Maybe letting unelected foreign billionaires buy the government is a bad idea.

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…well, regime has no return policy on the investment, sale is FINAL and i really mean final, i wonder if trump have red a small print 😜

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The Republican Party used to be anti-communist. In fact, the worst insult they hurled at people they didn't like (feared) was, "He's a communist." Perhaps it's time to throw their epithet right back in their faces and call their golden-haired boy Muck a communist for cozying up to China.

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It’s funny how it’s worse to be a “Socialist”, but Pootin is ok.

And Musk is a global danger.

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The Republican Party used to be anti Russia too.

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They still do. All Democrats are communists, socialists, Nazis, woke, etc.

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I am certain that the reason Musk tanked the bipartisan bill was because of his ties to China. There is nothing more important to him than more money. He doesn't care one whit about his adopted home country. I would definitely like to see the media call him and the republicans out on this one.

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Waiting to see the media call these people out will likely be longer than WAITING FOR GODOT.

Paraphrasing Khrushchev: when it comes time to destroy America, capitalist will sell its enemies all that is needed.

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I wouldn't be surprised if that's true, especially when a billionaire demonstrates to us that whatever he wants to do is far more important that the needs or well-being of our people. Money is everything (something I don't understand.)

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Seriously, do you think he's happy? Could he ever experience contentment? I doubt it.

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Happy and contentment is not within his philosophy.

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No, I don't. I think that being so transactional preempts any possibility of contentment or happiness.

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The ultra wealthy are no happier than you and I. This gives me comfort.

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Not sure this is true. It may be propaganda used to keep the poor from rebellion.

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Yes,Musk and Vast amounts of money do go together, but not just because he loves it,but because it Buys him Power and That is what Musk lives for. He's Bored with his former personna as the tycoon invento, and now is reinventing himself as the King of New World Order. He's had his greasy greedy fingers poked into many other countrie's governments and enterpriss for years,but since he bought Twitter and then Donald Trump,its become horrifically apparent how much more aggressive He's become in his acquisitions and manipulations to gain control over who and whatever it takes to become the most powerful and amoral man to ever invade our country and tank our government, if allowed to succeed. I am absolutely horrified this unstable very Racist person was given so many government contracts when he is not even a legal citizen of the United States. Now,with Donald Trump in his pocket and cryptocurrency all the rage,we may be casualties of he and his cringy pirate broligarchy tanking our banking system to actually steal all the Gold out of Fort Knox, (if what I have been reading in various circles is worth mentioning). Who the Hell knows what this unsavory, Nazi loving Apartheid White Supremacist may be planning, now that he's gotten away with threatening Senators just last week before the Government came much too close again,to another total shutdown.

Aren't we exhausted enough from this past year of 24/7 Trump on parade without adding this megalomaniac to the dysfunctional circus in Washington DC? I just can't stop thinking about the utter tragedies and misfortune headed for so many unaware citizens who probably voted for Trump and the rest of us who saw it looming like a monstrous toxic fog creeping In to engulf and stagnate all the progress, security, and yes,even Joy,that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris began and without a doubt would have delivered, had a just a few more Americans followed through with voting Democrat, or even after the vote was called, enough of us who felt in their Gut that something was terribly wrong,organized and Demanded a full recount,as well as whatever legal process or tools available be employed in order to shed more light onto exactly what went down on November 5th that put our country back in the tiny hands of a Convicted Felon with a very large appetite for illegal everything

Now,It's President Musk and VP Trump that is the daily topic,though iit may shift,because of both of their enormous egos,back to Trump appearing to be our President, but Musk won't take the back seat or disappear after his $ 227 million 'donations for his campaign. He owes him Big-time. We Are In Deep Shit

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Karen, I just looked it up, and musk IS a US citizen. Just wanted to let you know. The one thing he cannot be officially is president, because he was born elsewhere.

