We must prepare every single day as if there will be no tomorrow, no second chance. Not just until January 20 2025 but every day thereafter.

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Resist!! Call congress, Schiff Booker, Ossoff, or Blumenthal (202)224-3121 and demand that they immediately initiate an Amnesty Bill to disqualify Trump based on Amendment 14 Section 3 of the US Constitution which states he could run, but not hold office. Being an insurrectionist disqualifies him!

I will be wearing this RESIST shirt the next four years 👇


Trump will never be my president!

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Yes calling and writing. You would think they could figure this out on their own.

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Dec 15Edited
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Heather.B 💯🎯

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Those people don’t care about us, I’m donating to the FFRF and sending them articles whenever the Christian nationalists try to violate atheists’ rights in the area.

I’m helping to support the progressive bills that the state reps in my state try to push through, I have a Republican governor now and coming soon, so they are no help.

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I would add Schumer and Jamie Harrison to the list. I emailed Schumer this morning. Not sure it will do any good.

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At the same time we need to force Biden by any means to use his given powers if nothing else workers. That is his job for God's sake.

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He won’t even give us the ERA on his way out. He will buck the norms to pardon his son but not to give women equal rights when there is literally a war on our lives.

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Only one party was going to survive this election. Winner take all.

It's beyond disappointing to concede that the party of everything terrible - despite driving itself off the edge of a flat Earth over the past ten years - somehow landed softly in the cockpit of global power.

The Democratic party - as seen in our imaginations - is over. It's now fair game for all to join, reconstruct and bring forward once again as the voice of average folks.

And John Fetterman is a coward on every facet of his artificial character.

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Fetterman, the primary vote I regret. In the general, my other choice was Dr Oz, so that was a hard no.

I’ve been wondering what kind of group I’d like to be a part of. It just occurred to me a grassroots effort to start 2028 primaries now. Start looking at possibilities and introducing possible candidates to primary seated incumbents who are becoming inconsistent with why we voted for them.

Searching for candidates that are willing to work hard with us seeing to it that both John Fetterman and Dave McCormack are one term senators.

We don’t have to wait 4-6 years before exposing and expressing our dissatisfaction with the officials we elected. We have voices that will be heard.

Trump received so much free press and campaigned for four years against Joe Biden. He won by the slimmest of margins after being campaigned against by Kamala Harris for only three and a half months. Imagine if she’d had a year or two? Although, I never thought for a moment Biden would lose to Trump. Kamala Harris was a fine candidate, (but then again, I thought a box of cat litter would win before Trump was re-elected). I need to adjust my cognitive skills that are set on “Evangelicals and Fundamentalists hate women” up to the more accurate understanding that Americans hate women, all women. Even American women hate one another.

This took years to cultivate the propaganda of division, creating opportunities for media to strike at women’s rights and impede upon freedom, choices and rank in our society. Corporate media saw that women were making great headway towards having the ERA approved. This continuous trend began to emerge that women were usurping men’s birthrights and automatically be granted the same rights, privileges and responsibilities that are granted through laws and protections formally extended to men only. Equal consequences in the eyes of the law. Men would find themselves held to the same standard as women.

Donald Trump has been convicted of and credibly accused by more than a handful of women of sexual abuse. He has been backed by corrupt judges and given every conceivable and inconceivable opportunity to escape the consequences each and every other American would undoubtedly face. That’s just one of several instances of American injustice that women are facing.

All perpetrated on behalf of powerful white men and women, a corrupt system based on white male supremacy.

Dangerous situations are going to increase the possibilities of hostile acts directed at those who have control over life or death decisions based upon profit motives.

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I want to support ranked choice voting, it’s our only hope from getting out from under the two mega corporation parties

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Karen Livolsi, 💯🎯. Beautifully said and absolutely correct.

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Yes, I'm now rooting for the stroke that clearly took most of his mental faculties anyway.

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Come one they did not win. People don’t vote the top of ticket Republican, then the rest democrat. Somehow in the states musky startling was used the ballots were changed. Everything about this has a dirty musky smell!

