future for our children and grandchildren to look forward to.

It's important, on this July 4th, to remember the 56 signers of the Declaration of independence who “pledged to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor."

Here we are 248 years later, with our national history and future under direct threat not by foreign enemies and armies, but by six cowardly, corrupt, and extreme TRAITORS *within our own country* intent on aiding the overthrow of our American way of life.

From now until election day, we must all laser-focus our lives, fortunes, and honor on soundly defeating this EVIL before us in every way possible.

The Founding Fathers did it and so must we! Democracy: Choose It or Lose It!

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Now it’s critical that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris MUST remain President and Vice President. Donald Trump and his cronies must NEVER occupy the White House. Wake up America and VOTE BLUE to SAVE OUR democracy. 🇺🇸💙💙💙

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Biden and Harris perhaps can use their immunity to make sure Republican votes aren't counted, and filth like MTG are imprisoned for being terrorists

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This can't be stated enough. There has NEVER been an election as important as this one will be. If we don't keep Biden and Harris in the white House, crooked deranged trump, who has absolutely no morals, will be our dictator, and our country will surely spiral out of control. He will raid our treasury and completely ruin our economy and we will live in misery. Our children deserve better. Fight fight fight and vote vote vote a complete Blue ticket!

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I am numb, and speechless. What have we done to get to this point, to the abyss of the death of our democratic republic and its laws/checks and balances? How did a mule like Trump drive such a wedge into it? We will probably die the slow death of trumpism if this empty orange suit gets elected, and he is getting all the help he can get, including scotus. How inciting an insurrection is an "official act" is beyond the pale.

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Trump is only the instrument being used by decades long planning, putting justices into place. The Heritage Fand the long ago Tea party…. Trump was narcissistic and devoid of a moral compass to be their pawn. He’s transactional and now gets to be an evil king instead of the loser he is.

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We got here because we have allowed demons like Mitch McConnell to lead the senate for decades and have not been focusing on his plan to revise the laws by dominating the COURTS. We now know what he has been planning and we MUST counteract it by encouraging Biden to take charge of this situation as KING for a day, arrest trump and the supremes who have lied to get installed on the court from day one. Then he can install 6 new supremes by the power he has been given, have the laws rescinded that are most egregious, and resume normalcy in our government.

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He is also getting help from the dem leadership who are embarrassingly denouncing one poor debate showing when President Biden has accomplished so much! Why aren’t they touting his work while they have the attention of this enormous audience??? Deplorable.

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Having decided to make the President a king, it behooves Biden to use that newly awarded authority to block Trump and any other known J6 conspirators from public office under Article 4. It would certainly be within the scope of his official responsibilities. And I would further recommend Biden impose an Executive Order, immediately expanding the Supreme Court to 15, and the imposition of retroactive term limits of not to exceed 10 years for all justices.

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Expand the Supreme Court!! Yes!! Are you listening, Joe?

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I pray Biden uses this power and doesn’t act like Democrats usually do.

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If understand correctly, Biden is now "Immune" to kill the Judges and replace them.

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I hope at least he’d be immune to fire the ones who voted for it & replace them with decent humane actual human beings.. then they can vote back sanity into the Supreme Court!

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Since they have perjured themselves to get installed, they can now be removed for this indiscretion (by king Joe.)

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Nah, he's not a Republican. You know what the 6 fascists meant!

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It appears so —as long as those actions are part of his "official duties." (We know damn well Trump will argue that everything he did was part of his "official duties.") There needs to be some serious consideration of Biden's options —and duties —here.

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As sacred as our freedoms and stability are by virtue of our founders wonderfully advanced (at the time, and still to this day) Declaration of Independence. Bill of Rights, and Constitution, their and our failure has been to move too slowly to expand the rights and freedoms our founders envisioned, in keeping with those ideals, as the world advanced forward. Worldwide, Nations citizens are revolting (at the ballot box primarily) against democratic leaders towards right wing leaders. Democracy, to survive, must be more nimble in providing Justice, equity, safety, and a prosperous cohesive society, for democracy to prevail.

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I want a safe space to read without seeing all the droppings from MAGA MAGGOTS. sorry, but I’m very pissed off.

