It's not a coincidence that one of the earliest signs of psychopathy is animal cruelty.

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I forgot about that; they usually start killing and torturing animals for pleasure...

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I had an nasty uncle, unquestionably a narcissistic sociopath —like Trump —who beat to death a perfectly nice pet dog with a broom.

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The dog is us. I hope people realize that.

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There were too many choices so I just used it as a noun.

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Only if you are a "woke snowflake"...

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She probably crossed a line with the unawakened also. This event, the killing and her bragging, is the worst.

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That is what happens when you are running for VP and ask yourself: "What would Donald Trump do?"

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The worst of it is, Trump likely wouldn’t even survive another term, which would mean his veep would become president. That’s what this psychopath Noem really wants

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This is a clear warning to the whole nation from the MAGA leadership, that , this is what to expect if people are not submissive enough to the MAGA authorities.

Pay heed people!

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How sickening! Just what we need, another bottomless, cruel person to possibly "lead" this country. And how can that woman be a mother and do such things? Is her misbehaving child next? I don't know how to deal with this kind of crap.

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She has surpassed even Sarah Palin and her shooting wolves from a helicopter (not by much)...

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If I knew about Palin and wolves, I had forgotten. I happen to like wolves and hate to see anyone do something so senseless and nasty to them, just for the fun of it. Both women are, IMO, clearly amoral.

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The goat was . . . "nasty and mean"? I know of a certain, orange human who is also "nasty

and mean"! Just saying.

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She killed a pup for being a pup and a goat for being a goat. Billy goats are nasty and mean. Pups need age appropriate training. She needs to be voted out and shunned. I'm sure the Dakotans can find a right winger that doesn't kill a pup out of a bad temper.

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I think you're exactly right.

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When you can humanize torture advocate Dick Cheney by comparing him to Kristi Noem you can see a big historical problem with the modern Republican Party.

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Ever notice that most cruel people are also stupid? And most kind people are also smart?

As George Carlin observed, "Think about the intelligence of the average person. Then realize that half the population is dumber than that."

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There is probably no other brutal act by a Republicon hopeful that characterizes the whole party than Kristi Noem cruelly blasting away a beautiful exuberent puppy. Cruella DeNoem, alive and hissy fitting.

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Love the Cruella DeNoem

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Has this stupid, cruel, horrible person been charged with animal cruelty? She shouldn’t be allowed to own any animals. I just can’t comprehend this level of cruelty. People who have hunting dogs know the dog needs to be trained. Who would have thought a dog that has a high prey drive and high energy would need training?/s

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That’s scumbag behavior, although not surprising.

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Actually, scumbag behavior would be a major improvement.

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I heard that even many MAGA people find this too much.

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I wonder about that. This is all just so disturbing. Will they justify this, or not? Many ppl, feel pets are personal property, as they do with livestock. It’s no wonder why R states push AG laws so fervently. What are the animal cruelty laws in SD? Misdemeanors? I’ve been involved in rescue since college 1977, dogs, cats and now wildlife when I can where we are in ID.

If you’ve been following the 6mo old wolf pup torture and killing story in WY, it’s easy to see those of us appalled by her actions, we must be “woke”. I am forever happy to be, and will ever be. #darkbrandon2024 #slavaukraini

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My (step) father did shit like this so I don't tend to follow animal abuse stories as I saw enough growing up.

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I think the problem is that a lot of MAGA people find all sorts of trumpian behavior to be "too much" but they will vote for him anyway.

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I am not surprised. I have known some of them and this would not be tolerated.

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They’re a rats nest of disgusting.

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I grew up on farms and the women back then would have an employee do that deed. There are signs in El Dorado County, California that dogs must be put down, if they kill livestock. And that pretty much is the rule of thumb in rural America. But to brag about having to do that without even consulting a professional dog trainer first to see if there might be an alternative is a lapse in judgment that lends itself to wondering where she is on the schizophrenic spectrum

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Here in rural Idaho, the National Forest where we live, if a land owners dog chasing wildlife, like our neighbors dogs do, very similar breed of Cricket, ISF&G said only they could do it. I took a video of this neighbors dog 300’ up a slope chasing a ewe and her lamb. Fortunately we were able to distract the dog away from its chase. The “1st offense”, a shock collar. We know the range.

The issue is the owner, not the “pet”. He should’ve been charged, not punishing the dog.

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But when dealing in things legal, you have to stick with the actual issue here not try to analogize it to a different issue. This issue is about the dog, biting people, and also destroying farm animals and livestock. We’re not talking about wild animals.

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The only person reportable Cricket attempted to nip was Noem. Cricket was in the process of going after said chickens, a dog will react to any human in this manner.

Cricket did not destroy any livestock, domestic chickens aren’t considered livestock. What were these chickens doing not fenced in?

It is the handler, Noem in this case, responsibility to manage the actions, natural or unnatural, of her pet Cricket. Why wasn’t Cricket secured in a dog kennel in her vehicle, securely? Trappers/outfitters who hunt in our forest always have their hunting dogs secured, always.

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I’m not even convinced it’s true that Cricket wanted to bite her. The likes of Noem is like Trump: a pathological liar.

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Right. We're talking about a difficult breed, 14 months old and thrown into a situation for which it was not ready and the owners negligence, ignorance and bad temper. And she's Governor.

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Wrong spectrum. Look at spectrum that measures emotions and empathy, such as sociopath to psychopath, and also sadism. I think she enjoyed the cruelty and positively anticipated the grief and anger it would engender in caring people.

From what she wrote, it sounds like her daughter loved Cricket as her pet. I can only imagine the tears and sadness her daughter feels.

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If she is on that spectrum then she has no business owning or firing a gun!

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Everything Dean says is absolutely true. I think Noem is showing Dumpy how disgusting she can be to impress him. He might even be impressed. However, Noem is also fairly smart (in a horrible way), pretty, and articulate. She would outshine Dumpy at any press conference or public joint appearance. Dumpy doesn't share the spotlight with anybody. Mike Pence's ability to fade into the background was probably his second-greatest asset, after his appeal to evangelicals. Dumpy's also a terrible misogynist. Another reason he wouldn't share the spotlight with her.

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He won’t pick her for VP because he thinks she misspells her last name; “Why isn’t it spelled Nome, like it should?” I’m sure he asks.🤔😉😊

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Why is anyone taking her word for anything she wrote in her book? It’s a riff on Trump’s “Art of the Deal” that was designed to pump up his ego by lying about all his successes. That doesn’t excuse her cruelty in writing it whether it’s true or not.

MAGA nutcases haven proven over and over again they are pathological liars and there are no depths to which they’ll go to ingratiate themselves in subservience to their poster boy.

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I agree. She's like the "How do you do, fellow kids?" meme, only it's "How do you do, fellow psychopaths?" I'll believe she actually shot her puppy when I actually believe Ben Shapiro is a skilled carpenter.

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But which is worse:

That she boasts about killing the puppy or that she's *lying* about killing the puppy?!

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Oh no doubt the boasting, she's still a psychopath.

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