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Jon Notabot, 💯🎯

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Thanks for this. In my area of northern Minnesota, a few of us organized a "support group" for Democrats who suffered from their grief and disbelief. On a snowy evening, 50 people showed up. Some are ready for action. Others are still in a different stage of grief. In January we are going to hear about how to become an Indivisible group. I am looking forward to turning my despair into action. I don't understand why Democrats are not screaming from the rooftops about the dangers of a Trump administration. We need "the Wizard" to give them courage.

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I have been writing the WH everyday since about a week after the election. No response and the silence speaks volumes! What I do know is if/when tRump steps foot back into the WH, our democracy is over. His crazy appointments are meant to rip it apart from the inside out. And trust me when I say they know who voted for tRump and who did not! If we do nothing, we lose everything! I believe Communication is a huge issue! Many Americans are going to be blindsided by this bc they don’t pay attention to politics or get MIs/disinformation from compliant media! How do we warn these people? The only thing I can think of is the emergency broadcast system or a state of the Union while we still have a bully pulpit. I’m still going through waves of disbelief…crazy shit!

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Dec 12Edited

Imo, it was over the FIRST time he laid his hand on a bible and it didn't immediately burst into flames. Biden's presidency was always gonna be the "interregnum", I had the "feeling" from the start of it, but put on rose colored glasses, didn't make much noise about it, because there wasn't evidence beyond a gut feeling, and pushed down my cynicism, letting myself be convinced by the optimism of those who I'd have sworn "knew better", so didn't prepare.

Though tbf, as caregiver for my mom in hospice for the last year, I had other concerns. She passed in August, and I'm still pretty buried with a house full of "stuff", a HECM on it, and as yet, nowhere to "land", or anywhere to put said stuff. Was hoping in the end, that might buy me some good will from the universe, but the universe evidently had other plans, I gotta learn to start trusting my gut more often...

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I’m so very sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. I can’t imagine how you must struggling. I’m sending healing energy and ❤️ your way. Unfortunately, the universe doesn’t give mercy to those who are suffering. I myself speak from experience and have asked myself if I must have been a true 🫏hole in a past life frequently. Your awareness of this whole nightmare sounds similar to mine. I felt like I kept predicting outcomes before they happened and I did actively speak out, but, by that time there was so many lies and misinformation, nobody believed me! They do now and look to me for a solution. I feel horrible that I don’t have one. I wish I had an answer that would reunite the country so we can all stand together. For whatever it’s worth, if you need to chat or vent, I’m a better listener than anything else! Hang in there my friend. 🌹🫶🏻

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IMO I don't think there will be any of the "all stand together and reunite the country". Trump is an authoritarian Fascist Pig, MAGA is for fascism and the Republican Party has also turned in favor of fascism and authoritarianism. If we want to remain free and live in a Democracy, we must FIGHT! Like the Colonists had to band together and fight for their independence and freedom we must also unite and band together in this time of peril. Our forefathers did not want to live under a tyrant kings rule and I, for one, do not want to live under a tyrant kings rule now! UNITE AND FIGHT!

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Oh no, the magats are “in for a penny in for a pound” at this point, and fuck them all anyway, there’s no making nice with that scum. But WE, ie, the people whose brains haven’t been hijacked by fascists, need to stick together, cause we’ll be crushed alone. Magaloids are a lost cause at this point, if some of them wake up of their own accord, fine, but they’re all pretty much dead to me, and it’d still take a bunch of convincing before I trusted one enough turn my back on them, if ever…

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I’m not sure why you’d laugh at me saying that I wish I could get us all to unite and stand together…I’m well aware it’s just a sentiment! But I agree with everything else you said…we need to fight.

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Who laughed at you?

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I’m so sorry…I don’t know why I read your IMO as LOL! My fault and I apologize! I really need some sleep at night! 🌹

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Thank you so very much, compassion means a lot these days, probably more than it ever has, and it’s definitely appreciated. I wish I were more prepared, but I genuinely believed the small amount of savings I am living on now was gonna be enough, I knew Jabba the Putz was gonna cheat, I honestly didn’t think he’d pull it off, but here we are. The clock is unfortunately ticking on getting everything in order to get out of this place, it’s just goddamn crap timing man, wish there was more to give to resistance at present, there simply isn’t, so guess I’ll write...