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I’m feeling it in my gut. I’m miserable. Please help me remember this too shall pass.

I could be energized if Biden takes this limitless presidential power into his hands. Arrest Trump for same charges again , jail him with no bond, and okay it out in the courts.

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It’s all of our jobs now. That is what democracy looks like! The really hard work begins now!!

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You are very correct, Marian. We all must fight for our freedom and for Democracy. It simply cannot be overstated just how important this election is. It is the most important election of our lives. Check your voter registration and make sure the crooked republicans haven't purged you from the voting rolls, and vote and help others to vote Blue. Our future depends on it.

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Unfortunately Dems are not as ruthless and proactive as Repugnants are.

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True, but Trump is a convicted felon who could legally get a jail sentence on July 11. That needs to happen!!

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Maybe this will change them. AOC is already drafting articles of impeachment.

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Well guess what? We may need to be! Like not seen since the 60s.

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As I remember the sixties it was the youth that were exorcised because of the draft during the Viet Nam War. I spent the summer of love in San Francisco and recognized that most of the movement was about sex, drugs, rock roll and avoiding the draft. I accurately predicted that when the war ended most of the energy would disappear. It did. It seems youth today are not as politically involved because they are not facing death in a stupid war.

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Well, we now know we have to toughen up, don’t we?

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I want to cry. Too much too quickly

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I'm going to go hug my dog now.

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The universe saw fit to send me a new kitten yesterday. I have 15 cats and believe someone in neighborhood put him here. But he’s the one thing keeping me smiling since 2 yesterday!!

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You're good people

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Anyone who doesn’t have a dog needs to head to the nearest shelter and get one. I have three huggable fur babies.

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Some of us would do better with cats…

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I feel exactly the same way. Where’s my Xanax? 🤔😉😊

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I quit Xanax 2 weeks ago, but kept them just in case. I took one 30 minutes ago. All this is pushing me to the scary point.

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That’s about when I took mine. Also turned off the news, watching MST3K. Couldn’t handle any more. 🤔😉😊

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Smoking a joint and bypassed the evening news tonight. I’m mad at everyone except us chatters here tonight! 😛😛

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have to settle for legal weed!

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I have Xanax and illegal weed!! Living in SC!

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Sadly, I’m out and I’m broke. 🤔😉😊

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Xanax! Now there's an idea!

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Exactly. It's time for the Democrats to come out swinging and take full advantage of the new "King" power Biden has. No more "Do-nothing" Democrats! Use all Executive Power Biden has, NOW!

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Exactly. I’m 62, but I have another fight in me for this country. My father was a sexual assaulter, and like Trump, believed women were objects. And my father was a white supremacist. This fight is personal and collective. That’s why it hurts so bad right now. Need to recalibrate.

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I'm sorry you're in that club, too, Eileen. I didn't have to deal with a white supremacist, but the sexual assaulter with plenty of friends to "help" is what I grew up with.

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Wow, me too regarding my father’s friends. 😱😢many of us out here. That’s why Me Too spread like it did. Sending you love & light.

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Right back at you!

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I'm not suggesting it but doesn't this mean Biden can shoot trump on 5th Ave & get away with it.

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As long as that someone is trump, who Biden is convinced is a national threat to our country, it sounds like perhaps yes, he would be immune for that. Insane ruling that cuts both ways. Do you think the 6 Justices took that into consideration? A high noon shootout on 5th Ave. I have a hunch trumps bone spurs would be acting up that day.

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I have first seal team order . look out orange turd

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Do Dump after taking a flamethrower to the 'court'. Better not wait, the Army won't answer to Biden much longer

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Biden can win in a landslide. I wonder if Chief Justice John Robert's will have it in himself to inaugurate Biden.

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I hope not. Let one of the liberal judges inaugurate him.

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We all thought it was impossible Trump would actually win against Hillary, no?

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Yeah but her emails

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The extreme right wing authoritarian SCOTUS just tipped their hand. Their decision had no basis in the Constitution or legal precedent. One can only conclude (as Sheldon Whitehouse has) that they are compromised to an extent that they should be considered enemies of the state. They could have simply written, “Trump is immune,” and the legal weight of their decisions would be equal.

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