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Wow! I didn't realize that Musk is not a legal citizen of the US. Clearly he saw the opportunity in trump to grab more power, and is unfortunately exercising it. What I'm waiting to see, with those clashing big egos is whether attention or money is more important to trump… In thinking about what you've said, I think Musk is actually worse than Putin.

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And crush regulation that would make his dumpster trucks less a safety and fire hazard.

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In a word, yes. Musk’s game plan is far more reaching than folks are recognizing, as I said last night.

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Need good investigative journalist to expose these crooks.

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But would anyone pay attention? Or CARE?

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Yes! A mountain or more TRUTH Speakers!

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Hopefully in 2026 we can control the House and have some oversight

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Dream On.

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I think you are right

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It’s a good time to be old…

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I feel the same way, although I had hoped that my old age would be more pleasant than it's turning out to be.

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I know - it's a relief in a way - I'm 84, but I have children & grands & I worry for them - they deserve a decent country free of oligarch controls, but things do not look good since money is the God of so many pols !

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I’m 73 and I feel the same way! What will happen to the grandchildren and great grandchildren. Big money should be taken out of politics! It should be restricted to no more than 20,000. Get dark money out!!! Trump hides everything because he’s a criminal running a criminal organization in my opinion. Sad!!

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The opinion of many, Gloria.

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The USA probably won't be around much longer.

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Republicans are traitors

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Absolutely line them all up and give them a big slap in the chops and tell him how stupid they are

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Exactly, they are facing a world of face slaps, coming sooner than I thought.

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Our cooperate media are Traitors

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I'm always iffy about using the terms "Chinese Communist Party" given the only people who seem to think they're "Communists" are Rabid American Right-Wingers (ironically, the same ones who consider Vladimir Putin a "Real Man"!) and Xi Jinping.

To the rest of us, they seem more like the Nazi Party—Capitalist Authoritarians who use "socialist" rhetoric as a figleaf to cover up their real motives....

PS: I should point out that I'm as guilty of this as the next Boomer Cold Warrior—I wrote a response recently on Quora about why China's film industry isn't as vibrant was it was in the 1980s-1990s, and I used "Chinese Communist Party" an awful lot in my reply. So...I get it, I really do, I just think we should all stop using it.

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I think it’s reasonable to infer “yes” absent any evidence to the contrary.🤔😉😊

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I am so grateful to Dean O. for his eloquent expose's of the republicons unbelievable

hyperpartisanship, hypocrisy and greed. Dean O. Thom Hartmann and many others keep

beating the drum everyone needs to listen to.

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Read Joyce Vance and Heather Cox Richardson. Both are excellent. And Jay Kuo.

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I forwarded this to my Representative, Katherine Clark of MA, along with a strongly worded request that Elon be thoroughly investigated.

I hope someone in the House is paying attention.

Thank you for keeping us informed!

Try to enjoy your holiday, though it will be difficult. 🎄🎄🎄🎅🤶🕎❤️🥳

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Alas, my email was returned undelivered. Apparently, they don't accept attachments. I may try to copy and paste it into my own email.

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Thanks Dean, great summary here. It's begging the question that musk-o-vite would do anything that's not in HIS sole interest alone. He's cares NOTHING about this country, only what he can bleed dry , the assets that he can grab for himself. It's always about HIM and nothing else. He's a walking ego monster that will destroy everything in his path to get his own way and profit from any actions he takes. He needs to be kicked in the ass before he gets even further out of control. 🤬

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The NAZI muskrat would sell out America in a nanosecond for more monies in China! Deport the muskrat to South Africa or China and nationalize Space X!!!

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Amazingly, there are no moral or political scruples left to Musk or his Republican enablers; they will deal with the full range of dictators, from Communist China to the Fascist Putin, so long as they can avoid that detestation called democracy and all of the accountability that comes with it. Basically, they are economic terrorists, and should not be allowed anywhere near the levers of our government.

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"Economic terrorists". I like that. I used to call the Koch Bros that. Now there are so many of them!

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Maybe put that law in a stand alone bill and pass it - why hide important laws in a CR? Unless you are trying to hide important laws in a CR…

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