Now it’s looking like a full time job is in the offing, cause I doubt SS will still exist when I get there in two years, AND savings ain’t gonna cut it, I need an “income” to even find a place. Which is fine (working I mean, not billionaires stealing MY money), but I’ve been “caregiver” for a decade, so haven’t been behind the stoves in a minute, I’m a line cook, (and a good one if I do say so myself ha), so I know I can make decent money at it, just not sure how to get all of this done, as well as working full time. Still I’d like to get back to it before the accounts are reading $0.00. Also need to get my writing going on here, only been here a month or two, so haven’t done anything beyond comment, but yanno, “procrastination” is my middle name. Not that I’d be able to support myself on it, but it might at least make enough to support a few other folks’ publications, I do feel a little guilty.

Just glad I found a place I can be as yappy as I tend to be, and not have it deleted out of hand, which is also something that’s been happening for the last few years. Actually, that’s been a part of my relative silence on all that “intuition”, I guess you could call it, that is, I did put a voice to it for a while, in a lot of places, but I got this paranoid feeling, especially on YouTube, that the closer I got to the mark, the greater the odds my comments would be censored/deleted, whether I violated TOS or not. After a while I just stopped commenting altogether, cause it sucks putting a bunch of time and effort into writing only to have it deleted by the corporate overlords cause what you’re saying makes them uncomfortable (or whatever the reason), I’m not saying that’s what it was, but damn, it sure feels like it. I even predicted he would put his face on Mt Rushmore if he were elected, in 2015, to be sure, I thought I was being as hyperbolic as I could be at the time, but damned if he didn’t actually try, been watching the guy since 1987, I know who he IS.

It’s also the case that yeah, people tend be pretty skeptical (imo, “America Inc.” sold itself a little TOO well), Marshall McLuhan said, “Only the small secrets need to be protected, the big ones are kept secret by public incredulity.”, and boy if he wasn’t right on the money with that one. I’ve felt like Cassandra just screaming into the Grand Canyon for a decade now. In 2016 I said Rump was pretty damn close to Hitler, oh the grief I got, but you know, here we are, and the shit’s looking pretty, Hitleresque to me, yet we still have millions upon millions in denial about this fact. For the love of god, they act as though I am telling them he is Hitler reincarnated, of course I’m not, I am saying he’s pretty much 1:1 doing and saying the same stuff, it isn’t rocket science, just pick up a history book.

Pushing hatred and division: check,

Promising mass “deportations”: check,

Repeating the same lies over and over: check,

Calling the press the “enemy of the people”: check

Getting the majority of his support from “rural” areas: check

Demonizing an “other”: check

On and on and on it goes, he’s using rhetoric straight out of Mein Kampf and still they quibble over it, ffs, wake the hell up people!

You know, it’s genuinely bizarre to me so few of us are reaching these conclusions, after all, the Nazi’s first “solution”, was to deport millions of people, what the hell makes them believe this won’t go to exactly the same place? I mean seriously, they’re already salivating over putting people into “concentration camps”, they believe now, that our own social safety nets are “too expensive”, so does anyone seriously believe these “camps” won’t be an enormous expenditure? So just how long is it before a different “solution” is proposed?

Given that other countries are already saying they won’t take all these deportees, where will these people go? It stretches credulity to the stratosphere to imagine any other conclusion would be reached, especially by the likes of that cretinous little scumbag Stephen Miller. People better put their thinking caps on, and quick, cause I’m telling you, this thing WILL go genocidal before all is said and done, if the “mass deportation” thing starts happening. I really have a difficult time imagining it wouldn’t, since, clearly, there is not a conscience, or value within the Republican network of sycophants and quislings, not a one.

Whew /rant, okay, I’m done for the minute, sorry I kinda went off there, I’m in a mood today, too much bad stuff all at once lol….

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Well I must say, putting the somber topic aside, you are a wonderful writer! Just wanted to put it out there firsthand!

It was January 6th when I realized who and what he is. I was married to a covert narcissist for almost 15 years and finally had the courage to leave him right before the pandemic hit. I stayed with him much longer than I should have, but, I was a 39 year old adult on disability and was completely drained of my self identity. It took me time to realize that the old him (the mask he wore) was never coming back! I also could identify a narcissist from a mile away from all the research I did to try and save my marriage.

Anyways, I didn’t know what to do with myself once I left and started watching and paying close attention to the news. I watched as our judicial system failed, I watched as our media failed, I watched as shit continued rolling downhill every time that man avoided accountability! I started talking to people about it who just didn’t feel the alarm of the situation that I did and soon I felt like I was just screaming into a void!

