I'm still here, and I'm not going anywhere.

Although I didn't coin the following, it holds true to my heart - "I'd rather die on my feet than live begging from my knees".

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Merrick Garland faltered. Biden faltered. Inexcusable, yes … but these are older men (like me) still stuck in the 20th Century. When appearances still mattered. Bully Boy Trump ushered in a 21st Century in which manners matter not, nor truth, nor calm reasoning. Welcome to the Again World in which the only dream of MAGA is to say the n-word once more aloud.

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The weird thing to me is that trump is also 20th century. He's a bit younger than I am, but still represents the worst of the 20th century. I will say, though, that I am very uncomfortable in a world where manners matter not, and neither does truth or reason.

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Me too, Susan. Manners and conscience are the glue that holds society together. They are*not* old-fashioned. They're essential.

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Thank you, Paula. I agree. You know, every time I have an encounter with one of my neighbors when I am out walking, I marvel at how good it feels to be around nice, caring people.

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I feel that way too. Then I wonder if they voted for Trump.

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I hear you. I have one neighbor that I will no longer converse with because I know she's a trumpie. And she sends a lot of mixed messages. With the other ones, they don't advertise and I sense nothing weird about them, so I won't ask. I choose to enjoy them. Actually a couple that lives two houses over are trumpies, but they are very pleasant, so I choose to enjoy my encounters with them. For all I know they've changed. The most they did for one election was have a tiny bumper sticker on his pick-up truck, and that is long gone.

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I agree with both of you. This ugly selfish, greed & hate on display is the opposite of what this country represents. That said, for far too long, WE (those in DOJ/courts/congress) allowed Republicans all these special rules & the rich. THIS is the problem. We had problems earlier after WWII, but Reagan/Bush + rich people ushered in this ugly fascism, the rigged game & economy, the no empathy, violence & hate.

It all has to be corrected, from Reagan on down. They have to STOP lying & allowing the FBI to sit on cases for years to stop them. The silence on the actions of the CIA is another problem. They won't admit that Bush was a CIA agent from the 50's until he died. They won't dump the secrets the public has a right to, & they won't shudder the CIA, when it's existence is to exist & get money & help the republicans.

I really have had it with all the lies & the corrupted, unprofessional press. WE deserve better than this.

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Hmm, more like 12th Century. AD.

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What are you talking about? Manners and conscience? Sorry, but I don't get your comment.

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I meant Trump: His very lack of manners and conscience puts him, it seems to me, back in the Dark Ages during which a king was omnipotent and uncaring of others … until he was usurped.

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Thank you for the explanation. I think you nailed it.

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Which is because in their frustration they get unbridled joy from being free to use the i-word,

“Illegals”, as often and as derogatorily as possible.

If you were to say to them the terms are dehumanizing, most would not even understand what you meant. They are cognitively unaware of the emotions they feel when they use it, and that’s because they’re cognitively unaware of any and all emotions. How can they process and integrate that of which they are not even aware?

But when I ask print media to remove thread comments using the i-word because it is dehumanizing, my requests are ignored. I have to wonder what emotions they experience, if any, when they see the term in their comment threads.

“Undocumented immigrants” may take a few more seconds to type, but I’d prefer that over the thinly veiled connotation of the i-word.

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I’m of the opinion that they DO know how referring to immigrants as “illegals” is hurtful and dehumanizing. And that’s exactly why they do it. They think it’s ok to denigrate others. They’re the same people who speak of babies whose parents are unmarried as “bastards”.

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Hmm, go back far enough and all of us are illegals … except the various (still extant) native Americans.

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Biden put Garland there as a favor to Obama. He really didn't deserve that favor, look at how he returned it..🤬

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Sadly, I agree. Methinks Garland would have been better as a justice.

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Garland should be hung out to dry

He’s more worthless than Chuck Schumer!

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He was too concerned with being accused of 'weoponizing' the DOJ. He didn't want people accusing him of what we'd just experienced with Barr. I thought at the time all well and good but you will be accused of it no matter what you do. So may as well get down to business and move forward to charging DT. Now he's ruined his reputation and we're stuck again. Also obviously maga side has done nothing but point out if DT and cohorts in Congress were really guilty then he would've been charged by DOJ! Smh wow what a disappointment he turned out to be.

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Biden’s big mistake! I don’t agree with the MAGA sentiments expressed. He did fiddle while trump built the fire- Garland did. Let them be the haters

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Garland lacked courage when courage was needed most. While Barr intentionally put his finger on the scale of justice; Garland handcuffed himself to his chair. President Biden did some tremendous things for the country. However I will always be puzzled by his lack of action concerning Garland and DeJoy. His desire to be the opposite of trump regarding the DOJ, I think failed the rule of law. What DeJoy has done to the Postal Service is a crime.

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Unfortunately, Biden has no control over who the Postmaster General is. It’s up to the Postal Service Board to keep or remove him. There are mostly Republicans on the Board.

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There were vacancies that he filed with Democrats. There are enough to fire him. You are correct that the Postal Board has to actually do it, but all he has to do is tell them to.

