Stefanik is a whore, not necessarily in the sexual sense, she sold herself to the MAGA cult. Is this an audition to be TFG’s VP pick? We need to squash these people like a bug!

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It’s definitely an audition to be the VP or who knows what else. Perhaps she’s hoping for a cabinet secretary appointment. In any case, Stefanik is the poster child for bottomless greed, power, and depravity. This just shows you what a Harvard education will get you.

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And yet they decry Ivy League schools.

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I love the analogy of MAGA, Trump, et al. being a cancer - it is clearly of the most malignant variety.

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Auditioning for Trump's V. P. because as Pence, she is 'narrowlingly' holding onto her Congressional seat.

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I hope we can defeat her in Congress! Lets see what the new NY Congressional maps look like!

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Unless they split that NY “North Country” up the middle, it’ll almost certainly stay Republican (and even so…). That’s perhaps the most rural part of NY, Adirondack Mts. and all, lots of dairy farms, very thinly populated. Probably the most Democratic part of the district is the Akwasasne reservation along the St Lawrence. (I spent four years in St Lawrence County.) 🤔😉😊

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Unfortunately you’re probably right, she will win, but it also includes Washington county. It’s not as sparsely populated as you make it sound. Not many dairy farmers left. Life is changing in upstate NY.

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They are all complicit in Trump's attempt to end Democracy.

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Sadly I live in the district that borders hers. If I lived in the NY21, I would file a suit to have her kicked off the ballot as an insurrectionist.

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I just submitted my request to have an insurrectionist removed from my Congressional ballot.

Any of us whose House members or Senators failed to support the electoral count and the peaceful transfer of power on January 6/7, 2020, as legally submitted by our respective states, need to have those who aided and abetted the insurrection removed from the ballot.

We also need to move to have the current insurrectionist, Mike Johnson, removed from The House - he submitted the bogus amicus!!!!

We need to be bold and brave.


And if SCOTUS doesn't support our Constitution we will know it shortly and can make national decisions if they don't.

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As much as I hate to say it, we need to act more like Republicans and take the fight to the enemy. Enough with trying to reason with these people, they are beyond redemption. Hit them hard at every opportunity and be LOUD when we do it. Of course, we probably need to start by throwing the Democratic establishment over the side and replacing them with fighters, not spineless centrists.

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Stefanik is right, the 2020 election wasn’t fair. Biden got millions more votes than he got credit for… 🤔😉😊

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If you take a part each line that was said... and measure facts and truth. She’s misleading. I felt Kristen pushed back as much as time allowed.

Having anyone in office at any point who cannot say there was 60 court rulings and x2 seperate independent election counters.

If one follows what S has said here; to de. Ertify and hand back to states?( while the delegates would have been predominantly leaning to REPublicans; ( as delegations per state do not equal thr population in any said state) thr other very telling fact is all of this was litigated, re counted in all 50 states. Each state had a 6 wks time frame after said election to raise count questions. And everyone was doing that. This is what the history has proved.

So S saying there was a constitutional reason she de certified... is a blatant lie.

This interview she presented e all the buzz words she could muster. Frankly thr Republican Party each time to me I hear the next layer ... simply lands them in more mud. The facts are clear. Dt I do not believe , believes for a second he won.

But once u take a strong side... how can he say anything different and admit to error?

S is a pretty young idealistic person. Truth is not about making up an alternative and then finding talking buzz words to support your erroneous claims.

Truth is basic.

Admitting the truth is a hard human trait, hard wired to we don’t like to be wrong. It’s upsetting.

DT is in trouble. He comes across to me like a small child who got caught but still insists.” I didn’t do it. I didn’t”

That truth is the fact

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Stefanik is a political troll & Fascist. It's clear from the House hearings involving the IVY presidents (all women) that she thoroughly ENJOYED inflicting harm and pain. She has no business serving as an elected official.

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Absolutely agree. The gall, in the face of supporting Trump and his whole family of plagiarizers. It’s disgusting. Stefanik, according to people who used to respect her, lost all credibility when she initially stated “ultra MAGA” as she pushed for Cheney’s ouster and VP of orange mania.

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Why should we be surprised? She’s a Trump woman. You can figure out how she profiles as that here:


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By the way, I just took an internet journey forcing myself to glance at The Heritage Foundation’s guidebook for a protracted coup against our constitutional democracy; “Presidential Transition Project....Project 2025:The Published Policy Guide, ‘Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise.”’

We need to be demanding MSM coverage of this as well as all of us getting familiar with this manifesto. It certainly outlines the revolution they have planned against us. Yes, the Republican plan for retaliation and retribution led by the head of the snake, Herr Drumpf.

We should be alarmed and afraid. We are in deep trouble.

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Debbie well said!! I downloaded and read Project25’. If u are republicans or democrat: this shows an agenda... as you read it... and it reads extremely authoritarian.

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Corporate media outlets want Trump to win. There is no other reason to put his fans on their air to lie with no pushback. I'm so tired of hearing about the 'liberal media.'

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Trump wouldn't exist if not for the billions in free coverage he has been given since 2016.

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We must remember the Nazi War Crime trials in 1945 and 1946.

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She’s bat s**t crazy, but sneaky and power hungry. A very dangerous person.

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Stefanik is obviously desperate to rise to the top of the cess pool. She was scratching and clawing during the impeachment hearings to do the bidding of the then Minority Leader during some of the questioning. Her fawning was so evident and her questioning so scripted that it was pathetic. She did make it to the number 3 position in that caucus. But as ambitious as she is, yeah, she's trying to go higher. VP? I doubt it. She'd love it, but I don't think so. Cabinet? Maybe. Ambassador to someplace? Now that is a possibility only God help the country that wound up with her. (I think it would be wonderful if she wound up with a country like maybe Chad that is repressive towards women, Islamic, yet incredibly wealthy in some respects, and who would not tolerate her BS. Haley found out about this at the UN. Some countries just don't back down because you happen to be a rich, white, well-educated American woman. Their attitude is SO?) She needs what the old folks used to call a "comeuppance". She has no humility, no sense of shame, no ability to relate to the rest of humanity.

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Whatever works. The steaming pile is fully aware that their districts have no understanding of History or Government , but railing against the establishment is seen as strength. It’s Pathetic.

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MAGA politicians routinely go against almost everything Republicans stood for before Trump. They have taken over the party. Those Republicans who do not support them are hiding in fear, unwilling to speak the truth for fear of loss of power and position, ostracism, or potential violence.

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Stefanik suffers from a common MAGA affliction: willfully ignorant!

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