Something you said really resonated with me about being shocked about how many Americans just have not seen what we have! I’ve been in complete disbelief about the amount of hate in this country. In disbelief about the fact that so many have been conned by a known conman. In disbelief about how many just drown out the noise that is so important to their own freedom and quality of life!

This has been written in history. Why are we making the same mistakes?

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As Americans line up meekly walking blind folded and naked to the pits of the killing fields.

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We need something live and visible in front of Congress Capitol and the White House. In their face.

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There’s no Democratic Party leadership standing up to Trump bc they are spineless cowards perfectly happy to let him wreck the country so long as they stay rich. Fuck them.

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Amen, they "represent" the 1%, damn sure not me...

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Susan Feiner, 💯🎯

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And Jim Clyburn is proposing Biden pardons trump for national unity. NATIONAL UNITY.

You mention Obama. Remember, he had the legislature the first two years of his presidency and didn’t press his advantage because he wanted to be bilateral. Remember how the next six years went? Gee, let’s show Genghis and Attila we want to work together.

Dem leaders are frogs telling the scorpion Repugnants they will gladly give them a ride across the river on their backs and pardon them in advance.

Let’s not be angry. Let’s sit and meditate O Pad Mi Ohm as the savage hoards ravage the countryside killing or enslaving men, women and children.

I love mixing my metaphors.

One last thing. I have received blowback for calling Dem leadership feckless. As events unravel, from the Dem leadership crickets or calls for pardons to promote peace and tranquility.

Chirp on, chirp on

As the scorpions

Come to eat you

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Well, Obama spent his political capital on the ACA while he had both houses of Congress but paid a horrible price for it in the midterms. Koch et. al. were loaded for bear during the August recess before the election in Nov. It was sheer determination by leaders that the ACA was passed but the damage was done. Ironically, now in 2024, the ACA is popular with republicans as Pres Obama predicted and republicans voted for Trump so he’d kill Obamacare too stupid to realize after all these years that Obamacare and the ACA are one and the same.

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Which midterms? His first term he was still trying to get us out from under the recession that bush caused. And I have to admit as a newly disabled person for his second term I wasn’t paying that much attention I was simply trying to survive. But I suppose if midterm is 2012 was bad that might explain why I had such a horrible time surviving because I became disabled earlier that year.

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Jim Sanders, perfectly said 👍

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I’m trying to put the article I saw on your site about the hacked election out there to be considered. This needs to be considered to keep Attila and Genghis from crashing the gate, so, I most profoundly thank you.


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Thank you for helping us all trying to hold onto our country. Peace ✌ 🕊

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Couldn’t agree more, Dean! Resistance is a grassroots effort. Public servants like me will undermine Trump and his fascist bootlickers from within the government: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/public-servant-democracy-defender-introduction

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Don’t rely on what you read in corporate media. You know better. Is that where you’re not seeing resistance? You won’t because they won’t report it. Print and broadcast have obeyed in advance … so where are the outlets???

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Sons of Liberty on YouTube and the discord platform. Great group of strong anti-maga trumpmusk fighters. I just found them. I'll try to share more of the Sarge's videos here.

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Spot on, Dean. I’ve been asking the same question all year.

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They have given up and conceded and disgusted with slowing Trump to take the narrative with leaders in France, and talking to Mexico and Canada. Where is Biden, Harris. Oh yes, she’s in Hawaii. I guess the threat wasn’t a threat after all! I despise the Democratic Party. As far as I’m concerned I have no party. But I’ll still fight like hell.

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Yeah I’m assuming they were all full of crap and it pisses me off that they vanished at the end of their term when they could actually be doing something to help us, but if I were her I would do some good stuff too just in case the army does show up at her home on January 21 to put her on the wall Gilead style.

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Do you think this is a reflection of why democrats keep losing? They are beholden to their corporate masters who embrace neoliberal policies. This requires them to turn their backs on the working class. They dismiss the progressive wing of the party at great consequence. Addressing the issues the people face would mean standing up to their rich and corporate cronies. Apparently they are not willing to do that. We the people will pay the price.

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Where is the Progressive party?

