They think they have built an unscalable wall of gerrymandering, voter suppression, billionaire money and corporate media cowardice that will protect them from the voters. I think, and call me Pollyanna if you want, that the voters who are paying attention are pissed and they will be coming for Republicans at all levels. And as November nears, more and more voters will be paying attention, and be more pissed. The MAGA horde is no more than 30% of the electorate. They get close because too may people vote R because they have always voted R or because they believe the bullshit they are fed on Fox. But it only gets them close and that's their plan. Get close. Go on a "the election was stolen", "there was widespread fraud", you know all the usual bullshit, and get Alito and the crooked SCOTUS to hand the WH to Trump. The key is to keep them from getting close. And voting against contraception. 34 guilty verdicts. Increasing abortion restrictions. Constant talk of revenge. This will keep them from getting close. My bet - 20 to 30 seat swing in the House. Loss of 3 - 4 Republican Senate seats. Biden wins by 10+ million.

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And then there’s the October Surprise. I’m certain they have something up their sleeves. With those behind Project 2025, like Miller and Bannon it’s not going to be good. Why isn’t Bannon in prison anyway? I’m sure I heard the DOJ say something recently. Or is he being treated special too? Dammit!

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I agree, they are up to something. I'm sure Trump is colluding with Netanyahu over the Gaza war, Putin over the WSJ hostage and MBS over oil prices. The surprise is certainly lurking there somewhere. But what if the October Surprise is convictions in one or more of the fake elector cases? Wouldn't that be a fine kettle of fish for Trump and his co-conspirators?

As for Bannon, you know that he is next up on Judge Merchan's docket, right? If he's not in federal prison for contempt, he may well be convicted and on his way to a NYS prison by November.

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Judge Merchan will get Bannon. I have no doubt of that, especially if Bannon directs his counsel the way trump did.

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Bannon was already found guilty on federal charges that are mirrored by the NYS charges. And he accepted a pardon, which is an admission of guilt. Bannon is toast.

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The idea of Bannon being toast makes me smile. I heard this morning that Bannon has been ordered to report to prison. With news like that I feel like good things are afoot, at least in some quarters.

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A report I read said he is ordered to report by July 1 unless he can get a stay from the full Court of Appeals. He'll serve his time then Merchan will be waiting. And we know what that can mean to arrogant Republicans who think they are above the law.

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Please, ph please!

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Please, OH please…

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That, too. 🤔😉😊

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Bannon is headed to prison. He’s ordered to report to the Bureau of Prisons in July.

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By July 1, I heard. Navarro is serving his 4 months. He had a hissy fit because he had to report while Bannon was out until he was ordered in. Good on both of them!

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Just read where Bannon has to report by 7/1. Long overdue IMO.

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Bannon has been ordered to prison. As of July I believe. Yeah!

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I pray you are correct. I really do!! 🙏🙏

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are you sure you want to prey?

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I hope you are right!

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Jun 6Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Dean, I think you meant 2000 being the year of Bush vs Gore instead of 2020. I remember that very well as I was so impressed that Gore conceded so honorably and a TRUE patriot.

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Yes thanks!

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That SCOTUS decision has bided horribly for the start of a new decade. Lots of missteps in that election. Gore should have focused on winning his home state (he didn’t) and he would have had enough electoral college votes. SCOTUS should never have decided/chosen not to finish counting the votes in Florida. I am still pissed about that outcome. Gore won the popular vote and would never have entered Iraq.

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I meant boded, not bided.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

There's a very good chance that if Gore had won 2000, there never would have been a Rethuglican President this century! And they knew that, which is why they've gerrymandered everything since!

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That was McConnell’s concern.

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Jun 6Liked by Dean Obeidallah


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I hope you’re correct. This is attempted coup d’etat. No shame about anything ever.

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"This is what political weaponization of the justice system really looks like. These judges are political operatives in black robes. And the only remedy to this brazen judicial corruption is to win in 2024—and to win big!"

" dramatically, House speaker Mike Johnson elevated Ronny Jackson (R-TX) and Scott Perry (R-PA) to the House Intelligence Committee, giving them oversight of the entire U.S. intelligence community and access to the nation’s most sensitive foreign intelligence."

Let’s face facts:

Joe Biden is a good president.

Joe is a good man.