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Sadly, it's become obvious that Biden won't do anything now. He's too old school and he still believes in bipartisanship. Unfortunately, republicans do not.

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We, i.e., progressives, have not necessarily given up on the rule of law--but Trump and the republicans have. They scoff at the Constitution, ignore the law, and get away with it. There is no longer any justice in the U.S. And now it looks as though there may well never be any. There are no longer any checks and balances in our government. The guardrails have vanished. There are no adults in the room. Trump and his thugs can do whatever they want and no one can or will do anything to stop them. Congress won't. The courts won't. Soon the military won't. And we've already seen that the voters won't. We have handed the reins of power over to a malignant, narcissistic tyrant who revels in retribution, humiliating others, and hurting as many people as he can while enriching himself and his billionaire buddies. Also, I'm convinced that there won't be an election in 2028. Trump will declare some sort of "national emergency" and cancel the election in the interest of "national security" or some such garbage. The America I loved is now toast. I weep for my country and have given up hope of ever seeing America become the humane, decent nation that I always believed it could become. I will go to my grave cursing the morons who voted for Trump and brought this impending dystopia on us all.

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Go away sadsack… you’re just gonna bring everybody down. I think there’s still hope.

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I agree with your last sentence. As for the rest of your comment, I say let people vent and voice their opinions and emotions whether we agree or not. ✌🏽

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You’re probably right ….it just seems like she was just whining, whining, whining, in utter abject misery and there was absolutely no hope whatsoever ever and that just irked the fuck out of me.

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I think we are all still on edge over this election and emotions are raw. 🌷

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I'm sorry the truth hurts. It hurts me, too, immensely--but the truth is the truth. We all have to learn to deal with it. As for me, I'm seriously looking at moving to Canada. We'll see how things go as the mad king and his jackals seize power.

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Afraid you're exactly right. Libs still have not woken (😕) up.

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I miss Mr. Kirschner, who I noticeably saw less of on X, even with correct notification settings, as Musk screwed with HIS algorithms. That was common for many.

I'm not checking out. I have a mind that is intensely over focused, hyper vigilant, never sleeps, trusts nothing, and is executively broken. I'm vulnerable to disinformation because of medical conditions but I'm not vulnerable to apathy so I research and I read. So, the bros who sold what they did, were selling to an authentic audience, on their own apathy for their fellow Americans well-being.

I'm not a scholar, a former service member, a former civil servant, a former anything. I'm a former business owner, of 20 years, who didn't make it, along with my 140 employees, during the Great Recession, and that taught me how to fight, without filing BK, cheating on taxes, scamming the "system", made peace with accountability and still fight to resolve issues that broke me, which is a lifetime of shit, but DT did life criminally and was well taught. I feel injustice, heartbreak and the future of what is known but unknown. It won't be easy.

I cleaned my side of the street, while my partner fled to AZ, to a "religious" community for asylum, so to speak. I never miss the irony in things. I saw injustice done by attorneys, creditors, banks, etc. and I'm for the little guys like myself.

I sued a sitting circuit court judge, and have had many, many 20/20 moments, I wish I could go back. Lesson: I didn't check out. I had been wronged when he was my attorney, broke his fiduciary duty and went on unaccountable for a sweetheart deal that flattened me. I know what it is like from this perspective, not a culture one, but one people forget they all pay for, in monetary terms, as in other terms, and are affected when they enter a voting booth and vote for a criminal, indicted, convicted, by a jury, an adjudicated rapist, a tax cheat, a pay-for-play mobster, a fragility not known to a child, a band of bible wielding hypocrites and sex predators who are as criminally minded. This is what they got, we all got.

They checked out, without checking out facts and whether disinformation caused the switch, it wasn't a mandate, and they knew, not about tariffs, but didn't care about his criminality. Justice does Matter, it may not always work to satisfaction, but to be ignorant is never a defense.

If podcasts are the way of future discernment we are in trouble.

I, wholly, believe if Musk weren't involved, he'd have lost. Musk stands to gain much from his payments to play. DT is pathological. Musk is worse.

So, today, I can say thank you to my past experiences, all of you for continuing to fight, and I'll be right behind you. I can eat ramen noodles for life or dirt, but democracy isn't something I'm negotiable on.

Lastly, I believe, Roberts immunity decision is like a roll of toilet paper, and is so poorly executed, muddy, murky, and obtuse in its interpretations, however, it really doesn't decide much. The secret vote for Senate leader and McConnell, still in the mix, as much as I despise him, somehow makes me see fissures. We need to expose those wide open. As for Garland, political excuse, my arse. We'll find out one day. I hope.

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Oh WoW! I went through somewhat similar crap with the judicial system!!! Went from the 1% to “zero”. Sweetheart deal that appears to have gained a judge a much better bench while I sat in a kangaroo court.

Now the same despicable mentality is preparing to take over the country.

Some people just want to watch the world burn

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Fighting Goliath is hard enough with a decent rule of law and people willing to fight. David is going to get clobbered and won't be able to fight things which happen, which is the point, and corporate America has the pockets and the judges. However, this sweetheart deal is nowhere near what people think. Due to this fact we can't stop and must expose what we can, or those qualified, in any manner possible. Thanks for your reply!

