Dean, the corporate media is never going to cover J6 and Trump's promise to pardon the terrorists the way they should. They've had almost 4 years to condemn Trump as the coup plotting insurrectionist that he is and they have failed to do it. Heck, most of them still call him "President Trump" rather than the correct but still offensive "Former President Trump". (I prefer Racist, Rapist, Convicted Felon Fraud Trump, but that's just me). His meltdown yesterday has created a crisis for them. They will struggle mightily to keep him relevant and in the game. It might no longer be possible, and if they actually covered the pardon promise, the race would be over.

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I gave up a long time ago from being angry because things are not the way I want—I think I’m bullshitting myself—so I can take the high road and focus on acceptance.

In pig’s eye.

If Trump doesn’t piss you off you are either dead or a mindless Myrmidon for Trump.

Rage on, rage on

Be awakened by the fire

Feel the flames of passion

Flow through your veins

Knowing you are alive

Conscious of what is real

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I was screaming this on socials yesterday: the press cannot allow him to frame the next 96 days in racial terms. That is fertile, comfortable ground for him-and lazy, unnecessary malpractice, if MSM decides this election is about race. Shame on them if they do it.

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Shame on them? They know no shame as they focus on the $$$$ from the rich and powerful.

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I know…

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I know you know as I can still smell the vapors of the Oracle of Delphi.

Damn, if my mind is crazy enough to believe the above than I will be descending into the chaotic waters of dementia where Trump swims daily. Scary thought.

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Tfg can’t decide whether Kamala Harris is black or Indian. My question to him - what difference does it make? She is who she is, and her ethnic background makes no difference to anyone unless they are racists.

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As I said elsewhere, I think his addled brain is confusing Nikki Haley for Kamala Harris. After all, all white women look alike to tfg. Why would he be able to identify individual women of color ?

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Good point! He’s just that stupid. 😒

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He mixed up E. Jean Carrol with Marla Maples.

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It's just throwing sh*t at the fan and getting people to waste time trying to parse Indian or Black? Floor wax or dessert topping? It's just a sideways path to screaming 'SHE'S NOT WHITE!!!!! Be very afraid of THOSE people!!!!"

The real goal, of course, is taking the focus away from Vance, Project 2025, and trump's obviously going all-in for fascism.

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Of course they are. That’s why it’s necessary to connect Agenda 47 with Project 2025, and show that tfg’s plans are simply a boiled down version of the original document, and that he will go back to the Heritage Foundation’s fevered dreams if he is reelected.

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“I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago." I wouldn't dismiss this is a racial issue, but another example of Trump displaying his own ignorance. Or maybe his senility. I'd like to see Kamala correct Trump on his mispronunciation of her name and then the next time he does it point out his senility and cognitive decline and inability to remember anything in that he can't remember something as simple as how to pronounce her name.

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Love this idea.

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Everything Trump said in that interview is loathsome. Particularly the statement about pardoning 1/6 terrorist.

One of Trump’s more disgusting habits is his entitled belief he can call out ppl he thinks treat him disrespectfully, when he’s behaving abominably,&has done nothing to deserve respect.

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Why did they even invite him to that forum? His behavior was completely predictable. Of course he was going to use it to grab attention back from a week in which the news cycle was focused on Harris. I turned off MSNBC this morning as a result.

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Heidi - my take: they wanted a predominantly Black audience to hear who he really is. And vote for Kamala.

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They invited him to the forum so people can continue to see and hear his poison. It is far better to shine a light on this mold than letting it continue to grow in the minds of the undecided.

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Agree, the MSM has normalized him, eliding how unhinged he really is. Kudos to the NABJ for setting up what they must have known would be a complete sh*tshow - it turned out to be exactly what the body politic needed to see.

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Thank you for your comment. Of course, I agree with you.

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Trump honestly believes that he could re-create what he did in 2016 because that’s when he won. He believes his racist misogynistic rants will get him back into the White House and the main Street media is playing right into his hands. You are 100% right. They always follow the shiny object. The fact that we’re not talking about this every day is an indictment on our Free press.

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More than indictment. They have been tried in the court of rational minds and found GUILTY.

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Does trump do anything honestly????? I think he's just going back to his old playbook because it worked before. I personally don't see any honesty in that.

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Your Preaching to the Choir, Dean.. I have pretty much given up on Corporate Media to bring your kind of reporting to bare. Absolutely the individuals who attacked the Capital and the police should be punished to the full extent of the law, including the Trespassers, All. I believe the Media has been the chief reason why donOLD was so popular, 24/7 coverage for the last eight years?! and continue to normalize this creep in every outlandish thing he does!!! Good rant this morning, Dean thanks 💙🇺🇸

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We have all given up. That’s why we need to write ceaseless LTE and editors of the NYT and WaPo, and ask them are they truly fighting for autocracy, or democracy? Do they realize that T will immediately shut them down or take control of their publication, offices, lock them up, no trials? Trump will do exactly what Putin does to journalists, with the blessings of the SCROTUM6

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It is also important to fact check his claim that nothing was done about the protestors last week - who were in fact not breaking bones and assaulting police officers. Nonetheless, over 200 were arrested over two days. He also said an “innocent woman” was killed. She was in fact threatening officers’ lives. Most importantly, if police unions and sheriffs continue to support Trump after his comments yesterday, they should turn in their badges. So much for brotherhood.

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He should ask his VP pick how his children identify. Are they white? are the Asian? Who could possibly know? Or maybe he could ask his friend Tiger Woods how he identifies? He's always called himself "Blasian".

What a racist pile of crap.

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Excellent point!

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I agree completely that the media should cover the idea of freeing the violent criminal offenders of J6. I know that Michael Fanone and Harry Dunn would definitely go on news programs to talk about that, and they are always worth listening to. I think racism has become a convenient place to land with reporting, and while that is important, the pardoning of criminals is at least equally important. The thing that worries me about trump's racism is that some voters would believe what he says about VP Harris, even though it's obviously not true. I don't want to see that be a reason for him winning this election.

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That “very tough system” is called our judicial system. They were found guilty. That’s how it works. Just like him. Except they’re in jail and he’s not - yet

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For a guy who needs to win an election to stay out of prison, he's certainly going about it the wrong way.

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Yay! 😆

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I actually didn’t pay much attention to that either, as it didn’t occur to me that he changed the narrative until I read your article. I thank you for that. One of the myriad problems with him is that he says so many vile and outlandish things that no one has time to fully process one before moving onto the next atrocious thing he says.

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I think the two are intertwined. January 6 proved beyond all doubt that “back the blue” is, at bottom, an attempt to silence POCs.

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I have been going around the so called 'Legacy" or MSNM sources to the many reliable straight fact-based news and analysis sources for a few months now. I encourage others to do the same and I share what I find with as many people as I can. I refuse to reward CNN or any of these other traitorous sell outs with clicks, likes, eyes, or ears. "Mebbe that'll learn 'em." Millions of small efforts from millions of us will add up and make a difference. Look at the Kamala campaign for example' Tremendous!

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