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I think so. Who even knows what the Democrats stand for anymore? Since Bill Clinton, they have turned their back on their base and represented the wealthy. When they constantly talk about going after swing voters, they make it clear that they aren't interested in representing anyone if they think they can count on their votes already. They don't even pretend that they will fight for us anymore. They just ask us to fight for them. I vote blue because the republicans are so much worse, but I'm not a proud Democrat. I don't really know that anyone is. I'm so tired of centrists saying the issues I care about aren't important and then asking me for money. It's not going to happen. I'm only donating to progressives.

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Your comment should be considered in any new org.

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OUR government has let us down, so now we are supposed to fight for the country...no...it doesn't work...I'm not fighting for this criminal system that's killing us any way they can...look at what these misfits did with the Black Lives Matter PEACEFUL PROTESTS...attacked and beat people...THEY NEEDED TO BE STOPPED and our SICK GOVERNMENT did NOTHING

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Such a curious, desultory thing: Pundits rave or argue about Trump … but they can afford to, they’ve enough money to get through it all.

Their grand subject matter - minorities, the poor, the disadvantaged, me - will take it; the pundits will sigh and move on, “So sad lm, so sad …”

Brother, can you spare a dime?

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This may not be why but maybe they're waiting for him to do something that proves they've been telling us the truth. He's denied everything and obviously a good deal of the idiots who voted for him believe him. If democratic leaders shout now before they can specifically point to an action, those same people are still going to say they believe him not us. Just a thought.

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Sure wait until Hitler is sworn in to start fighting back- sounds like a winning strategy (Sarcasm :)

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The time to protest against Trump's impending fascist takeover is now. Americans should be having peaceful protests now to say we will never accept fascism in America. In fact, we should demand that the transfer of power to Trump be stopped. Trump is talking about declaring a state of emergency for his mass deportation plan. He has talked about invoking the Insurrection Act. These measures would allow him great latitude to rule as an authoritarian and use the military domestically against the American people, imagine our military deployed throughout the country to round up millions of people, likely including the citizens who trump calls "the enemy within." He is talking about criminal prosecutions and imprisonments for innocent Americans who are just political opponents and media critics and journalists who reported the facts about him as well as prosecutors who have just done their jobs. His entire administration will be staffed with people who are in enthusiastic support of the creation of an authoritarian government that crushes our freedoms. They will never willingly give up power. Trump tried to rig for 2020 election after the fact and he will rig future elections along with his gang of authoritarians. Right now pro-democracy Americans need to demand that the fascist trump regime be stopped in its tracks. In my opinion, once Trump and his fascist thugs take over there will be no turning back for America. Remember project 2025 has a list of thousands of Trump loyalists ready to replace thousands of government employees. Remember that the Supreme Court has paved the way for a trump dictatorship with its Trump immunity decision. That decision said the pardon power of the president is absolute meaning Trump can pardon himself for crimes as well as his co-conspirators. That Supreme Court decision can be said to allow the president to tell government officials such as the attorney general to lie to help further a president's goal of rigging elections. When Elon musk says democracy should be replaced by government of a group of "really smart men" he is serious. Vance also supports overturning democracy and praised a book that called liberal Americans "unhumans" and which said past dictators did the right thing by rounding up and persecuting thousands of people for their political opposition. So I think now is the time to take a stand to prevent Trump from coming to power because the Constitution was not written to allow the transfer of power from a president to a dictator, the Constitution was written to protect us from tyranny. The time to stop America's Hitler is now because after he takes power it will be too late. Trump won the election but we know he should not have been allowed to run for office after having been an insurrectionist and we know that our constitution was not meant to allow the formation of a dictatorship.

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Powertothepeople, I firmly believe Trump rigged THIS election. I'm not a conspiracy theorist either. There are plenty of computer experts who are detailing how it was done. Nobody's doing anything about it 😔

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There’s a whole Reddit sub with people who believe you. I wish I could remember the name of it and I would plug it here.

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I got this from Diana Lee’s site. It has to be considered, discussed and disseminated.

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Yes yes yes

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There’s a whole bunch of women who have stopped interacting with men already because of this. No we aren’t shaving our heads, I mean some might be, but it’s not mandatory lol.

There’s a whole bunch of us who aren’t participating in the consumerism of the holidays. Because it’s stupid. But also because people matter more than presents.

