Just updated the article emailed to reflect new reporting on upside of "Joy" - As I noted above: “Joy” is the reason the Harris campaign raised $82 million during the DNC week, with the best hour coming after Harris delivered her acceptance speech as we learned Sunday. (And more than $540 million since she began her campaign a month ago.) “Joy” is why people volunteered nearly 200,000 new shifts to work on the campaign during the DNC week.

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It's a beautiful thing to watch, isn't it, Dean?! We're going to win and it's going to be Great 👍💙🇺🇸

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Jeremiah is a bullfrog

And a good friend of Kamala

Joy to the world

For all to see

Joy for you and me

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Dancin' in the streets is a real thing! 😀😀

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The NYT fails to recognize that we see what they are doing and worry they have sold their soul to the devil that is MAGA. We don’t want go back.

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Wait...you assume NYT's owner(s) had a soul.

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All this from the NYT because Biden didn't give them a sit down interview. It isn't about caring about the country. It's about making money! It's why they don't criticize trump. He makes them money.

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How long before the NY TIMES pulls an Elon Musk and SUES people who cancel their subscriptions, do you suppose...?

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I quit my subscription to corporate media. I wish everyone would!

When you have to spend more time fact checking than actually reading!!!

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I just can't imagine getting fired up by hate and anger, or fear. What I've seen is that our country is hungry, famished, and in need of hope and joy. I don't usually watch conventions, but I did Thursday night, and the amount of energy there was clearly the result of the candidates and other speakers all being very positive. They have elevated our mood, given us hope, eased our fears, AND encouraged us to work for the victory we so need. I can get with positive.

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If you haven't seen the DNC roll call on Monday night, you missed the best part! Pundits compared the RNC roll call with the DNC's, the RNC was a snooze fest. The DNC's was full of energy and yes, joy. I think you can watch it on YouTube.

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Roll call, favorite part, too. I Googled the numbers of viewers to both conventions.

Everybody...EVERYBODY said how outstanding the Dem convention was, recording-breaking greatness on stage, night after night, yet only about 2.7 million more Americans watched it over the Rethuglicon joke convention.

That Dems are STILL so close in the polls of anything we do is disgusting and really points to how disturbing greedy rich fascists--their media have destroyed our country over the years.

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I wonder how many people watched the DNC online, like we did. Lots of young people don’t have a tv, and even when they do, often only use internet services. The RNC has a much older audience, who are more likely to watch on old school tv.

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Thank you, Wanda. I haven't seen it, but will have some time tomorrow to watch it. I'm not surprised by the energy and joy. The candidates inspire that.

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I’m confused once again by the Beltway double standard in the Trump years: They attack Harris for an absence of specificity in policy details at this current juncture in time (they’ll come later and will only be relevant once we know what Congressional majorities she’s working with), but when Trump provides clear specifics about what he’ll do (see Project 2025) and denies it because it’s unpopular, they refuse to critique Trump or adequately inform their audience about his plans.

Anyone who writes that affect (in this case joy) is not a political strategy clearly didn’t read Aristotle very carefully.

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Perhaps the NYT should report on the specific details listed in the Trump emails they’ve been sitting on for 3 weeks.

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I’m very curious about those, myself.

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I trust the veracity of those as much as I trust the source: Roger Stone. And the 2025 duffle bag?? Please…

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Nor do they pay attention to what 45 does with negative emotion. He has mastered the use of negative emotion to control the masses, just as Hitler once did. Much of the mainstream media calls Biden and Harris out for even the smallest things but almost never confront the former guy. Has he intimidated them or do they agree with him?

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Please spell out the enemy, that "Beltway," you capitalized but doesn't explain WHO you are exactly referring to there.

Robert Reich has a PSA on FreeSpeech TV explaining that our major media--in all forms has been monopolized to a small cabal of Reichwing and Reichwing-leaning greedy billionaires and greedy uber rich.

Control is their goal. Of course, these greedy rich, white, entitled males who own our media don't ever want reality, truth or facts to reach our ears and eyes.

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The billionaires aren't afraid of what trump will do to this country. They are interested in deregulation of their companies and tax breaks and making profits.

Going back to the Civil War and the Reformation, the wealthy, white landowners of the South were angry when the salves and poor white people were given the right to vote, when they were given the ability to be educated, when they were given the ability to govern too. Trump is the end result of that. He says he will give them what they want ( which is just what he says). The right to not pay taxes, the right to operate their business without regulations, and the right to rule anyone not in their wealth class.

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I love that all the pundits are “I expect to hear more about policy” at a convention. Bitch, please, it’s the nomination of the first non-white female President - not a TED talk (and most policy talks are not as good as TED talks). PERHAPS, the problem is with YOUR expectations. Wrong place, wrong time. And JOY (to Dean’s point) is a perfect contrast and vision! DNC was pitch perfect.

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Voters are less interested in policy details. They want someone who will fight for people like them.

Of all the reasons I've heard regarding Trump's appeal, the one I've come across most often is that "Trump FIGHTS for me."

With Kamala, I feel that strategy might work much better for you and me than it's worked for MAGA.

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Mainstream Media didn't ask about policy in the RNC convention. They haven't asked about policy for Trump's campaign. Even the few times a reporter did ask, they never got an answer, or asked a follow-up question. They just stood back and reported whatever Trump lied about. Now, they want policy from the Harris/Walz campaign. Who do they think they're kidding???

