As a Missouri resident, I’m bothered by the political nature of these kinds of these kinds of life and death decisions. The execution of a potentially innocent man cannot be undone.

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Thank you, Dean, for bringing us the heart wrenching details behind the headlines. It’s hard to use the heart emoji to like your post, but it’s an expression of how I feel about your diligence not the content.

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I'm shocked but not shocked, Kamala Must WIN this election and deal with that Vile man who executed him for nothing and knew it. This vile man should be charged with murder.

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It’s actually premeditated murder. He was innocent, and the governor knew it.

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I couldn't agree more.

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We are a barbaric cruel country. those in power are sick, inhumane.

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My heart hurts.

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I have a personal belief that truth must always be the foundation of justice. It appears that the truth was sacrificed in order to bring about the execution of Marcellus Williams.

It seems also that to the governor of Missouri, the state Supreme Court, and the conservative justices on the US Supreme Court, as long as all the I's are dotted, the T's are crossed, and all the legal technicalities are covered, then it is okay to kill these individuals.

Yes, I said 'kill', because the death penalty is all about killing those who are supposedly guilty; yet, when the facts and truths of several of these cases are discovered, it turns out that some of the condemned persons were actually innocent. The search for truth is never final, nor should it ever be.

The question I have now is, will the family of Marcellus Williams be filing a lawsuit against the the state of Missouri for wrongful death? The state demands accountability when an individual commits a crime. Should not the state itself be held to the same standards?

I will close with this thought: When the truth and facts are suppressed, justice itself will cease to exist.

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Heartbreaking doesn’t even begin to express how hearing that his appeal was refused and his life taken makes me. But only strengthens my belief in the abolition of the death penalty once and for all in this country.

May Mr. Williams rest in power 💜.

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The governor of Missouri has now legalized lynching, IMO. I can't fathom being so stuck in hatred that facts no longer matter. And to have the supreme court go along with the MAGA governor's desires is beyond sick. I've heard a lot of awful things lately, but this is far and away the worst. It breaks my heart.

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Yes Susan it IS beyond sick and it's all because of Trump. He needs prison and it can't be soon enough.

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Both trump and the Missouri governor, Heather. And I agree that it can't happen soon enough.

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I'm in London Uk and I've followed this mess since 2016.

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I'm impressed! There is apparently no answer to the question "how low can you go?" because they always find a way to go lower. I'm hoping that we are able to calm down the way you people have.

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Those in the Unsupreme court need it too

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A country with death penalty can never be a civilized country. I am so nauseautingly angry at this!

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Expect more of the same. This is what trumpism has made "acceptable"...

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Yet we all made Trumpism. Even those such as myself who left my naive and native NYC back in my formative years for life on the fairly similar human nature-wise west coast. I'd seen enough of the Trumpism even b4 the Heir in Waiting made his first move to enter the Political Machine his Dad Fred got wealthy off of.


We get merit badges not truly earned and give ourselves unearned credit while flogging ourselves for our shortcomings. Others will focus on our shortcomings while blinded to their own.

Crank that carousel wheel. Time for another NEW & IMPROVED season of nausea and high dudgeon (whatever the heck that is....) We've got Selichoth to give meaning to and authentic amends to make. Mebbe even Cease Fire if the Stars align jest right (or left)....

Health and balance to all,

Tio Mitchito

Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers

Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)

Media Discussion List\Looksee

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I beg to differ, as neither I or anyone in my family, anyone I know, "made trumpism".

Trump came on the scene power hungry (like Hitler, Mussolini, others) and found a formula which worked to garner support and followers.

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Correction duly noted.

May our Maker be merciful.

May we correct for errors whether ours or built into any system we are locked into for terms disclosed or not disclosed.

Health and balance

Tio Mitchito

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This is one of the most distressing miscarriages of justice, and depraved indifference, I’ve ever heard of. The governor needs to face consequences for this grotesque and cruel murder.

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Sep 27Liked by Dean Obeidallah

"Made my blood boil," as we say. GOP "Justice."

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So much for Republicans being pro-life

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Trump would sing a different tune if he was the one looking at getting the needle

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I am reminded of how lynchings were public entertainment.

And only one white man was ever lynched. Leo Frank.

And he was Jewish.

So to racists, he's worse than black.

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Remember "What's the matter with Kansas"? Kansas appears to be slowly recuperating, but now the disease is engulfing Missouri. This moronic determination of Gov. Parson to deter crime with death--correction, state sanctioned murder--has a whiff of religious certitude that touches off a whole host of cruelties (lax gun laws, illegal abortion, etc.)

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Yet another manifestation of corruption.

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