Jun 17Liked by Dean Obeidallah

You’re absolutely correct, Dean. The focus should be on what the GOP is doing to try to give Trump the win even when he loses. There isn’t enough focus on what Bannon & Mike Flynn are doing to cause mayhem at polling locations especially in battleground states. They know Trump cannot win in a fair fight and they have a plan. I don’t expect the MSM to investigate or cover it.

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Defeat him in November and also harden democracy against the clearly planned coup attempt using the extremists already in office. We need to get our legal ducks in a row NOW to make sure the election and transition go smoothly/ are not derailed. Consider volunteering as election workers esp if you’re in a swing state or district.

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Trump will completely take over the government and he will abolish gay and trans rights.

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And women's

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They’re really going to go after everyone. When they run out of blue state people they’ll start going after each other

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I agree. And the funniest part is these Second Amendment ammo-sexual idiots think Trump is going to protect their right to own a gun? No dictator allows the general public to have handguns — ask someone from Russia.

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THAT would be very interesting if tRump tried to take guns from his rubes.

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I suspect only certain people will be able to have guns.

"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."

Frank Wilhot

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That is an astute observation, Gus. I suspect that there would be some amnesty for those who would sign an oath to cement their loyality to the fascist co**sucker.

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I wonder if the gun nuts will find some way to justify taking away their guns

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The resistance will have guns

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They are already doing that - example the patriot cabal or wtv they call themselves in Congress, against the more moderates (and I use “moderate” very, very lightly).

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He has already said he will take all rights from the trans community. I can’t believe the gay community will be spared. My family is seriously looking at leaving the country if republicans get in power.

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It’s so bizarre when you see gay people happy to bash trans people but somehow imagine they’ll be spared

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Everytime a gay friend does this I think that very thing. My youngest child is transgender, now grown. But we thought we were through the worst with teen years and school. This country is frightening to us. We would like to stay and fight the fascism, but more and more we are looking to go where there is some protection for our child.

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Wake up people. Failure is not an option. We can’t ignore the danger when they keep telling us the plan.

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Exactly. It’s not hype. They absolutely will do what they say. All the players are ready to plug in ala Project 2025. 😎

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And one of the authors of the 2025 Plan said that they will not be defeated so the rest of us had better accept it- these people are deadly serious.

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Yes. They are serious, and they will be defeated.


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Mary I am with YOU, we beat that devil ONCE and we can do it again if EVERYONE who matters #VoteBLUE...

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Is this Gilead?

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We have to do both. The second-biggest error of the Hillary 2016 campaign besides taking the Rust Belt for granted was the lack of a plan in the then-off chance of a Trump win.

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Recently, Charles Barkley on an interview with David Letterman (Netflix) responding to the question if he feared for our democracy, said no because he can vote. It is naive at best to assume that the ability to vote will continue if Republicans win the Whitehouse. They are openly doing everything they can to depress and remove the ability to vote of countless Americans through a variety of efforts. When pushed to consider that the ability to vote could be taken away, Barkley simply said that he hated when others used fear tactics and dismissed the issue. He further added that both parties stunk and reiterated that he wasn't scared. When reality is clearly present and showing the truth, is that a fear tactic or is Barkley seeing it through the eyes of denial. Or does he feel protected by a privilege he has admitted is unfair simply because he is rich? No matter, it is naive to expect that there remains a system of strong checks and balances in Government today to fully protect our democracy.

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Well stated Rosalba, "through the eyes of denial", folks need to wake up, #VoteBLUE and encourage everyone in ear range to also #VoteBluer, trump is not an option for OUR beloved country.

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Gillead, indeed. I’m too old to be a Handmaid and I hate the color of red. I guess I could be a Martha, but may be too old for that, too. I don’t remember seeing any senior citizens in that show at all. Not the future I was envisioning.

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In the book those of us past reproducing were set to cleaning toxic waste sites.

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Ahhh, that’s right. That so freaking disgusting that I no doubt purposely forgot about it. Better to die under my own terms than a slower death by poisoning.

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We saw a preview of treatment of seniors one can expect by the experience of nursing home residents during the COVID lockdown. In effect, nursing homes became institutions of death where inmates died lonely, isolated deaths.