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Tracy, sorry for what you went through. Sounds like you’re a strong woman and I admire your fight! 👏🏼💪🏽🌷

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Thanks. I'm not strong just honest and my partner and I were 50/50 so I could stop nothing, without a majority, and it snowballed. I was able to do what I could but wasn't going to look over my shoulder the rest of my life but wow what an eye opener to the law and money. That's what it comes down to here. My partner still is being hunted by the IRS yet Bezos just gave money for homeless people instead of backing democracy with some balls. But, MTG was so concerned they'd come after "us" if we went after "them", the billionaires, well I got news for her. Ohio had, pre Walmart's decision to raise their hourly rate, more workers on welfare than any other state (not to mention Walmart, itself, nationally). Guess no one picked that stat up when Vance barks about helping working families. Thanks for your reply!

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I have said this before, we needed a prosecutor not a judge to handle this. This is political now and we have very little recourse now. The cases are being delayed or closed. Isn’t anyone connected with justice disgusted? Seeing his appointees I feel very depressed how we will survive. Do the disgruntled think Trump and his loyalists care about them? They were lied to and foolishly followed him and his cronies.

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We have zero recourse now. It's over. No one is coming to save us, and there will never be any justice. This is what happens when fools willingly allow dictators to come to power. America is toast.

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One recourse is a little automatic in the sock drawer.

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Brilliant Minds think alike 💥Glenn Kirshner is a Fighter for Justice,Law and order. Terrific back-n-forth this morning ☕ Dean and will reStack ASAP 🙏💯👍

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Thank you for giving us encouragement from Glenn Kirschner. I always enjoy listening to him because he is so sane and well grounded. I am not going anywhere, and appreciate the encouragement I get from trusted sources.

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Dean, you and Glenn are both correct about not giving up. We need to see what actually transpires in and after January 20, but Trump’s cabinet selections are telegraphing some seriously bad possibilities. With control of the presidency, House and Senate, and effective control of SCOTUS, he will be free to do everything he has promised with impunity.

How can those forces be countered without any tools? If there are tools, what and where are they?

The Democratic leadership appears to be in flux, and perhaps some good will come from a change, but effecting change depends on surviving Trump’s campaign of purge, retribution and decimation.

What can we, the people, do to survive such an onslaught?

Keeping spirits up and fighting is a far cry from the reality of losing healthcare, social security, and rational governance while tariffs increase prices and goods availability, tax cuts increase interest rates and make the dollar more unstable, ordinary citizens are prosecuted and persecuted for their perceived loyalty failures, and political and religious beliefs, the Federal agencies and military are decapitated and infused with inexperienced loyalists, and vast numbers of foreign born residents who are not yet citizens are forcefully expelled from the US.

Yeah Garland failed America. So did Biden in his lack of messaging about the great things he’d accomplished and that he had started reversing 45 years of determined “conservative” effort for business and money to dominate American governance. So did Harris for allowing side show issues to dominate her campaign while the people were looking for a leader to represent the people’s interests in the things they felt everyday, like prices, jobs, job security and being treated like serfs while being plundered by corporate greed every time they went shopping for basic necessities. All of those things are in the rear view mirrors and more or less irrelevant at this point.

A mob is coming. The people are leaderless. Things must be done.

You and Glenn are part of the group that will help us, the people, come out of the coming devastation alive. Please lead or help find those who can and will, or get out of the way.

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If they deport all the illegals who will build the houses and infrastructure, who will harvest the food, slaughter and cut up the meat, tend the rich people’s gardens, cook at restaurants, clean everywhere?????

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The cruel irony for Merrick Garland will be when Trump’s DOJ runs him through the ringer, not waiting on political appearances

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How in the sam hell can anyone say the rule of law is still significant? It died by 1000 cuts starting back decades (Regan, Bush) and the final cut was inflicted by Garland’s lack of action pertaining to J6. An insurrection is treason, the highest crime against the US.

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While we wait for the Orange Tyrant to implement his "deportation plan," I want y'all to understand, he will not be deporting millions of immigrants. He will have them rounded up, put in for-profit prisons, then enslaved to corporations to do the work they were previously paid for (though badly paid) in exchange for room & board.

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The claim in MSM that the left "dominates culture" exemplifies how far right the Overton Window has shifted since the 1980's. Right wing propaganda platforms control much of MSM while the rest normalizes propaganda & authoritarianism with "journalistic” both siderism. Reagan could never win a primary in today's GOP; Rockefeller Republicans would be considered lefty socialists, & conservatives like Liz Cheney are threatened with Trump firing squads.

As Prof Noah Smith stated: "If you believe that individual human freedom and dignity are paramount, you’re now facing a world that wants to crush your ideals and enslave you to the will of various authoritarians. In America you’re watching powerlessly as Trump remakes the country’s institutions, while in Eurasia you’re warily eyeing the suddenly unchecked power of China and Russia.” https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/20/opinion/democrats-left-center-trump.html?smid=url-share

Comparing economic, health & educational stats in red vs blue states, I thought the choice was easy…

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