Thank you for continuing to talk about this. Two friends and I were each warned by FB today for sharing a post about this, and the posts were partially hidden. this is maybe the 10th time we have been told that we are sharing false information. We know it's true, but Meta censors free speech. this has happened numerous times, and we worry about having our accounts blocked, so we are more cautious about how we post this same info

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Interesting. I just posted as well. I had them even block Joyce Vance for the same reason and she has her own Fakebook page no less. Incredible shit going on.

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Many of my posts on FB are being removed, but I am fighting back, asking for more review.

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We see that corporations post record profits, and pay out record"compensation"(god forbid it is called a wage or salary) to their executives. The math shows price gouging by any name.

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Ok, the Dems are finally moving in the right direction. Or maybe they're over promising again.

I'll take Democratic Socialism over

Republican Fascism any day,

and so will most Americans!

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Anytime it would appear the Dems are over-promising, it probably can be attributed to Congressional obstruction.

Holding a trifecta will help keep more promises.

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Well I won’t, so fuck you.

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Eat a big turd

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You are right. I dropped to that level.

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Open your mouth and I’ll drop a big harry deuce right on your tongue, just like you like it.

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You are a brilliant thinker, NOT

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Says the fucktard who said, “ eat a big turd.”

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Pie in the sky gets you nothing but empty calories.

In America We have two political sides and yours is not one of them.

Good luck with your path of rejection.

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I don't believe I indicated a "side." That's the issue with this political ideological debate....our culture appears to force citizens to pick a side.....I'm saying we don't have to.

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So smart.

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You were saying? President Trump is your president. Say it with me, chump! Donald Trump is your president!

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The societies nowadays with the highest degree of satisfaction with their lives are those that combine a thriving capitalist economy with a generous social safety net for those who need it. In real terms, that’s the countries of Scandinavia and Northern Europe. So you say reject both — I say accept both — judiciously, of course.

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I am really sick of the short-sightedness of the GOP. Money is something they are addicted to, which is just as bad as drug addiction, except that it hurts even more people. I find it ironic that trump wanted to tank the border legislation as well as the anti-inflation legislation so he could run on those issues, but he isn't running on anything but grievance and revenge. And, clearly, screwing the majority of the people of the country.

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Hi Dean! 👏😄

Here's a frame that can be changed - Why, when middle class people catch a break financially via our government, as an example, with *housing*, many on the right call it a hand-out. If the middle class were seen as a business investment (since businesses are seen as people in *law*) it would be called an *incentive*. And just in general, why isn't it, in principle, an incentive, as it helps our *economy* stay strong with a healthy middle class?

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So true and rarely reported as such. Government program dollars delivered to lower and middle classes families typically go directly towards housing, better food, children’s clothing. Dollars that are injected into the economy and keep circulating. Government program dollars, bailouts, tax cuts and deregulation that goes directly to businesses often stays with CEO pay packages, increased stock dividends, and stock buybacks.

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Don't forget Wealth Management Portfolios and the Cayman staple, off-shore banking and finance if bookkeeping too cumbersome on metaphorical mystical Wall Street, where the fount of all Hail Mary bail-outs flow.......

Tio Mitchito

Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers

Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)

Media Discussion List\Looksee

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Good point!

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Which is why Michael and your good point(s) won't be "amplified & repeated" by Corporate Captured Pay2Play US Public Information broadcasting. That happens to be the number ONE way by a long shot overworked and understaffed US Working Class gets the news that a democracy depends\functions on.

AMPLIFICATION\REPETITION is the Mass Comm formula for agenda setting or keeping Corporate Control over "our" E-CON. Journalism has blurred into Public Relations in our Pay2Play dystopia. If grass roots can't grow and make deeper roots, all control instead of just MOST control will be surrendered to those who can Pay2Play.

Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers

Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)

Media Discussion List\Looksee

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All of GOP Ass-Hats that are freaking out about her plan are only doing so because they didn’t come up with it first, and because it’s not their brilliant idea. They would rather side with their party line and keep complaining and blaming Biden and Harris for the inflation / price gouging that currently exists instead of actually doing something about it.

The cult members aka, MAGA-hats have No Platform because all they’re doing is focusing on the so-called “Stolen Election” bullshit from 3.5 years ago, and lying about things that are happening in this country.

All you hear from these idiots is how bad our country is, how dangerous our country is, how expensive our country is, how our country is falling apart, blah, blah, blah… and how their Orange Hitler is the only hope and saving grace to get us all back to these 1950 values of White America. BULLSHIT!!!