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Too many in the media expect the news to be delivered to their doorstep, when that is exactly what they should be delivering to our doorsteps. Wear out some shoe leather and find the news, don't moan about how nobody gives you interviews, nobody gives you pressers.

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Ha ha! Good one.

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We sadly bear witness to the take over, by Kleptocrats, of just about all major media outlets like NYTs, WAPO, CNN, Politico, NBC, CBS, PolitiFact and even suspect MSNBC. It’s up to the people to stop the Kleptocrats and turn back Citizen’s United’s wholesale of politicians.

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Yes. And that takes more education by The People, too, because Dem party organizations have failed to message this--year after year, and with every election.

Like Bernie Sanders has been saying:" In our history, change never comes from the top but from the base, the bottom, The People."

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Where will we then get unbiased information?

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This business about Kamala Harris not being responsive to journalists about her policies is irritating for many reasons. 1) Kamala doesn't owe the press anything. Not anymore, when they'd just be asking her inane questions like "How do you feel about Donald Trump mispronouncing your name?" That's not a way to solicit the policy they say they're so hungry for. B) Kamala travels with a press gaggle, just like any other candidate. That pool has had plenty of opportunities to ask her questions. III) Dumpy hasn't offered up any policy except deporting Brown people, with no specifics, but the press that says they want to know more about each candidate's policies doesn't ask him for any specifics.

The MSM is just mad because she's too smart to give them fodder for gotcha questions.

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And the pool has failed to ever ask 45 the tough questions. He might get mad and go home after throwing his mike!

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I made the same kind of comment. Isn’t her press pool filing reports? If so, why aren’t they being printed on pages one or two? She’s the Democratic candidate for Pete’s sake. The MSM is trying to make old fashioned journalism rocket science. Hedge fund stooges as news execs don’t bode well for the future of the media we were used to before it got sold out.

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Yes. And they'd probably just ask her who designs her clothes and hair anyway.

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I agree, Dean, JOY is a strategy! Joy sparks the desire to work hard to achieve an America that serves all its people.

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The 5 times joy was mentioned at the RNC were probably nasty remarks about Joy Reid.

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I'm really glad to see the NY Times being taken to task for how out of touch they are with progressives across the country. For too long they've been held as the bastions of truth and the last word when it comes to being open minded, and actually, for Midwesterners like me, I've always found the paper to be way to self-important. Loved their Arts, food sections, etc. but after that it was all a bit much.

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I think you're being way too kind re: NYT reichwing bend.

Tell me, what reichwing-owned greedy uber rich owner of media who doesn't make EVERYTHING they own political?

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Actually the Los Angeles Times is pretty fair. Yes, it's a liberal oriented paper, but they're pretty good at reporting fairly.

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Another (of many) examples of MSM failing us with its pro-MAGA, anti-democratic bent. It’s so “normal” at this point to pander to the MAGA mindset. I don’t watch commercial television any longer, and I’ve cancelled my few remaining MSM subscriptions. I’m not going back!

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The only way forward.

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The billionaire owners of the corporate media, all of the corporate media, know that this is the end of the line for their gravy train. Biden has started moving against the billionaires and they did everything they could to push him out. But what they didn't expect was the response to Harris who is offering what voters have been asking for - a fresh face who is younger, more vibrant and not either Trump or Biden. And this has made them desperate. Trump is fading, and fading fast. He sees the day of judgement coming and he knows what that will mean. After all, he's no longer trying to win, he's trying to stay close enough to steal...and he's failing at that. People outside the MAGA cult are sick and tired of his constant bullshit, his orange facepaint, his combover, his lies and his insults. People both inside and outside the MAGA cult see JD Vance as toxic. And Project 2025, on top of Dobbs, on top of immunity for Trump, on top of guns over children, on top of SCOTUS corruption - is setting up a paradigm that none of the polls are ready to measure...and none of the corporate media are willing to acknowledge.

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I believe that history will see Biden in a kinder light than seen by the media or even regular people who are critics. He is nothing like the Former Guy. He has integrity, plenty of knowledge and experience but I feel has taken an undeserved rap for his age and stutter. His foreign policy address was masterful.

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I hope you are right. Today, I just Googled: Ratings for DNC vs RNC. Only 2.7 million more Americans watched the outstanding, record-hero-breaking DNC over the racist, misogynistic, hate-filled, pro-violent RNC.

Like the other polls, that's STILL way too close. The People with the functioning brains and hearts have work to do. 70-some days left.

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2.7 million votes would be a help!

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Peter, I wish I could “like” your comment a thousand times.

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Traitors have usurped and infiltrated all walks of our government, institutions and corporations to destroy the US from within as we’ve been aware for at least the last 20 years and this is the moment to defeat it or be destroyed. Supporting traitors is traitorous, if there’s any question. We won’t get rid of traitors just by getting rid of Trump, we have to get rid of Putin. Without Putin there’s no Trump. Without Trump there’s no Putin.

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I agree with all you say but Putin isn't Dumpty's only maniacal supporter! China's Xi, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and definitely Viktor Oban of Hungary all screw with Americans' heads via reichwing politicians and their media for Dumpty.

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And Netanyahu.

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According to trump nobody has ever seen anything like everything he lies about 🤬

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Just to brighten your day, the Borowitz Report ran a contest to give JD Vance a new name (#5): Just a Dick Vance.

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