There are a whole bunch of us who are kind of on spending strike out of spite. I’m only buying food and household necessities. It’s not a sacrifice for me I’m a disabled person with MECFS so it’s not like I have the good health to run around spending money anyway.

So far they can’t arrest us for not having sex with men or not celebrating Christmas or not traveling to events. I’m a sick person so I can’t risk getting arrested by Biden’s DOJ for protesting like my first amendment rights say I can.

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I guess it's because I live in the middle of magat town and all but 4 of my entire huge family are members of trump's cult that I've run out of ideas on how to fight back. I've literally been chased down a dark road at night by a jerk in an old pickup truck late at night because he heard me listening to Rachel Maddow on SiriusXM. I listen to you too on The Progress channel. I'm an old retired disabled woman but I do still have a voice. Please tell me what I can do to make people listen and stay safe where I live. I've actually driven to West Palm and protested before the election but the group I always went with seems to have lost the initiative to do that.

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It starts with the individual. I am in process of eliminating services that either supports Trump, or subscribe to services that support Trump. PayPal and X for example. I do not buy meals from FastFeeders. I never shop Walmart. I will no longer subscribe to NYT, LATimes, WAPPO, ETC.

What we need is organized economic resistance.

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All of that is what I have done as well. I just this morning canceled my subscription to Time and demanded a refund for the year I just paid for.

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Rachel Maddow is not on our side. She flipped even before the election, it was before Nikki Haley dropped out of the race. She was running a banner ad for Nikki Haley 2024 under her YouTube show.

The Midas touch YouTube channel runs ads for Trump silver now. They aren’t on our side either.

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I haven't watched or listened to televised news since the election. I am attempting to live the rest of my life without ever hearing mango Mussellini's whiney pathetic voice ever again. This chase happened during the shit gibbon's first term before Covid because I was still working and had just left work for the night. The guy was beside me at the light and both of us had our windows open. I think he heard me tell my in voice control, MSNBC. Not sure he actually heard her. But truly disappointed to hear she's a turncoat too.

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Dean, WHY isn't Biden doing anything???? Why hasn't Kamala requested a hand recount at the very least?! It's like everyone just gave up and rolled over. 😢

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Because “Trump is with Biden and they’re about to fascist coup us.”

Max Azzarello tried to tell us.

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No, no this is a recycled talking point from 2016 when people were mad nothing was being done about the election cheating.

“They have to wait until he actually cheats or he hasn’t committed a crime.”, then it was “They have to wait for him to be inaugurated so he’s in on the conspiracy!” then it was “He’s president! We can’t do it now!”

Then he did January 6 and we got that he’s president excuse, then we got he’s running for president excuse, now we’re back to his president as an excuse.

Please don’t help them with their lies.

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I wasn't aware that's what I was doing. I take offense at the suggestion since it's seems you're offended at what for me was a maybe this is why. Everybody judges but where's the suggestions of what we should do?

I just saw your comment that Biden is part of a fascist coup with the fake tanned tyrant and you're judging me?

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I am 88,a widow of a firefighter living in Ohio. We are one of the most gerrymandered states and this election people voted against fixing it.Republicans rule every thing in this state,much of rural parts don’t have any idea how bad things will be for them,they were stupid enough to vote against the best senator we have had and instead voted for a car dealer that was backed by donnie and big money. The small amount of money I gave to candidates was wasted and I am very discouraged. I worry about my great great grandson and great grandchildren have to look forward to. God bless President Biden, and vice president Harris. A pox on donnie and his whole cult.

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You are a smart man- I read your work. However, I think you are wrong. When the Democratic party replaced Chuck Shumer unanimously with Chuck Shumer as the Senate leader, it was clear. The leadership flunked Polysci 101: you always clean house when you suffer a big loss. Hakim Jeffries was Nancy Pelosi's sidekick for years.

We do not have the time or bandwidth to wait until the Democrats decide to act as if they had a collective backbone. We may lose it all, but if we wait until after the shock and awe that trump plans on January 20, we have lost already. We need to get our states and communities organized yesterday- community meetings, people figuring out how we can protect our Trans residents, our legal refugees, our LGBTQ kids, women who need reproductive care. How many more Dems are going to sell out like Fetterman?

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