If they would actually do their jobs in Congress and the Senate and vote for actual worthy legislation that would help the country, instead of voting along their idiotic cult leaders wishes so that HE won’t look bad and SEEM like the loser that he is, good things would get done for everyone in this country!!!

The GOP has No Platform because He Has No Platform.

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So what is PROJECT 2025?

Please stop saying Rethuglicons have "No Platform"!

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Sorry Andrea, in my eyes and in the eyes of many, Project 2025 is NOT A Platform… it’s nothing more than a scheme devised by the Oligarch-like money men funding the plan for the erosion of democracy only to garner huge tax breaks for the 2%, all in the name of MAGA Ultra-Conservative Christianity while they try to get their Patsy in power in the White House and so that he will eventually become The King Of The United States, wielding utmost powers and the ability to have anybody he doesn’t like to be executed…

So, Not A Platform! Just a stupid hare-brained scheme!

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What is Project 2025??


PLEASE! STOP saying Rethuglicons/MAGAts/fascists/reichwingers have "No policies"!!!!!!

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Wow, stuck on Project 2025 much?

Again, it’s not a Policy either. It’s a Hare-Brained Scheme. It doesn’t benefit anyone but the 2% and Trump.

It’s a playbook to overthrow our country’s Democracy, to take control and supersede all governing functions, and to make the President a supreme ruler forever. He will wield ultimate power over all and eliminate all of his dissenters. Plus there’s more…


The party platform includes a proposal to "declassify government records, root out wrongdoers, and fire corrupt employees", pledges to slash regulation and government spending. But it stops short of proposing a sweeping overhaul of federal agencies as outlined in Project 2025.

In a section titled "The Family Agenda," the proposal recommends the Health and Human Services chief "proudly state that men and women are biological realities," and that "married men and women are the ideal, natural family structure because all children have a right to be raised by the men and women who conceived them."

It’s basically a screw job to anybody that they don’t feel deserves help, to anybody that doesn’t agree with their bullshit ideals, and any and all LGBTQ people.

You might call it a Policy, they might call it a policy, the Heritage Foundation might call it a policy, But It’s Nothing More Than An American Version Of Mein Kampf…

And It Will Never Succeed, NEVER

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To help the freakout, we converted Kamala Harris’ Plan to lower costs into an easy to follow Visual Guide and 10 minute Audio Summaries in both English and Spanish.


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Thank you I will pass to my friends and relatives. Gracias 👍

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I know this is a very serious issue but I can't help thinking about that episode of "The West Wing" in which Bartlett was accused of having a secret plan to fight inflation. Fortunately Harris's plan is not secret and lots of people are enthusiastic about it. Let's hope we can take back the House and keep the Senate so she can enact it. I have already written 600 postcards to voters to try to make that happen.

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Failure is not an option.

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GOP has been the barrier for WE THE PEOPLE to be helped by our government...They are criminals trying to suppress the vote...Biden should immediately do away with the electoral collage...so sick of the GOP enriching the rich billionaires and leaving the 98% of us in the dust...screw them

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Every time I see a Trump yard sign, (and there are not nearly as many Trump signs around this election as before), but upon seeing the red & white signs reading "Trump 2024 Save America", I so badly want to affix a sign at the base in similar script reading: "for billionaires". You know, truth in advertising and all.

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What FDR called "economic royalists" are exactly those who fear losing "their" country, or, as FDR put it, "their high seats in the temple of our civilization". Once it became clear to them, Biden intended to progressively curb their power he was in earnest about the FDR 2.0 project), they did all they could to undermine him. Corporate media above all. Well, they got their man. Too bad Harris is, if anything, doubling down.

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The government has coddled the millionaires and billionaires at the expense of the middle class and poor for far too long. It’s past time to put a stop to it.

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And yet almost half the citizens in this country continually vote against their own self interest. They swallow the lies and misinformation that the MAGA GOP feeds them.

I’ve come to realize there’s no reaching them. If they can’t be bothered to truly educate themselves then we must outvote them. Every single time.

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"The reason the Biden administration could not address inflation more robustly is because Republicans in the House and Senate blocked every effort to do just that."

Here's hoping that 2024 is when more Americans realize the President is not the only player in the US gov't.

If we can win the Pres'y AND Congress, perhaps we may see change.

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Nothing is more important at this moment than keeping ahead of the narrative. It will literally determine this election. Glad that Dean is at the front.

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His handlers remind him and review it with him, but he jumps right back to the happy place of whining.

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Convicted fraudster, rapist & draft dodger disparages Medal Of Honor recipients, Capitol police…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhXNL1Tr0xM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KZsW0fLu70 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZXxK-PAHCo

Weird, depraved or both? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V70ymSPxW_8

Then there's teacher, coach, vet...


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