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I think both measures should be pursued: preventing trump from taking office AND doing whatever we can to lessen the damage he will try to inflict if his coup is successful.

I’m not really worried that tRump would win a fair election. I am very, very worried that he won’t accept the results if he loses. This career criminal will stop at nothing to keep himself and his congressional insurrectionists out of prison. They’re going to fight as if their lives depend on winning because they do.

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Well guess what? So do ours. So, there’s that. They have to be stomped on so hard that they’ll never recover. Period, full stop. 😎

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It isn’t enough to crush tfg, voters must crush the whole Rethuglican party. Tfg is only a front for them to get back in power because (I predict) within a few days after tfg is sworn back in the VP & rest will enact the 25 Amendment & remove him from office.

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Interesting idea, but scary, too, given who all the possible VP candidates are.

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Hmmm… interesting

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I would argue for chewing gum and walking at the same time. Everyone should use their skills and authority to protect democracy. Some “insiders” can plot the resistance while many many others work in the vote. We can’t ignore either strategy. We can’t be unprepared for the worst.

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Dean, you are 100% correct about what Trump will do if he gets into the White House and has a Senate and a House of Representatives to do his every bidding on his side.

You’re also very correct that we must stop this at the ballot box and not let him get anywhere near the White House.

The idea that we could stop his right-wing fascist agenda after he’s in the White House is akin to locking the barn door after the horse has escaped.

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Well said !!!!

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I should have added that their fascist Project 2015 agenda will give the president vast powers that Congress, the Senate, or the DOJ will be able to stop. That manifesto will be the end of free and fair elections, it ill make all government positions subject to a dictator and have more ways to implement RWNJ Christian Nationalism. The gujardrails will be gone and it will take a violent revolution to restore them and that, by any reasonable estimate, will be impossible— which makes this election the most crirical in my lifetime. We must stop this now. There will be no fair election in 2028 amd behyond if we don’t.

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We must understand that Mr T can not ever get federal power again, no matter what.

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A few months ago I read that there are many in the GOP who agree with you. However, a lot has happened within the GOP in the last few months; I wonder if those rational GOP-ers still feel that way or if the MAGA henchmen “subtly” changed their opinion by parking a big menacing black lifted pick-up across the street from their house.

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I know of one long time Republican family who do not support Trump and will not vote for him. Hopefully there are a lot more out there- and I hope that they vote for Biden because not voting for Trump alone is not enough.

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Try to convince people in your vecinity to vote blue. Although Trump should be in jail in the first place but now we have to deal with this.

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I do have to say that those of us in firmly blue states have little we can do to "bend resources" to defeating trump beyond political contribution. What some of these announcements (like Inslee's) of what they want to do to mitigate any results do have the plus of widely broadcasting what the downsides of trump (to use a vastly inadequate word) are. It is true that trump is blasting his plans "to anyone who will listen" but it is clear that not enough people are actually listening. We need to get both the votes AND the word out, and any MSM coverage of his plans is all to the good.

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How in the world does anyone turn into what trump has become? It sounds to me like he is totally out of control. We need to vote and get everyone we know to vote. Plus anyone who is in elected office needs to forget about who they owe anything to (if they do) and make all the changes they can, such as voting through the John Lewis voting bill.

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I’m not a psychiatrist. However, I will tell you this in no uncertain terms. Trump is insane, and he’s only going to get worse. Being the malignant narcissist that he is, as he continues to unravel, which we’re all witnessing, he will eventually reach a state of narcissistic collapse. When a malignant narcissist experiences a narcissistic collapse, it refers to a significant breakdown in their façade of grandiosity, superiority, and control. This collapse can happen due to various factors such as major life stressors, exposure of their true nature, or a loss of narcissistic supply.

During a narcissistic collapse, the individual may exhibit extreme behaviors such as rage, depression, withdrawal, or self-destructive tendencies. They may struggle to maintain their false image and may experience feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy. The 34 count falonious fuck weasel is not one to be allowed anywhere near the levers of power. Period, full stop. 😎

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Amen, Jeff. And thank you for the education about narcissists. We can see that collapse happening before our very eyes.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

Some folks are mental defects from birth, ala trump...

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