Joe Biden is the Opposite of,


Vote Blue 🌀 VOTE Biden

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I really agree with you Peter. I was thinking this morning what there will be a blue wave as you described. The Republican convention is going to be an absolute dogfight. And most important is that the Democrats must be prepared for the steal scenario backed up by a totally corrupt Scotus,now afraid of impeachment. or prosecution, or court expansion; this could lead to the largest Constitutional crisis ever as seen in the making with Republican obstruction of justice. There is no way We can cede power to this corrupt Supreme Court installed by a fraudulent President - the 34 guilty verdicts. I recommend preparation to remove military units/equipment from Red States, send in superior officers to take over National Guards, and cut off aid to Red States who try to militarize, especially Florida and Texas. This won't be 2020. They need to know that they won't win!!

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Anyone interested in filing a complaint against Judge Cannon in FL?

This is a very useful step-by-step on how to file a complaint:


She includes a sample letter (rewrite it in your own “voice”) as well as things you need to complete the form (download the PDF; it’s “fillable” — if your browser doesn’t support it, try Acrobat) such as the court name and case #, so the only thing you need to look up is the mailing address, elsewhere on the uscourts.gov site. 🤔😉😊

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Thousands of people have filed a complaint against “judge” Cannon with the 11th Circuit, so many, in fact, that the judges on the 11th Circuit have instructed their staff to stop taking the complaints. I only wish those judges would take the hint.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

Maybe so. But that oughtn’t stop anyone from filing a complaint, irrespective of whether they actually open the envelope. (Took me all of 20 minutes plus a stamp.) Flood them with complaints. They’ll notice.

(Update) PS, the story I saw (https://au.news.yahoo.com/were-many-complaints-against-judge-143304493.html) said that the the Cicuit determined that judges should no longer accept complaints “to the extent they are similar to previously filed complaints”. I read that to mean:

They’re aware of the volume.

They are opening the envelopes (you’re not supposed to put the Judge’s name on the envelope, so they couldn’t know whether or not it was about Cannon; indeed, the word “complaint” shouldn’t be on the outside of the envelope either).

To the extent that each complaint initiates a new investigation, the Court has decided that they have enough investigations started.

I do not read that story to indicate that the Circuit has decided to ignore the complaints. So go ahead and send one in, like I said, 20 minutes and a stamp.🤔😉😊

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You laid this out so well,Dean. What as average citizens can we do to get oversight over these judges ? I'm blessed,living in Oregon, to have terrific congressmen that represent me. Just a little frustrated! Thank you for your insight and sharing your brilliant mind with us (your good looking too !)

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If the rolls were reversed, and a a bunch of Democrat appointed judges were doing the same thing to support a Democrat defendant, it is likely several of them or their family members would be suffering from lead poising. this country is finished as far as rule of law and equal justice!

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Good Article

So much for Justice, Law and Order during our Age of Legal Corruption MAGA Style

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Amen!! I have a picture in my mind of Judge Cannon with her fingers in her ears, saying "la-la-la-la-la" as loud as she can, so as to drown out any words of reason. I had no idea those three current SCOTUS justices worked on the Bush v. Gore case. I was not a fan of Gore at the time, but have since come to understand how bad that decision was.

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And yet, the American public is mostly ignorant to the system as a whole. People believe (as I once did) that "no one would let this kind of behavior go unchecked". Since there is so much of this abject ignorance the problem continues, on and on and on and on.

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Someone please tell me why Fanni Willis doesn’t step aside and allow another prosecutor without any controversy take the case forward

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Are you nuts?

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Please explain? Is there no one else that can prosecute the case in Atlanta?

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I see your point, but I doubt it would make a difference. That prosecutor would have to essentially almost start over, so the time is lost anyway. And you know Trump, Roman, etc. would file all sorts of motions about the new prosecutor. I don’t think it would break the logjam quickly enough. 🤔😉😊

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you have got to be kidding.

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In retrospect this is what she should have done, but the legal case against her was pretty weak, after all the two lawyers in question were on the same side, and people in relationships often “mix funds”. But immediately the judge made adverse findings about that issue, even although she didn’t have to she should have withdrawn.

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Maybe Biden or Garland can do something about the Judicial corruption! These are unprecedented times and our POTUS is in France. He sees no urgency in this at all.

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I’m a-waiting confirmation from #Cohen regarding #Donnie, Jr.’s cocaine trafficking, usage, and abuse indictment now that #Hunter is being grilled like a “hot-dog” in Federal court over an unrelated gun possession charge. “If you wanna get down, down on the ground … Cocaine!” ~ Eric Clapton

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okay Quasimoto return to your station.

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I think that factually we can say the Supreme Court is the Mega Supreme Court.

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